99 questions and a b*tch ain't one.
Is this reminiscent of middle school chain emails to anyone else?
This should show you how absolutely bored I am.
1) Full Name: Stefanie Elizabeth Dittert
2) Male/Female: female
3) Were you named after anyone? the story I got was "the doctor's daughter"... i.e. they thought I was going to be a boy, didn't have any girl names picked out, and the doctor in the delivery room said that his daughter was named Stephanie. and you know the problems my parents have with H's
4) Does your name mean anything? not sure, but I did do one of those things the other day that is an excel spreadsheet and it's called "your name dictates your job" and my name dictates that my ideal job is as a Mad Scientist
5) Nick Name(s): Ditt. Ditt3. Seti. YOUR MOM. S Diddy
6) If you had to choose a new name, what would it be? Ester the Molester
7) Date Of Birth: September 4, 1984
8) Place of Birth and Current Location: born: Elmhurst, IL. current location: NYC, bitches!! wow, that's weird. it doesn't even say Kentucky anywhere. but that's where I really kinda want to be
9) Nationality: American, but really 50% German and 50% Polish
10) Astrology Sign: Virgo
11) Chinese Astrology Sign: RAT... in good company. Think: White Stripes "I Smell a Rat", Say Anything "The Futile", The Walkmen "The Rat"...
12) Religion: olly olly oxen free
13) Whats your favorite smell? Yankee vanilla cookie candles... or maybe that book we had growing up called "the sweet smell of christmas"
14) Political Position? anti-killing
15) What do you prefer to drink in the morning? the blood of a virgin
16) Hair + Eye color: blond/brown/reddish? depends on what day it is. blue-gray
17) Do you look like anyone famous? no
18) What do you look like? your mother (come on, you had to see that one coming)
19) Any unusual talents? i have some mean excel skills
20) Righty, Lefty, or Ambidextrous? righty
21) Gay, Straight, Bi? apparently i'm a gay boy
22) What do you do for a living? sell my soul to corporate america investment banking
23) What do you do for fun? you mean what do i do when i'm not working? sleep. but i used to like to go to concerts and listen to music and dance party and such.
24) What are your favorite art materials to work with? are you for real? though i do enjoi the occasional origami crane making.
25) What kind of materials would you like to work with? your mother. (WTF?)
26) Have you met your grandparents? honestly, who hasn't?
27) Boyfriend / Girlfriend: i have a lot of gay boyfriends, but no real ones
28) Crush: too many to count
29) What celebrity would you date if you could? they've been my loves forever... justin timberlake and seth green. sigh.
30) Current worries?: top priority: what should i do with my life?
31) Favorite online Guy/Girl(s): what? perez hilton?
32) Favorite place to be? in the car (preferably the blue devil), on a road trip (preferably with niz), singing really loudly to the really loud music (preferably say anything), chain smoking (preferably dunhills)
33) Least favorite place to be? CUBICLE.
34) Do you burn or tan? tan. at city sun. with my other other other other gay boyfriend, kenny
35) Ever break a bone? no... but ester did break her arm, (a) at my 10th birthday party at champ's, (b) while she was wearing my shirt. so i always felt somewhat responsible for that
36) What is your favorite cereal? i'm not so much a big cereal eater. though i do occasionally have insatiable cravings for cocoa pebbles, and wander around 42nd st looking for an open deli at 2 AM
37) Person you cry with: Ditt (any and all)
Do You Have...
38) Any sisters: 3
39) Any brothers: 4 + Steve + myonlyfriend = 6
40) Any pets: never
41) A unique quality? the ability to last 50+ hours without sleeping and still do (somewhat) productive work
42) High Speed Internet: at work and at home, biat
43) A Personal phone line: at work... and i cringe every time it rings. unless it says "Ditt (fill in a number here)" on the caller ID
44) A Cell phone: who doesn't?
45) A visible birthmark: not really. i have a big mole on the back of my left calf though
46) A Pool or hot tub: no, i'm not a baller (yet)
47) A Car: R.I.P. BLUE DEVIL
Describe Your...
48) Personality: i'm a "yes-man". and a bitch. that's pretty much it
49) Driving: i usually hyperventilate (especially when i'm on the interstate next to those concrete wall things)
50) Your clothing style: business casual, obvi
51) Room: currently disgusting... eric's visit was fun but now my room looks worse than it ever did in college!
52) What’s missing: sense of purpose
53) School: of hard knocks. ha! jay to the kay. julius marks, julia r ewan, morton, tates creek, notre dame
54) Bed: my 2nd favorite possession... oh so comfortable
55) Relationship with your parent(s): was machts du, vati?
Do You
56) Believe in yourself? not particularly
57) Believe in love at first sight? lust, maybe
58) Consider yourself a good listener?: better now than i was before this job... but that's because an analyst should be seen and not heard
59) Have a future dream that you would like to share?: world peace
60) Get Along with your parent(s): i'm pretty sure this question was already asked... could whoever made this survey really not even think of 99 different questions? that's pretty sad. maybe i'll make my own survey of questions that's a lot more interesting/creative than this
61) Save your e-mail conversations: yes... organized in folders, no less
62) Pray: sometimes by accident when i wake up in the middle of the night from a nightmare... old habits die hard
63) Believe in reincarnation: no, but i would like to, mainly for the retribution factor for people i hate
64) Brush your teeth twice a day? no, usually only when i wake up, though i do have a toothbrush at work and i'll use it if i feel fuzzy teeth
65) Like to talk on the phone? depends on with who
66) Like to eat? especially when i'm nervous/bored/stressed out/fat
67) Like to exercise? not particularly. i like to box. and i do miss my life coach. and i wish i was motivated enough to run a marathon. but the overall answer is no
68) Like to watch sports? kentucky basketball. ooh! and i'm going to a rangers game tonight with the management of that company whose deal i just closed, so that's baller-izing
69) Sing in the car? not anymore but i used to like whoa
70) What is a dream that you have all the time? ok, there's 2: (1) one of the akins is baby-sitting for us, and we think we're safe, but suddenly bebop and rocksteady bust open our front door and chase us around the house with their guns. i usually wake up when i'm hiding in the toy room behind the fake kitchen set. (2) for some reason i'm being punished, so my siblings completely wrap me up in aluminum foil and try to throw me in the above-ground pool in our backyard (at 1329), but they miss, and i accidentally hit the electrical wire (which is right above the pool, coincedentally) and start getting electrocuted, but then i wake up. and there used to be one about getting chased through kirklevington park by ninjas, but i don't really have that one anymore
71) Dream in color: yes... unless i'm dreaming in excel. oh trust me, it happens
72) Do you have nightmares? see: #70
73) Sleep with a stuffed animal: not anymore... does anyone know whatever happened to ruff-ruff?
What is
74) Right next to you: i'm sitting in my cubicle. surrounded by work papers so i look busy (clearly i'm not)
75) On your favorite coffee cup? hard to explain, it's the one that ester brought me from germany and it says something about the cup belonging to me, only my name is actually spelled right, and there's that little mouse too
76) On your mouse pad: generic black with a squishy wrist thing
77) Your favorite flavor of gum? trident splash peppermint vanilla
78) Your brand of deodorant? adidas
79) Your dream honeymoon spot: mauritius
80) Your dream husband/wife: preferably straight. i aim low these days. but i also need to marry someone who is smart, and doesn't have a problem with me being smart and making lots of money (in the case that i still do)
81) Hiding in your closet? busia's christmas presents
(ok that was kind of a joke but not really, but she is the cutest old lady alive and i know once we don't get those presents anymore i'm going to be really sad)
82) Under your bed: a bunch of boxes of stuff that i haven't looked at since me and jon moved them into my apartment
83) The name of one of your closest/best friends? myonlyfriend.
84) Your bad time of the day: i'm least productive between 6 and 8 PM because that's when you order dinner, and then you have to wait for it, and then you have to go in a conference room and eat it, and... it's just a very disruptive process
85) Your worst fear(s): ketchup & failure (not related)
86) What's the weather like: it's always 70º and fluorescently sunny in here
87) Your favorite time of year? vacation
88) Your favorite holiday? yom kippur (no seriously, it's a bank holiday)
89) A material weakness? there are a lot. indecisiveness is one. another is being a doormat. need i go on?
90) The weirdest food or drink that you like: isn't weirdness relative? though i am obsessed with sliced mango. and enviga energy drink
91) At the top of your "to-do list"? right now... nothing. maybe study for my series 7 in case i need to take it
92) The hardest thing about growing up: remembering to pay all your bills on time, and having enough money to do so. and maybe filing taxes
93) A pet peeve? when people talk really loudly on speakerphone in the next cube. and also, when people get on the elevator and go up/down one floor. that REALLY bothers me. and also, when i can't talk about anything besides work
94) Your scariest moment: that's a tough one. i don't remember ever being really scared
95) Your attitude about love? doesn't really exist. relationships are just mutual decisions
96) The funniest or most desperate thing you've done to get the attention of a romantic interest? see: 7th grade carnival story. ohh matt maxwell
97) The worst feeling in the world: failure
98) The best feeling in the world: when you first start out on a road trip and feel this sense of impending adventure/excitement and that the whole world is at your disposal
99) Who sent this to you?: i stole it from courtnizzle, who (as it turns out) was also procrastinating on life
Now aren't you glad I wasted about an hour three hours of my day for that?