Never Gonna Quit You Over Time

Oct 23, 2010 19:21

Title: Never Gonna Quit You Over Time
Author: kben and meggygurl
Rating: NC-17
Length: 7900
Spoilers: Sectionals
Summary: Quinn and Rachel meet at a party in college. They're not close, they're not friends. They're not... anything. College!Angst!Fic
Notes: Okay, so, this is actually a prequel to my PianoBar!Fic In the Mood for a Melody, of which I posted the prologue a while back. The REASON that fic is taking so long is because I got a little stuck with the way I set up the future!verse and had to fill in the blanks. So, that's what this is. The Blanks. And meggygurl was so kind to help me out with this. This is definitely angsty and contains a touch of behavioUr that's not quite vanilla. Nothing too outrageous, but let's just say sometimes small hands are an asset. Aaaaand, that's all I'll ramble about right now, because I've been up for too many hours formatting fic and looking at Golden Globes pics.
Other Notes: This is a repost of an older fic, which has been moved to this journal and off kben's.

It was a theatre party, more artsy and somewhat controlled than the regular keggers that went on around campus. Quinn didn't end up at too many of them, but this was supposed to be a birthday party for her friend Kelly, even though there was nothing to distinguish that it was, in fact, a celebration of anyone's birthday. Just a bunch of drunk college kids.

Quinn was two beers into the evening and definitely not drunk enough for a lot of the antics that were going on around her. So, she stuck to the room with the band and just listened.

Rachel used to love these parties. She viewed them a social networking gold mines. Three (oh god, three) years later, she hated them. The only reason she was at this one was because it was her friend's friend Kelly's birthday, and the band was pretty good. She was halfway hiding in the dark of the room, in a chair in the corner of the room when she saw a swoosh of blonde hair. She choked on her drink. "Oh fuck me."

The band was fine, but the crowd was a little obnoxious. Quinn edged toward a corner, just so she'd be away from most of the madness. There, in a chair, was Rachel Berry. Like, really. "Rachel?"

Quinn fucking Fabray was standing right in front of her, and Rachel wondered if now would be a good time to run. Fuck. Heels. She abandoned that idea and moved on to Plan B. "Hey Quinn, what are you doing here?" She stood up, a little wobbly. It might have been from the cheap vodka she's been ingesting all evening. She took a step and gave Quinn what can only be described as an awkward heterosexual girl hug, hardly anything touching. "How have you been? It's been too long!"

"Whoa." Quinn caught Rachel on her wobbly feet, evening her out before she let go. Damn, she looked good. The blonde felt under dressed in her jeans and vintage t-shirt, even though that was pretty much all she'd been wearing lately. "Yeah. Graduation." She smiled. "So, uh, you... know Kelly? It's her birthday. Or are you just here with someone?" Here with someone?

Rachel nodded. She was in a tight black dress, that was probably too short and too low cut. Her heels set her at almost Quinn's height and she met the other girl's eyes, loudly responding. "It's too loud in here. Wanna go outside and talk?" Why the hell not? She hadn't seen Quinn in years. It would be something funny to tell her roommates when she got home.

"Sure, yeah." They were shouting over the band, so it was definitely a better move to go outside. Except there were just so many people to push through. Not really thinking about it, and since it was the way most girls moved through parties together, Quinn grabbed Rachel's hand, not romantically or anything, just effectively, and led her through the crowd until they got to the door that spilled out onto the patio.

Rachel took in a gulp of fresh air. It was a little brisk, but not cold. She moved down to the steps and sat down, leaving room for Quinn. "So, you know the girl who's birthday this is? Not that you would ever know this was a birthday party. I swore parties use to have cake. Now they just have coke." She leaned back on her hands, her long (she's grown is out even longer) dark hair spilled down her back (it was curly today).

"Yeah. Kelly. We were roomies freshman year. Stayed friends." Quinn focused on the bottle's label, absently picking at the edge of it. "I've been at Columbia. Which... I think you knew. It's that academic scholarship I got, senior year." She wondered if Rachel even talked to anyone back in Lima. She only knew what she heard from Puck, and he hadn't said much about her.

"Cool. My current roommate knows her from high school or something. So, here I am." She nodded at the Columbia comment. "Yeah, I remember. Also, Finn mentions it, like, once a month." She looked at the other girl. "He hears about it from Puck I guess."

Quinn straightened up at the mention of Finn. Were they still dating? "Oh. Cool. I haven't talked to Finn in... ages. Are you two still..."

Rachel and Finn hadn't been 'dating' in years, though they were still close, and sometimes, when they were both single and lonely, things happened. But Rachel had long ago fallen out of love with her leading man. She smiled though, completely misunderstanding Quinn's question. "Oh yeah, can't break us up. It's still meant to be. If only I could get him to stop playing all that stupid football and concentrate on what's important."

Well, there you go, Fabray. "That's great." Quinn took a long drink of her beer. "You were headed to NYU... back then... is that where you are now? And does Finn go there? Because I thought he ended up at Ohio State." In fact, she was almost positive Puck had said something about visiting him and... hadn't they gone out and picked up some chicks or something? Of course, knowing Puck... who knew?

Rachel nodded. "Yeah, he plays football there." She smiled a little. "I went down to see him last month and met his girlfriend. Total blonde cheerleading bimbo." She paused and looked at Quinn with a smirk. "Guess the boy has a type. She'll be gone in a month when he's bored though."

"His gi-- Oh. Okay. Somehow I thought you meant you two were... nevermind." Shit. She took another big sip of beer. "Are you in any shows or anything? Like at school? Or, what are you even doing now?" Quinn had just started playing piano in bars, advancing her occasional weekend gigs into a possible career. She wasn't quite sure how she felt about it, yet, though.

Rachel laughed a bit, louder then normal as she took a sip of her unnamed vokda based drink. "Oh god, me and Finn? No! Not for a long time. We're still close though." She shook her head, amused. "I'm in our big spring production. Not a lead... but I have a name, so that's a plus. I have done a few things off-off-off-off broadway." She shrugged. "I honestly..." She hesitated. "I'm in a local choir. I love that a lot more." She smirked. "And get more solos."

Quinn actually smirked back. "You always did love your solos." She reached the bottom of the beer and set it on the ground. Fortunately, there was an ice chest nearby and she immediately pried it open and dug out a bottle. "Are you taking classes, too?" She ran her thumb over the cap, just making sure it was flat and secure, definitely unopened... because, you couldn't be too careful. Then, she placed the edge of the cap on the railing behind her and smacked the top of the bottle, popping the cap off.

"I still do." Rachel watched Quinn, her eyebrow up. "Cute. Is that how you pick up all the ladies?" She moved on as though she hadn't said anything. "Yeah, full time student. Getting my degree in theater performance." She smirked. "I thought about just dropping out and trying harder at auditions and stuff, but Dad said he would only pay for living here if I'm in school. Also, acting is my weak spot. So, I need all the degrees I can get. I never was a very good liar."

Did Rachel Berry just say something about me picking up ladies? Not that it was a big secret. They'd just... never talked about it. "No. You weren't. You were always a little too honest, actually." Quinn took a swig of the fresh beer. This was number four, which meant she needed to slow down, and just maintain. Although, talking to Rachel probably wasn't the best way to keep from wanting to drink quickly.

Rachel drained the rest of her glass before responding. She was pretty sure that was number four. Or five? She didn't remember. Which meant she needed to move on to beer. "Hey, can you hand me one of those?" She ran a hand through her hair. "Yeah, sorry about that." She paused for a while. "Finn is the only person I still talk to anymore."

"Sure." Quinn selected another beer, taking the same precautions, then opened it for Rachel. "Your drink, ma'am." She passed her the drink. "I think that's just how things go. I only ever really talk to Puck, and that's only over Facebook most of the time." The thought of her friend made her smile, though. They'd stayed close, despite the fact that they only actually saw each other maybe once a year.

When Rachel took the beer, her fingers grazed over Quinn's. "How is Puck? I haven't seen him in a year or so." There was a hint of something in her voice. Bitterness? Anger? Resentment?

"He's good. He's in a band?" It wasn't really a question. "I guess they're getting a lot of gigs. He's supposed to be getting a business degree at... UC Santa Barbara." The whole time, Quinn's eyes were on Rachel's hand, wrapped around the beer bottle.

Slim fingers drew patters in the condensation on the bottle, Rachel nodded. "Good. Him going to college. Good for him." She left it at that. "What about you, how's Columbia?"

"It's..." Come on, Fabray, at least look at her. "... good. It's really good. I'm doing a whole English major thing, because I really have no idea what I want to do. So... I ran with that. We'll see, I guess. Right now, I've been working the piano bar scene. Playing and singing. It's fun. And the tips are good. I like to think that means I'm good at it. Or it's because I'm pretty." She smiled at the last bit, because it was meant to be a joke.

"It's because you're pretty. Or, I'm sure that doesn't hurt. I've worked with some of those piano bar ladies, and man, you are outta their league." She smiled. "English major, I can see it. The major for those who don't know what else to do." She reached over her her heeled foot and nudged Quinn's calf. "Kidding." It was the third time Rachel had touched Quinn first that evening.

"Ha, very funny, Berry. But it's true. I just... have no idea. I'm just kind of in love with the city and I don't know what to do with that, you know?" The opening of the bottle hesitated in front of Quinn's mouth, like she wasn't quite ready to drink. "You look really good." Then she drank.

Rachel beamed at Quinn, like she used to when someone would compliment her singing when they were younger. "Thank you! I thought about knee socks... but it was too warm." She grinned to show she was kidding around. "So do you." She took a sip of her own beer.

Damn, those knee socks. "I don't know... maybe you should have worn them. Could attract a whole subset of guys." Quinn's eyes traveled Rachel's body, under the guise of taking in her outfit. "I mean, that dress is obviously missing something. Maybe... a sweater vest?" She hid her smirk behind her beer.

Rachel titled her head back and laughed at that. "Oh god. I wish someone would have just slapped me in high school! I dressed like a moron." She shook her head, grinning. "I think I still have a sweater vest or two." She looked at Quinn. "You still have your Cheerio uniform? I swear I don't remember you in anything else for what, almost two years?"

"You were a pretty cute moron." The words were out before she could stop them. Whatever. It was harmless, right? Quinn laughed at the uniform question. "No way. After the baby and everything, I had no desire to put it back on. Puck tried to get me to a couple times but... no way." She shook her head. "Plus, I just... wasn't... I'm not that girl anymore, you know?"

"Yeah, I'm not really knee socks girl anymore either," was Rachel's reply. She let the first part roll around in her booze soaked brain for a bit. "You hear anything from the couple that adopted her? If I remember correctly, it was an open adoption. Like, you can visit and stuff?" Rachel hadn't been super involved in the baby stuff after she'd broken the news to Finn, but for pretty much that whole year it was all anyone in Glee talked about.

Her next statement was random for their conversation, but Rachel had been thinking on it for a while. "I'm glad you still sing, with the piano bar stuff. It was a waste when you dropped out of Glee, you had an amazing voice."

Quinn lit up a little talking about the girl. "Yeah. She's doing great. Her parents, Tom and Barrett, are just the sweetest guys. And, she's absolutely adorable." She got lost in the thought for a moment, it was bittersweet, knowing Madison had such a great life without her. "They send pictures and stuff. I try to get up there once a year... they're upstate. I think next time Puck wants to go. Maybe for her birthday. She'll be five in April."

She had a hard time meeting Rachel's eyes when the topic switched. "I just had to... focus on school. Academic scholarship was the only was I was gonna get out, you know? You were always the one with the amazing voice."

Rachel paused. "Your daughter is being raised by two guys?" She grinned at that. "Oh wow. That's... so amusing on so many levels." She looked over at Quinn. "Yeah, that's what you told me back then. About the concentrating on school. I am pretty sure you never told me I had an amazing voice." She took a long sip of beer. "Which, thanks by the way."

"I know, right? I hope she reminds everyone about her two gay dads, every chance she gets." Quinn offered a teasing smirk. She had a solid buzz going on. Maybe a little more than that. "I never told you that before? About your voice? Fuck, I'm sorry. Because... you just tore it up every chance you got. Sectionals? That first year? Absolutely amazing."

For the first time in years, a blush crept over Rachel's face at the compliment. Rachel Berry had been, a star in Lima, Ohio. But in New York City, at NYU, she was barely above average. She wasn't even close to special. "I still think Sectionals was one of the best days of my life. That sounds dumb, cause we won bigger that year. But that moment? When we were all together... it felt real, ya know?" She took another sip, her head a little blurry. "I'm not so much tearing it up here. I'm barely getting out of the chorus line." She took a long drink, almost done with the beer. "I guess I know how it feels now, to stand in the back and sway like props."

By now, they were standing next to each other, both leaning back against the same railing. Quinn bumped her shoulder against Rachel. "You'll get there. You've always had that drive. If you survived McKinley and... everything..." Slushies. Name calling. Dirty pictures. "You can make it happen out here." She look another lengthy drink. "I used to play a lot of open mic nights. Trust me, yeah, there are a lot of people who sound good, but also a lot of them just think they do. It's sometimes worse than the talent search parts of American Idol."

Their arms were touching, but Quinn didn't move away.

Rachel didn't move away either. She shrugged a little though. "I think I've lost some of it. That drive." She laughed. "Why else would I be at a party like this? Halfway drunk and just looking for someone to go home with." She said the last part like it was no big deal. Her idea of romance died after Finn.

Quinn stared down at their feet, the white tips of her Converse sticking out from under the hem of her jeans, Rachel's strappy heels that capped off the serious amount of leg she was showcasing in that dress. "Is that..." ...really why you're here? "...a tattoo on your foot?"

Rachel looked down at her feet like she didn't know it was there. "Oh! Yeah, it is. I have a few now. That one is my favorite, though." She lifted her leg up some to show Quinn the word Imagine scrawled across her left foot. She was now balancing on one heeled foot and swayed some. She automatically grabbed onto Quinn's shoulder to steady herself. "Like it?"

"Yeah. It's cool. I don't think I could... handle the needle part of it." Her arm slipped around Rachel's waist to steady her, even though the railing behind them was doing most of the work at holding them both up. "Where are the other ones?"

"Wouldn't you like to know, Ms. Fabray." Rachel's eyes sparkled with amusement. "I think the only other one I can show you is this..." She turned her body to face the railing, then put her heel on it to balance. She hiked up her skirt high and showed Quinn the gold star on her inner thigh. "You have to get that one."

"Wow, that's... that's the one you can show me?" Rachel teetered a bit with her foot still up on the rail. Quinn grabbed the brunette's shoulder with one hand and her raised knee with the other. "Looks... good... though." She wondered if Rachel knew the other connotations about being a Gold Star, even though she knew neither of them were. Gold Stars. Like that. Unless you could reclaim it. Like they used to talk about at church with the whole second virginity and abstinence thing. Why was she thinking about all this now? And, right now, she had absolutely no idea just how much time had passed while she was standing there, staring at Rachel, holding her up.

Rachel was watching Quinn watch her. She'd always been a bit of an exhibitionist, and something was stirring in her with the way Quinn was looking at her. She remembered the rumors she heard back in high school, about Quinn having a crush on her. She couldn't remember if it had been Tina or Kurt who told her, but someone had. At the time she had not believed them, but suddenly she was wondering if there was any truth to it. "Quinn?"

"Yeah?" Quinn responded first, then realized she was still staring. She carefully moved Rachel's leg from the railing, so she could stand on her own. Her hands pulled back and she folded her arms in front of her, trying to keep herself in check. They'd been carrying on okay and Quinn didn't want to jinx the evening just because she had some crazy longstanding crush on a girl from high school.

Rachel put her foot down and turned to face Quinn. "Wanna get outta here?"

Did she mean...? It didn't matter. "Yes. I do."

Rachel smiled. "Come on." She took Quinn's hand and tugged her down the stairs.

There was a strong desire to finish her beer as quickly as possible, which Quinn did as she followed Rachel down the steps, then casually tossed the bottle into the bushes.

Rachel finished her beer and tossed it into the grass, then waved down a cab, climbing in.

The sight of the small brunette downing her beer, chucking the bottle, and hailing a cab all in a smooth series of motions and all while wearing that dress, made Quinn want to hurry up and get... wherever they were going. "My roommate's at this party all night. If you wanna go to my place."

Rachel gave a nod towards the cab driver to have Quinn tell him her address. "Sure."

Quinn told the driver to head to Columbia, requesting the street closest to her dorm. Rachel hadn't moved all the way over when they'd gotten in the cab so there wasn't really any space between them, especially when Quinn had to lean closer to the driver to repeat her address.

Rachel still didn't move over, her bare leg pressed against Quinn's leg. "You still live on campus? That's kinda cute." She grinned at that.

For some reason, that made Quinn blush. "It's... part of the scholarship thing..." She glanced down at their legs, then followed up to their arms, which were just as close as their legs, then found herself looking right at Rachel. And maybe it was the multiple amount of drinks, or the years of unrequited... whatever, or the fact that they were already headed back to her room to... but she couldn't look away.

Rachel was drunk, and lonely, and the way Quinn looked at her... that was enough for her. She leaned in and pressed a soft kiss on her lips.

Quinn sighed into the kiss, her hand coming up to Rachel's cheek. It stayed simple for a moment, just warm lips pressed together, then mouths opened slightly, and the blonde was pretty sure she could taste the vodka on the other girl.

Rachel's hand moved to tangle in Quinn's hair, deepening the kiss. She shifted closer and slipped her tongue into Quinn's mouth.

Quinn's other hand pawed at the front of Rachel's dress, not really grabbing at anything but the fabric at this point. Her tongue moved against Rachel's, the fact that she was currently making out with Rachel Berry repeating itself in the back of her mind.

Rachel let out a soft sound into her mouth. It's been a while, since someone has kissed her like this. Like they want to be kissing her not just... kissing someone. She broke the kiss, breathing hard. "Quinn..." She moaned softly.

"Uh huh?" Quinn's breathing was heavy and once Rachel pulled back, the blonde couldn't being herself to stop looking at the brunette's lips.

Rachel's voice was thick. "When did you start kissing girls?" She kissed her bottom lip.

"Freshman year of college. Right on schedule." Quinn felt the haze of desire settling in on her already intoxicated state. "What about you?"

Rachel smirked just a little. "Eighth grade music camp." She caught her bottom lip between her teeth, nibbling on it.

"Does that count? Because I kissed a few at Cheer Camp, summer before freshman year. But that was just practice. Supposedly." Quinn realized she was rambling. "I think college was just when I admitted I liked it."

Rachel laughed softly. "Yeah? Well, good." She leaned in and kissed her neck.

The cab slowed to the stop and Quinn had to pull herself away from Rachel enough to hand him the fare. She grabbed the brunette's hand and led her up the sidewalk to her residence hall.

There was a giggle and she followed the blonde up to her building.

"Shit." Quinn felt her pockets for her key card. "Oh, wait. Here it is." She shot a sideways glance at Rachel, then giggled back. "I might be a little bit drunk." The card slid through the slot and the door opened. Her hand was still wrapped around Rachel's when she led her into the building and down the hall.

Rachel's voice was soft and she kissed Quinn's neck, bumping into her some.

Quinn fumbled with her room key, then unlocked the door. She pulled Rachel inside and led her to the bedroom. No turning back now, Fabray. Her back was against the door as she leaned to push it shut.

Rachel didn't even look at her room. She turned around to face Quinn, cupped her cheeks, and kissed her hard.

Rachel Berry is kissing me in my room. This was the mantra that rolled through Quinn's mind. It was something she'd thought about since high school, something she'd desperately wanted. And part of her warned that it probably wouldn't end that well once morning came around. But Quinn didn't care. Right now, her hands slid down the sides of Rachel's dress, her lips and tongue pressed against the brunette's mouth.

Rachel moaned against her lips, pressing her smaller body against Quinn's. She dug her fingers into Quinn's hair and kissed her passionately. She was horny, she was ready, and she had Quinn Fabray wanting her. Somebody was wanting her.

Quinn may have daydreamed about this moment for the better part of the last three years, but she knew better than to believe it was going to be romance and slow dances. She grabbed the bottom hem of her t-shirt and tugged it up over her head before tossing it aside. Her hands grabbed Rachel's hips and walked her back toward the bed. If this was going to happen, Quinn wasn't wasting anytime.

Rachel let out a moan, looking at Quinn's body. She wasted no time in pulling her tight dress up over her head, leaving her in matching black underwear and bra. She shook her hair out a little, and ran her fingers over Quinn's stomach.

Absently, Quinn cursed her mismatched underwear. They were both cute pieces, just not coordinated. It was one of those nights she hadn't planned on getting lucky and hadn't put much though into what to wear. Her attention was immediately directed to just how fucking hot Rachel Berry looked standing in nothing but her underwear. She tugged at her own belt and shoved her jeans down, kicking them off onto the floor.

Fuck. Rachel thought, looking at Quinn naked. She was... wow. That was the only word Rachel could think of. When she got home later, she would have to tell her roommate about the smoking hot blonde she scored with. She cupped her face again, kissing her even harder, skin touching skin as she pressed her body against Quinn's.

Rachel had her shoes off, now, so Quinn had the height advantage. She kept kissing, and eased the girl back onto the bed. Her hand crept around and easily unhooked the bra, a skill picked up and well-practiced since she'd been at Columbia. Just because she'd had Rachel in the back of her mind didn't mean she wasn't putting herself out there. Girls were actually pretty easy to pick up, especially working late nights in piano bars.

Rachel slid her hand down Quinn's back and into her underwear, giving her ass a squeeze. She was very good at getting where she wanted to be. She pressed a thigh up into Quinn's center, nails digging into her ass.

The bra was tossed aside and Quinn trailed her hand over a breast, cupping it, then rolling the nipple between her fingers. She ground against Rachel's thigh and gave a light groan. Her lips moved down to where her hand been and she took the dark nipple into her mouth. Meanwhile, her hand slid down between the smaller girl's legs, pressing against the damp panties.

A low moan came from deep inside her throat and she arched up. "Ohgod." Rachel kissed down Quinn's neck, nipping at the skin. She slid her hand around Quinn's hip and found her mound, cupping it carefully.

Quinn's hand moved up to slide under the waistband, then back down toward the slick wetness. She dragged her fingers through the warmth. Her body ground against Rachel's hand.

"Quinn..." Was the word that escaped her mouth at the same time that her fingers slipped into Quinn's folds. Fuck, she's wet. She's really wet. For me. Fuck. I hope she's not still... no. That's too conceited even for you, Rachel. You're not that special. You never have been. No one wants you.

That thought was punctuated by Rachel pushing two fingers deep inside of Quinn.

"Fuck, Rachel." Quinn matched the motion and pushed two of her own fingers into the brunette. Her hips rocked, trying to get Rachel as deep in her as possible. Maybe if she'd been more sober, she would have though about what things meant, but right now, she just wanted to kiss her again, while they were inside each other.

Rachel groaned into the kiss, rocking her hips. Her fingers moved faster inside of Quinn, curling and twisting. She sucked on Quinn's tongue, adding a third finger to the mix. Rachel refused to think about who she was fucking, why she was doing this, what it meant and why, for the first time in years, Rachel Berry finally felt something real. "Ohmygod." Quinn moaned as Rachel pushed three fingers in. Meanwhile, her own hand was pumping away, her thumb seeking out the brunette's clit. There were emotions trying to surface, years of thinking about the very person who was, right now, writhing against her. There were things she wanted to say, but couldn't. Instead, she just said, "Harder."

Harder was something Rachel could do, harder was something Rachel LIKED to do. She did something she normally wouldn't pull out on a first time (first? only? always?) and added a fourth finger, making sure Quinn was okay and adjusting before she kept thrusting inside of her, pushing a little harder with each thrust. Once she was sure Quinn could handle it, she bit down on the blonde's lip and added her thumb. Her hand was small and she easily fit her entire hand up to her wrist inside the other girl. Rachel panted out. "That good?"

Quinn couldn't even respond. Not verbally, anyway. Instead, she let out a low groan that climbed to a whine as her body shuddered hard around Rachel's hand. "Fuck. Fuckfuckfuck."

Rachel smiled some at that. She was careful, moving her hand slowly in and out of Quinn. She didn't want to hurt her. She twisted her hand around a bit to see what that would do.

"Shit, Rachel." The name was a growl coming from Quinn. Her hips bucked hard, her body out of control from the booze and the fact that Rachel was doing that. Brunette hair tangled in her hand and she pulled hard at it as she felt her body contract and release.

Rachel stilled her hand as soon as she felt Quinn coming, slipping two fingers out so that Quinn didn't get hurt as she tightened around her hand. Rachel moans low in her ear. "Fuck." There was so much more she wanted to say. That was amazing. You are amazing. I want to feel that more. Please let me keep doing this. Instead, she kissed Quinn's neck.

Somewhere in the midst of everything, Quinn had reluctantly abandoned what she was doing to Rachel, for lack of concentration. She flung her head back on the pillow, breath heavy, eyes on the ceiling. "Don't tell me you learned that at Music Camp."

"No, I learned that backstage for Children of Eden." Rachel slowly pulled the rest of her hand out, a smirk on her face. "Are you okay? I probably should have asked first..."

"I'm fine." Quinn twitched. "Fuck. I think." She grinned, then gripped the back of Rachel's head, kissing her again. Her body shifted so she rolled over, putting herself on top of the brunette. "I've learned some stuff in college." She ghosted her mouth over Rachel's neck, then across her collarbone. A hand cupped one of her breasts while Quinn's mouth moved further down, over her chest, then her stomach. She glanced up, just to make sure there was no definite signal to stop what she was doing.

Rachel's signal to her was a whimper and her hips raising up. "Please, Quinn." She begged softly, her fingers tangling in blonde hair, holding tightly. Her thighs parted and she gave the other girl full access to her.

With a grin, Quinn hooked her fingers in Rachel's panties and quickly removed them. She slid her hands up the girl's inner thighs then up to her hips, pulling her closer. There was a slight hesitation, only because Quinn realized she was about to fucking go down on Rachel Berry, then wondered how weird she was for constantly thinking about the girl's full name while she was having sex with her. Her head lowered and she ran her tongue over the glistening warmth, unable to stop the slight whimper in her throat at the taste of her.

"OhmyfuckinggodQuinn." Was what came out as Rachel's hip rocked up, hand tightening in her hair. Her lips pulled open and she looked down her body to see it. Rachel fucking wanting to see Quinn Fabray go down on her. She watched, equally turned on by the actual tongue action and the sight of it.

Quinn caught Rachel's eyes, the knowledge that she was watching sent a fresh flood of warmth between her own legs. But right now, she was focused on the task at hand. She worked the tip of her tongue over the brunette's clit, looping, around it, working side to side, up and over... all with her hazel eyes on the brown ones looking down at her.

Rachel's breath caught at the look Quinn was giving her, something inside of her broke or melted or gave or clicked. She wasn't sure. But laying in this bed, with that thing happening to her, and those eyes looking at her, something in her just changed. At the time, she didn't know what happened, just that she could not look away from those eyes as her entire body arched up and she cried out, much louder then usual. She ground her hips against Quinn's mouth, whimpering some.

It was hard not to shut her eyes and just get lost in the moment, with the movement and the noises Rachel was making. But she was looking at her somehow that felt different. One hand moved down and Quinn pushed one, then two fingers deep into her. Her lips tightened around the sensitive nub so she could suck harder. The whole time, their gaze was still locked, and Quinn could see how every push, touch, flick, nuance, reflected in those eyes. Rachel Berry always had extremely expressive eyes.

Rachel had forgotten the color of Quinn's eyes over the years, but as she stared into them now, she was started to realize how those eyes have been haunting her dreams for years. She never knew who they belonged too. But those amazing hazel eyes, perfect, were now staring at her. She started bucking harder, those thoughts in her head. She needed her release. She needed this woman to make her come. Hard. She whimpered out. "More. Harder. Everything."

Quinn groaned against the wetness, then readjusted her position slightly, pulling one of Rachel's legs up over her shoulder so she had better leverage. She worked her fingers in and out, harder and faster, still with just the two fingers at first, then added the third. Her mouth rocked against the smaller girl's center, sucking hard on the bundle of nerves, adding just a touch of teeth to the mix, while her tongue still traced patterns. She'd do whatever it took to get Rachel off. Even if that meant running through the alphabet multiple times, forward and backward.

"QuinnQuinnQuinnQuinnQuinnQuinnQuinnQuinnQuinn!" Was the chant that Rachel moaned as she was tumbling towards the edge. And for the first time that night, it really dawned on her. Quinn Fabray is eating me out. Right now. On her bed in her dorm room. Quinn Fabray is so much better at this then Finn ever was. She cried out, arching her entire body up and suddenly it was all too much and she fell over that edge, putting her hand over her mouth to keep from screaming so loud she would wake up Quinn's neighbors.

Her free hand tightly gripped Rachel's hip as the brunette came, tongue and fingers slowing, stopping as everything calmed. Quinn wiped her mouth with her hand and her hands on the sheets, then looked up, taking in the view of Rachel Berry sprawled and spent across her bed. Fuck, she's gorgeous.

Rachel was breathing hard and finally had closed her eyes, trying to regain control of herself. She let out a little whimper, softly. "You have been learning a lot here at school." She lifted her head a little, looking down at her. "You seduce many girls into your bed?" She was teasing a little, and a little not. She wanted to know what she was. Was she just another notch? Was she different? Rachel knew she didn't ask those things, because she didn't even know. But she was so curious. Was she the brunette Quinn fucked or would she be Rachel?

"Well, I am here on scholarship, so I'm pretty dedicated to studying." Quinn moved back up and laid next to Rachel. "I don't generally seduce that many girls. And when I do, it's always just one at a time." She smirked at her in the dimly lit room, reaching down to pull the blanket up over them. Her head was propped up on one arm, so she could still take in the sight of the brunette. "You are still absolutely amazing, Rachel." Fuck. She'd said that one out loud.

Rachel was still mostly drunk and just kind of grinned at the girl who used to once be a friend (kinda?). "Thanks. So are you." She reached up and cupped her cheek. Why does no one look at me like that? She stroked the soft skin with her thumb. "That was kinda amazing."

"Do you... have to be anywhere in the morning?" Quinn didn't want to push her luck, but it was the middle of the night and the suggestion she was about to make fell under the Safety category in her hazy mind. "Because you can stay, if you want."

"Nowhere until later. So, sure. I can stay." Rachel really didn't want to think of what that meant or how Quinn would take it. She felt like she was probably playing with fire but she was tired and she didn't want to get redressed right now.

"There's water in the mini-fridge if you get thirsty... and... um..." Quinn stopped herself from talking by leaning forward to kiss Rachel, again. In the morning, when all of this likely went to hell flurry of awkwardness, she at least wanted to make sure she had plenty of the good details to fall back on. In case of lonely nights, or whatever.

Rachel didn't even respond to the water comment (I mean, really?) but she did respond to the kiss. She wrapped her arm around Quinn and pulled her in closer, running her fingers through the girl's hair.

Quinn's legs tangled with Rachel's, her arm slipped around her back, subconsciously noting how their two bodies just fit together so well. There was a whimper in the kiss and she honestly couldn't tell who was making the sound. Her fingers traced the smooth skin of the brunette's back, nails lightly dragging as she just kept kissing. It was like she put the last four years into that moment, going back to that night with Puck, when she'd said the name of the person she was with, right now. If this, by some miracle, worked out, wouldn't that be a funny story?

Rachel was good at emptying her mind out. That was how she managed the one night stands she involved herself in now. How she smiled wider then anyone else in the back of the stage and delivered her one line with enthusiasm. By emptying out her mind, she was able to forget who she was and how her life had turned out. And that nagging feeling that a girl who once belted out Don't Rain on My Parade on an hour's notice and got a standing ovation would be so disappointed in her. So, emptying her mind out of what this was, what it meant, and how she felt was how she found herself fitting perfectly into Quinn's arms, against her body, her tongue tracing the other girl's mouth.

Quinn felt damp heat against her thigh, and she leaned into it. Her own center was pressed into Rachel's leg. Still kissing, groping, she rocked her body against the smaller girl's. Maybe this would help her get over everything, maybe this would be enough, maybe this would stop the dreams, the thoughts, the what if's. Maybe one night with Rachel Berry was enough. Maybe. But judging from everything that was surfacing right now, probably not.

"Please tell me you're up for more." Was the plea that came from from Rachel's lips. She was rocking a little frantically against Quinn's thigh, needing more. 'I just want everything too much,' were the words that echoed through her mind.

"Definitely," Quinn nodded, her hand gripping the girl's hip to push their bodies together. Her body was slick with a light sheen of sweat, because of the blanket, because of everything. She flexed and ground against Rachel, her teeth catching lips, briefly, then letting them go to return to kissing.

Rachel couldn't remember the last time she was actually begging for sex from someone. Normally, once she got off the once, she was fine with leaving. But she could not stop with Quinn. She was pretty sure she was leaving a pool of wetness on Quinn's leg because Rachel was unsure if she had ever been wetter then she was at that exact moment in her life. The brunette could feel her hair sticking to her forehead, her neck, her back. She sucked on Quinn's tongue lightly, letting out a soft whimper.

Breathing became a labored process, heavy and panting, as Quinn worked herself against Rachel, keeping her own leg tight against the ever increasing wetness. She groaned as their bodies rocked, as she pressed her forehead against the brunette's in brief break for oxygen.

"Come for me, Quinn. Please. I want you." She sucked in some air. "To come against my leg." She locked her nearly black eyes onto Quinn's (always perfect) hazel eyes. "Please." She pressed her thigh harder into Quinn, moaning a little. "Please."

Sure. Yes. Absolutely. I can do that. All you had to do was ask. I love you. That was the immediately series of thoughts that rolled through Quinn's mind at Rachel's very insistent request. None of them were actually verbalized, through. Instead, she opted for the old standby, "Fuck. Ohgod." Her grip on the brunette grew tighter as her own body wracked and shuddered, hard, against the other girl, coming against her leg.

When she did that, when Quinn fucking came on command Rachel just lost it and came with her, her small body wracking against the blonde's legs. "Fuckfuckfuckfuck."

Quinn felt Rachel's orgasm, even though she was right in the middle of her own when it happened. The fact that they'd just come together forced a low moan from her throat. That was probably one of the hottest and most intimate things she'd ever experienced. She clung to the brunette as the sensation washed over her, then rolled onto her back, so she could catch her breath. "Holy shit."

Rachel untangled herself a little, to cool down and let her heart slow. "Fuck." Was all she was able to muster. "That was. Fuck."

"Yeah. I think that's what they're calling it, now." Quinn shut her eyes and attempted to steady herself. Between all the sex and booze, she certainly wasn't grounded. "Fuck," she echoed.

Rachel's eyes felt heavy and she let them slide shut. "Mmhmm." She curled onto her side and curled into Quinn's side. "Mmm... sleep."

Quinn turned her head and placed a lazy kiss on Rachel's forehead. Her own eyes didn't want to stay open, so she settled into her pillow and let the exhaustion or afterglow or drunken haze, whatever it was, wash over her.

Rachel woke up early. She'd always been an early riser, and that didn't change in college. She rolled over and saw that she was not in her bedroom. Then she saw it. Blonde hair. Quinn Fabray? Did I just wake up in Quinn Fabray's bed? She did not want to deal with this. Not at all. She was not in a place to handle remembering what had happened last night. She carefully rolled out of the bed, trying not to make a sound. I cannot put on the same dress I had on last night. She carefully opened one of Quinn's drawers and found a pair of flannel pj pants and a old Columbia shirt with a bleach stain on it. She quickly pulled those on and tucked her messy hair up in a sloppy pony tail. She'd have to deal with wearing her heels, because stealing Quinn's shoes seemed low. She gathered up her clothes and then stopped at the door, looking at Quinn, still asleep in her bed. Her eyes watered. Oh god Quinn, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I knew... all last night I knew. I could feel it. I could feel what you felt and I'm so sorry I did this to you. To us. I can't do this. I can't. I can't feel this. Not for you. Not for anything. God, I'm so sorry. I don't love you. I don't love me, I can't love you. I'm so sorry. She moved to the blonde in a few short steps, and carefully pressed a kiss on her forehead, then she nearly ran from the room.


When she finally got out of bed, Quinn didn't bother looking for a note or checking the whiteboard for a phone number. She knew there was nothing to find. Instead, she spent the rest of the semester searching for her favorite Columbia t-shirt. She even got into a fight with her roommate over it. That, more than anything, was what she let herselfget upset over that year. Anything else that might have happened was just a fluke, one night among many. It wouldn't matter in a few years. She'd be over it. Over her.

Wouldn't she?

rachel/quinn, in the mood for a melody, nc17

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