Ovum, Tamago, Ei, Oeuf, Ovo, Huevo

Apr 03, 2007 13:59

There are colored eggs on my work table, my computer, my refridgerator, in my sink, my bathtub, my blender and my sock drawer. Obviously, this is some type of easter madness.

Though, keep in mind this is a curse. Be warry.

[ooc Ah, yes, the mun has found something new and interesting to do with his entry titles >>;]

ooc, curse, egg, easter

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Comments 66

kittyjones April 3 2007, 19:15:33 UTC
Nice to see you're not taking candy from strangers.


gold_est_power April 3 2007, 19:25:01 UTC
I always did take heed to that particular quip of parental advice, yes.


kittyjones April 3 2007, 19:30:17 UTC
And do you look both ways before crossing the road? Brush your teeth after every meal?


gold_est_power April 3 2007, 19:32:21 UTC
My body guard generally looked both ways, but I did brush my own teeth.


ohmutelepath April 3 2007, 19:19:55 UTC
I thought the same.


gold_est_power April 3 2007, 19:25:40 UTC
Great minds and that, yes.


ohmutelepath April 3 2007, 19:34:24 UTC
Why, thank you.


gold_est_power April 3 2007, 19:39:00 UTC
You are welcome. Back to proper age, I see?


teh_kaasan April 3 2007, 19:40:57 UTC
Needless to say, they're all over the circus as well.

You would think that most could have learned by now.


gold_est_power April 3 2007, 20:05:18 UTC
You live in a circus?

But yes, I would expect them to be everywhere.


teh_kaasan April 3 2007, 20:17:43 UTC
I'm currently situated in the Circus Carnivore, yes.

I can only imagine how another person here from my world will react when he discovers them. He enjoys sweets to the point of obsession on an ordinary basis.


gold_est_power April 3 2007, 20:27:54 UTC
I wouldn't have expected that.

Oh, really? I cannot say I know anyone from my home who would like this curse overmuch... Well, there is Mulch, but he eats anything anyway, so I'm not sure it counts.


lyra_of_dust April 3 2007, 19:55:53 UTC
Some people seem a little too fond of 'em. I bet that's part of the curse.


gold_est_power April 3 2007, 20:04:05 UTC
Yes... some perverse type of obsession would be fitting of these gods' sence of irony.


lyra_of_dust April 3 2007, 20:06:56 UTC
Yeah... Like they want a city wide egg hunt.


gold_est_power April 3 2007, 20:16:38 UTC
That would be... bad. Taking the staggering population of this City, people could get trampled...


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