Found out where
this Wiki sez:
(Note: Long after Dreamwave closed, Matt Moylan revealed that their version of Sunstreaker was intended to be gay, though this specific facet of his character didn't seem to be made apparent in any fiction.)
Grah... *grates dental plates and resists the urge to smash something else* ...the stupity of human kind like this really shorts my curcuit boards. Wikipedia's are totaly editable by ANYone! I sure like to know who the punk was who wrote that in there.
Cause that statement is soooo NOT true! Seriously! how it's also my fault there isn't much to chose from on this planet. Not that I wanted to be hooked up anyway.
... ..
Note to self: make sure all
footage of Tracks impersonating ME in a pink ribbon has really been destroyed!
(( Sorry... the player just couldn't resist making fun of that reference! ^^; ))