1) Is
dot_hack_crim a high school student? Yup.
2) Would you wrestle
sporadicspleen in jello? FUCK YES. Well, okay. Maybe.
3) Is
thepope1842 a college student? Noe.
4) What is
nae07's favorite game? POKEMON BLUE.
5) What is
dancinchick5558's favorite band/artist? Fuck if I know.
6) If
babstheskibunny commanded an army, who would be his/her followers? Skinny people.
7) Did
butterflygrl12 break up with you? No.
8) Where did you first meet
thejillster? Oh god, um... Alex's party. Birthday I think?
9) Do you think
dancinchick5558 is hot? Bleh. I'm gunna skip this one.
10) Does
dancinchick5558 have a big secret? Probably. Do I know it? No.
11) What is
bonbondelicieux's favorite food? JELLO. THROUGH A STRAW.
12) Where would
dancinchick5558 most like to visit? My bedroom. ...Yeah, I dunno.
13) Is
nae07 related to
dancinchick5558? Nope.
14) If
dot_hack_crim took over the world, who would be happy? GAY PEOPLE.
15) Which president would
butterflygrl12 be likely to idolize? I hate politics, fuck this question.
16) What song/movie would you recommend to
sporadicspleen? Anything from MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE. *Cutcut* (Just kidding, and you know it)
17) What would
son1cdethmunkee give
bonbondelicieux for his/her birthday? Haha... Probably something really stupid and random. I think she needs a leash, personally.
18) If
babstheskibunny took over the world, who would suffer? Me.
19) Is
bonbondelicieux dead sexy? OH YES. FUCK YES.
20) If
sporadicspleen and
bonbondelicieux were spliced together, what would be its name? Jayscience.
21) Would
nae07 go out with
thepope1842? Wow. There's been a lot of jokes about this, actually. YES, she would.
22) Which of your friends should
babstheskibunny go out with? No.
23) What comic book character would
dancinchick5558 be? Uh, any female hopeless romantic from X love manga.
24) One thing you can't stand about
thepope1842? Easily offended by religion.
25) How long would
dancinchick5558 dating
sporadicspleen last? o.O Uh... All of about 15 seconds.
26) Are
dot_hack_crim and
butterflygrl12 going steady? No. But they used to.
27) What do you agree with
thepope1842 about? We agree on things?
28) What planet should
sporadicspleen be from? Jupiter. BASED ON BOOB SIZE.
29) Do
nae07 and
sporadicspleen go to the same school? Yes, until SporadicSpleen goes to Butcher.
30) What would you do if
nae07 died? Ugh... I don't want to think about that. She's a pretty important part of my life, and a great friend. I'd mourn for quite some time.
31) Is
dancinchick5558 a nerd? Yup.
32) Does
dancinchick5558 have a crush on
bonbondelicieux? Doubtful. Very.
33) Is
butterflygrl12 friends with
babstheskibunny? Minorly, I think, but I'm not sure.
34) Is
sporadicspleen an emo? FUCK YES SHE IS.
35) What do you disagree with
sporadicspleen about? Many things that involve love and lust.
36) Have you flirted with
butterflygrl12? Yup.
37) Is
son1cdethmunkee your best friend? No.
38) Is
butterflygrl12 introverted or extroverted? Say what?
39) Could you see
dancinchick5558 and
thejillster together? Absolutely not.
40) Does
butterflygrl12 drink? Rarely, as far as I know.
41) What animal does
thejillster remind you of? Chipmunk, or a squirrel. Some fast, chattery rodent.
42) Is
dot_hack_crim athletic? Somewhat. Mostly no, though.
43) What is
thepope1842's shoe size? No idea.
44) If
thepope1842 were hanging off a cliff, what would
dot_hack_crim do? Freak out and help her quick.
45) Do you have
sporadicspleen's screenname? .... That's a retarded question.
46) If
butterflygrl12 was a superhero, who would be his/her archnemesis? Mike Mead.
47) Is
son1cdethmunkee single? Yeah, I'm pretty suck.
48) What is
babstheskibunny's favorite color? I... DON'T... KNOW.
49) Would you ever date
thepope1842? I guess I would, but it wouldn't last.
50) When did you last call
nae07? September 1st, 7:07 PM. At the football game. To annoy her. (Time/date from cell phone)
51) If
babstheskibunny and
dancinchick5558 were siamese twins, where would they be joined? The back. I doubt they could stand eachother face to face for too long.
52) Does
thejillster have a dog? I don't think so. I've only been in Jill's house once.
53) What animal should
bonbondelicieux be combined with? Squirrel/chipmunk. NOTHING'S CHANGED.
babstheskibunny's hair color? Blonde.
55) Where was
dancinchick5558 born? A hospital?
56) Where was
dancinchick5558 born? ,,,,
57) Is
thepope1842 1337? Absolutely not.
58) One quality you find attractive in
bonbondelicieux? She's very fit. She could use some boobs, though. =3
59) Does
thejillster smoke? No.
60) What color should
thepope1842 dye their hair? BLACK. EMOZ.
61) Would you make out with
sporadicspleen? Yup. As long as there was no feelings behind it.
62) Thoughts on
sporadicspleen? Very intelligent, an out of the box thinker who shares my free spirit. She hasn't achieved the state of relaxation I have, though. Very good company, in fact I think I enjoy 1 on 1 time with her (very rare) more than anyone else. And no, I'm not referring to making out.
63) How would
thejillster kill
dancinchick5558? Jello.
64) What is
bonbondelicieux's biggest flaw? Ditzy quite often.
65) Does
nae07 go to your school? Yes.
66) How would
thepope1842 conquer the world? An army of penguins.
67) What mental disorder does
butterflygrl12 remind you of? Paranoia.
68) How tall is
dancinchick5558? I'd say 5'3". Not sure.
69) Would
nae07 and
sporadicspleen look good together? Look good together? Sure. THE BOOBS COMPLIMENT EACHOTHER WELL. Would they be a good couple? Not at all.
70) Is
nae07 related to you? No. That's not legal here.
71) How many monkeys could
bonbondelicieux fight at once and win against? .5.
72) What would you do if you found out
dancinchick5558 has a crush on you? Shrug it off, explain to her we're no good and move on.
73) Do you have a crush on
babstheskibunny? Nope.
74) Does
sporadicspleen know
son1cdethmunkee? Yeah.
75) What flavor of jello would
butterflygrl12 be? Lemon.
76) Has
son1cdethmunkee been to your house/dorm? Yeah, I think he's been here once.
77) Would you set up
dot_hack_crim and
babstheskibunny? Dot Hack Crim is gay, so no.
78) What languages does
nae07 speak? English, probably elven.
79) Would
thejillster be a better ninja or pirate? Pirates she's not hardcore enough, and she's not stealthy enough for a ninja. She'd break out into gigglefits.
80) Is
dancinchick5558 popular? Reasonably.
81) Would
nae07 and
babstheskibunny make a good couple? Not really.
82) If
bonbondelicieux had a superpower, what would it be? THE DUMBSTRUCK STRIKE.
83) How long have you known
dancinchick5558? A few years. Say, 4?
84) Has
dot_hack_crim dyed their hair? Nope.
85) Does
dancinchick5558 do drugs? Not as far as I know.
86) Have you ever dated
sporadicspleen? Not really. If she had stayed at Andrew's party 5 minutes longer, yes, we would have gone out. But she was in a hurry, and I never asked. What a thought, though, as to how we'd have changed if we did get together... One of our old, common subjects for conversation.
87) What is
babstheskibunny allergic to? ME?
88) Is
thepope1842 in a relationship? Yup.
89) What exotic animal would
thepope1842 like as a pet? Penguin? I dunno, everyone wants penguins.
90) If
dancinchick5558 and
sporadicspleen were spliced together, what would it be like? Oh god. I'd say... It would be a emo, lovestruck girl who thinks far too hard and worries about everything.
91) What would
babstheskibunny think of
bonbondelicieux? Not much, probably. I think they'd et along.
sporadicspleen's eye color? What the hell? I just blanked out on this. I'd say green, probably? But it could be brown, too, because I can't see the difference...
93) Are
thepope1842 and
son1cdethmunkee married? Yes. Two of my highschool friends that never talk are married.
94) Does
sporadicspleen travel a lot? Not out of state, no.
95) What rank would
butterflygrl12 have in a giant robot army? Enemy intelligence. She scares me, the way she reads some people.
96) What word best describes
nae07? Flirty.
97) What video game does
dancinchiquita remind you of? Halo.
98) What would
babstheskibunny do differently in your shoes? Just about everything.
99) What is
dot_hack_crim's favorite movie? Hahaha. IT'S THE HOLY GRAIL.
100) Are
thejillster and
dot_hack_crim going out? No.