That's right, we're doing it again, and this year, we're doing it with more style. Yes, we are.
Last year, we had some lovely entries, and we're looking to expand on that this go around. For those who don't remember or weren't here last time, this is a contest to write fiction inspired by art. The rules have changed a bit, so come inside to see the full and 'very official' list of rules, as well as the art for which you'll be writing (because I know that you all are just chafing to enter).
The premise behind the entire contest is the knowledge that every one of us who writes has, at one time or another, thought that a picture had a story behind it. The contest provides you talented authors with the opportunity to tell the stories of fanarts with the promise of fame, glory, and cash prizes (well, not exactly on that last one). Now, onto the rules:
1. All work must be the author's original work. Plagiarism will be punished by old-fashioned stoning.
2. Fics should be written for this contest. This isn't an opportunity for you to say, "Hey, I posted this fic once that could kinda go with that picture. I'll enter it!" The point is to write a story that is actually inspired by the picture.
3. Entries must be at least 1000 words long (I will be an evil *insert menacing laughter* contest mod and check word count if I have to). Also, if your entry is more than one chapter long, please wait to post/enter until all chapters are complete and post/enter them together.
4. Please spell check, grammar check, and/or have your fic edited (or beta-read, if you prefer). Though, there is no official scoring for these sorts of technical aspects to writing, the judges' opinions will likely be swayed by them.
Okay, those are the basic 'you can't break these or else' rules. As for the contest running (and how this year differs from last year):
1. Contest entrants have 5 fanarts from which to chose. Entrants may write a fic for every picture, but no more than one per picture: that's a total of 5 possible entries per author.
2. There is no limit to rating, setting, time-line, or style. Write whatever the art moves in you.
3. There will be three category awards, instead of places. Fics will compete for Most Original, Best Interpretation of Pic, and Steamiest Smut. From the category winners, a Best Overall Fic will be chosen.
4. Prizes for each of the category winners include doujinshi (cover scans to be posted later), mugs with the fanart of the author's choice, and banners. The overall winner will receive commissioned art by
The contest will run from today, April 17, 2007, to August 15, 2007 at 11:59 PM PST (that's before midnight the morning of August 16). Does this mean that if you send your fic at 12:37 AM, I won't accept it? Absolutely not. I'll be asleep then, anyway. ^_~ Winners will be announced by August 31, 2007.
Here are the five fanart options for the contest:
Pic #1
Pic #2
Pic #3
Pic #4
Pic #5
Aren't they pretty? Yes, you know they are.
So, now you know the rules, details, and have seen the pictures. Clearly, you want to enter this contest. This is how you do so.
1. When your fic is complete, email me a copy at with the subject line "Fic for a Pic Entry". Include all of the typical information for fic posting (author's name, title, rating, etc.) and which number pic you wrote for (though, I'm sure that will become obvious with read the fic). This is for ease of judging and later archiving.
2. After you've emailed me a copy of your fic, post it to the community with the same subject line + the fic's title. The body of the post with your entry should follow community guidelines for fic posting (i.e. fic behind a cut, f-lock if it's not work-safe)
3. Read and comment on the other great entries because everyone loves comments. Yes, that's it.
Now, don't you absolutely want to enter? I thought so. Do you have questions? Comments? Concerns? Just want to chat? Leave a comment here or email me (same address as above) with the subject line "Fic for a Pic question" or something like that. I just don't want to accidentally delete your email, thinking it's spam. Onward, fic-authors, and write beautiful fiction!