about me

Oct 06, 2007 21:42


Two Names You Go By:
1. Real names: Jackie or Jacqueline
2. Fake names: Raven or Eisitha

Two Things You Are Wearing Right Now:
1. plaid t-shirt
2. fingerless black gloves

Two Things You Want in a Relationship:
1. someone who sees me for who I am
2. physical attraction

Two of Your Favorite Things to do:
1. listen to music
2. hang out with friends

Two Things You Want Very Badly At The Moment:
1. to be thinner
2. to have better grades

Two pets you have had:
1. kitties
2. hamster

Two people who will fill this out first:
1. no idea.
2. jessica?

Two things you did last night:
1. ate Wendy's
2. watched The Soup

Two things you ate today:
1. chicken sandwich
2. mac and cheese

Two people you talked to last:
1. chris
2. shay

Two Things You're doing tomorrow:
1. sleeping
2. watching the simpsons

Two longest car rides that you've been on:
1. the drive to Illinois
2. drive to Wisconsin

Two favorite holidays:
1. Christmas
2. Halloween

Two favorite drinks:
1. Diet Coke
2. Monster Khaos

Two favorite smells:
1. vanilla
2. coconut

Two dislikes:
1. haters
2. the fact we can't afford the necessities we need

Two fears:
1. dark, closed spaces
2. never falling in love

Two things that put a smile on your face:
1. singing
2. friends


1. Is anything wrong?
just a bit.

2. Where do you want to go to college?
easy! School of Visual Arts in New York City =D

3. What was the last party you went to?
i went to a halloween party a couple years back

4. How many kids do you want to have?
just one.

5. Do you have a good relationship with your parents?
i love my parents, even though we have our rocky moments

6. Do you want to change your name?
yea =/ Huff isn't a good last name at all

7. What did you do for your last birthday?
went to Dave and Busters and played zombie games!

8. What time did you wake up today?

9. What were you doing at midnight last night?

10. Name something you CANNOT wait for:
seeing Mae @ the Myth in November! =DDDD

11. Last time you saw your father?
just a couple minutes ago

12. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life?
where i live & what i look like

13. Have you ever talked to Tom (on Myspace)?

14. Last thing you ate/drank?
steak, green beans, and mac and cheese

15. What's your favorite month?

16. What is your least favorite month?

17. Do you like peanut butter?

18. Who’s making you feel the way you are right now?
a lot of people

19. Most visited webpage?
livejournal, myspaz, and my brofo boards

20. Last person to make you mad?
my dad

22. Coke or Pepsi?
coca cola

23. Have you kissed anyone in the past week?
my parents?

24. Fun thing to look forward to this week?
nothing really

25. How many siblings do you have?

26. Are your parents separated?
nope =D

27. Do you have any pets?
two kitties, spike and alucard

28. What’s your favorite number?
fourteen. i see it everywhere, so I like it a lot because I feel it's like a little piece of just someone watching over me. =D

Feel free to fill this out yourself =D
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