Who: Lena and Lucia
Where: Lucia's room
When: after
thisRatings & Warnings: PG for language. Maris need not apply.
Turning onto the hallway Lucia's room occupied, Lena slammed her ledger shut. She was fairly tempted to throw the damn thing, watch it ricochet off the walls. At this point, she couldn't care less what Mari had actually said to Lucia. Anything that upset her twin was pure, abominable evil. The freak hadn't even shown an iota of remorse for her behavior, going so far as to refer to Lucia as she would a dog. If consoling Luci weren't her first priority, Lena would have hunted Mari down and torn the hair from the brunette's scalp strand by strand.
If Lena was being honest, Mari's slights against Lucia weren't the youngest Cosimo's only grievances. With her stupid, nonsensical actions, Mari had effectively set herself up as a barrier between Lena and her ambitions. No matter how innately talented or forcibly diligent Lena was, the position of Magistra Balgham was more likely to go to someone who could heal with a fucking touch. Unless they took leadership ability into account. Given the Hour's Magus, Lena wasn't too optimistic. All that she had worked for was suddenly that much farther from her reach. As things were, Lena needed but one more reason, however flimsy, to attempt to get rid of The Freak. Permanently.
If only that wouldn't upset Lucia even more. Trying very hard not to ram her fist ruthlessly against the wood, Lena knocked on her twin's door. "Luce?"
After Mari's last words about not wanting to see her again, Lucia had violently shut her ledger. "Fine!" she shouted at it. "I don't want to fucking see you ever again, too!" It only took a few moments for what happened to sink in, and her rage dissipated a little. Mixed with her bitterness was dejection, and she needed her twin. She knew that she couldn't talk to anyone else about it yet; Rowan and Marijke were also Mari's friends. She didn't want to see either of them for this. That was when she wrote to her sister.
When Lena knocked on her door, she wiped away her tears. Lucia couldn't be a total mess when facing her twin. Opening the door, she greeted Lena with red-rimmed eyes and a miserable, "Hi, Lena." She stepped back to let her in. "Thanks for coming."
Lena's angry expression softened almost immediately at the sight of Lucia's eyes. "Of course," she said cautiously. "You know you only need ask." Wanting to embrace her sister, but unsure if Luci needed space, Lena stood by somewhat awkwardly. The environment spoke volumes of Lucia's sadness, and the weight of Lucia's burden made Lena feel chastised. Her petty rage could simmer for now - this was infinitely more important.
"How are you holding up?" Lena asked hesitantly. She didn't want Luce to have to pretend, but it looked like the elder twin was insistent on assuming a normal facade.
Lucia's room was a mess like it always was with random clothes littering the floor, piles of books stacked haphazardly around her bed and desk, sheaves of paper and notes gathered on her desk or collected into small notebooks. Kicking some of her dirty dresses away, she made a clearer path for her sister. Sitting down on her unmade bed, she drew her knees up to her chest.
"I could be better." A hug was some Lucia would have more than welcomed at the moment. "I could be a lot better." She closed her eyes and tried not to cry again. "I was just worried, Lena. She was making a stupid mistake, and I thought she would learn from it, but it doesn't look like it. She called me a controlling know-it-all," she muttered bitterly. "But I'm not. I'm not, am I, Lena?"
She wasn't, though. Mari just thought any opposition against all the stupid shit she decided to do was an affront to her freedom. If anything, Lucia was thinking more and more that Marijke might have been right about trying to restrict some of Mari's movements. Not to the extent of being locked up in a room with a guard, but... UGH. Fuck, she shouldn't even care about Mari right now.
Lena carefully navigated her way through the shambles. As they had many times before, they sat side by side. Unable to stop herself, Lena reached over, wrapping her arms around her twin. Lucia did have a tendency to be protective, and Lena acknowledged there were times she didn't acknowledge the good in Lucia's prudence. But ultimately Lucia meant well, and a lot of the times she was right. "You're not," Lena said firmly, rubbing comforting circles on Lucia's back. "She's obviously deluded right now. She just can't see logic." Hardly ever does.
Lena paused, a memory surfacing. "Do you remember when we were eleven, and Dad actually found the time to take us to the river?" She remembered the giddy rush of emotions. Her father had never paid her much attention, so she'd been overjoyed by the time alone with him and Lucia. "I wanted to jump right in," she continued softly. "And you told me it was dangerous; that the current would sweep me out into a waterfall. Of course, I didn't believe you, and we got into a fight." Lena exhaled, tucking her legs under her. "I was gathering herbs by the river bank last week. There was this huge log caught in the current. Probably the size of a grown man." She laughed, shaking her head. "But with how quickly the river was dragging the thing along... You'd have thought it was a feather."
Lena bit her lip. "You get it right, you know. More often than the rest of us may think."
Lucia sniffled and leaned into her sister's embrace. "Yes, I remember." She didn't recall many memories involving their father. He had done nothing but bring trouble to their family as well. "It was very dangerous. I remember that it had raining a lot the days beforehand. I'm glad you didn't jump in anyway."
Sighing, she continued, "I know I don't make a lot of stellar choices myself." Her sleep schedule was horrible and probably couldn't even be called a schedule. "But Mari says this is the one right thing she's done lately, and she's just so wrong. It's one of the worst things she's done, and I don't think it can be undone." If it could, Belief would be the easiest deus ex machina mechanism in existence. "I asked Rowan to try and see what he could do to stop her, but obviously he failed," she muttered.
"Yeah. I would've hated to be like that log," she muttered, laughing. "To think you were right even then..." Lena sobered as Lucia continued. She didn't know what to say to comfort Luce; after all, Mari refused to even acknowledge the possibility that anything could be done. "I'm sure he tried his best," she said. "I don't know her that well, but obviously when that -" bitch "- girl gets an idea, she doesn't give it up for the world, however stupid it may be."
"No...she doesn't. We're both stubborn that way, I guess." Lucia's shrug was halfhearted. "If she's going to act that way every time I'm worried, maybe I shouldn't even bother." Her feelings about the first flip-flopped from anger to misery and back the more she thought about it.
She snaked her arms around Lena for a quick hug. "Thanks, Lena. I didn't take you away from anything, did I?"
"You shouldn't," Lena replied in a clipped voice. Lucia didn't deserve someone who'd take her so easily for granted. And Lena definitely did not want Lucia's loyalties divided when the time came. "Don't let her - or anyone - take advantage of you." Lena could sense her twin's vacillation between rage and sorrow. No, that wouldn't do. It would be the best for all parties involved were Lucia to stick with the former. Unequivocally.
"No," she said. She'd actually been doing a little research, but Luce didn't need to know that. "Feeling better?" Lena wanted to ask about Magister Ree's assignment, about how things were between Luci and Rowan, but she wasn't going to segue so sharply if Luci wasn't ready for it.
"Of course not. I'm not gonna let anyone take advantage of me." Her attempt at a grin was weak, but at least her voice was firm. She would be loathe to let anyone take advantage of her. She was done being betrayed. If her friendship with Mari really ended like this, her bitterness would simmer low but forever underneath the surface.
Laughing, Lucia wiped at her cheeks even though there were no new tear streaks. "Yes, I'm doing a lot better." She scooted a couple inches away to get a better look at her twin. "Enough about me. What about you, sister dear? What have you been up to?"
Lena was glad to hear Lucia's laughter. Despite Luci's red eyes, it didn't look like any more tears were to fall. Lena could rest assured Luci was going to make it through okay. Though that hardly helped Mari's case with Lena. Oh well, she supposed she could manage to keep her anger in check for a bit longer.
"Trying to look into the inugami," she said, the foreign word sounding a little awkward in her Tyrol accent. "Did you read the filter from Magister Jones?"
Ready and willing (and wanting) to move onto a new topic of conversation, Lucia nodded. "Yes, I did! I said I'd keep an ear out on him and keep an eye on Haru." She turned her to eye her ledger and paused before adding, waving a hand at the book, "I had a small conversation with the demon. If... If it was true, it was enlightening."
Lucia didn't fully believe what Katuso said, but she also didn't think he was smart enough to make up all of that. "Do you have any plans on what you're going to do about him?"
"What'd he say?" Lena asked, leaning forward and cradling her head in her hands.
She didn't have any particular plans save for initial recon. "Just looking into things first," she said. "Digging around to see if anything's been happening concerning him." She paused. "What do you know about inugami?"
"Uhhh..." How did she repeat his story? "He said he used to be a dog who was killed to become what he was." She would leave the part about Haru out. That was something she had to confirm. "He said he's killed before, but he likes being scratched?" Some skepticism entered her tone along with a little confusion. Was he vicious? Was he just a dog? Was he both? It was best to approach with caution, in any case.
She shrugged. "He's made a lot noise on the ledgers. You can try looking back."
"Likes being scratched - like a dog, too?" The tale sounded ridiculous, but Lena felt as if it actually held some water. Where else would a dog demon originate but a dog? If so, the desire to be scratched made perfect sense. But what was it that an inugami was capable of? Lena wondered if they had any books on Japanese lore. Perhaps she should ask the tengu...
After pulling the ledger out of her pocket, Lena began to flip through the pages. "I didn't think anyone would actually be so careless," she mused as she landed on a particular page. No attempts whatsoever at perfidy for the inugami, she could see. "Perhaps he just doesn't care." Which was bad - it meant he was confident.
"Yes, just like a dog. That was the way he seemed. Also, he likes to eat a lot?" Well, his three wishes had been food, food, and more food.
Shrugging again, she said, "He probably doesn't care. He seems like that type, or he's just not... smart enough to care?" She stretched her arms behind her. "Though, just because he's dumb doesn't mean he can't be dangerous. We should both be careful." But the two of them were probably crafty enough to get out of most danger. Smart enough not to anger a murderous demon, at least. "I just plan to keep an eye on him for now without doing too much." She had offered to give him scratches, but how often would he come around for that? Not often, she thought.
"Careful, indeed," Lena agreed. "I'll see if I can pick up anything in the rumor mill. And maybe do some research on Japanese folklore." She leaned down, resting her head on Lucia's shoulder.
"How are things with Rowan?" she asked abruptly. She'd had reason to seek his counsel lately, but she never got around to asking about Luce.
"Good luck." She rested her head against Lena's.
Her eyebrows rose at the abrupt question. "Fine. Why do you ask?" There wasn't really much to say about her relationship with Rowan. They were just good friends.
"Just making sure sex stays sex," she quipped. Then frowned. "Naturally, you're aware of my ignorance on the subject matter."
Lucia pulled away from Lena to look at her incredulously. "Why would you think it wouldn't? I don't have any intention of marrying anyone soon."
Her thoughts on marriage were tied to the idea of being chained and dragged down, forced to put up with too many extra troubles. Their father had led their family to bankruptcy and their brother had left them to poverty after he had married. It wasn't worth it in her mind. She would rather be a spinster and ridiculed by society.
She frowned in turn. "Are you going to be proper about that?" Well, it was the respectable thing to do, to be a virgin until marriage, but they didn't always care about that.
"I didn't mean marriage," Lena demurred. But she was glad to see the obstreperous refusal. "I meant things like pregnancy and... attachment." She thought it over for a beat. "Though I'm sure Rowan's handled the former exceedingly well."
It took her a while to formulate an answer to Lucia's question. Yes, she would be proper, not only because it was barter but because she felt intercourse was more of a leg-shackle than marriage was. Up until Dee's marriage, Lena might have shared Lucia's sentiments. However, she had come to see marriage for what it was - a tool. Sex, however, was the ultimate submission. She was not without her carnal desires, but the idea of unravelling under another person's ministrations had her cringing.
"It's practical," she summarized. A succinct response, but efficient enough to convey all that she felt.
Lucia laughed. "Don't worry about that. I eat all the herbs and mixtures to stop that. Every time." She never failed to remember because she wasn't ready to children. She didn't want children. "Rowan and I are good friends. We have an agreement." It was mostly silent, but she was sure it was mutual.
"Practical?" She arched an eyebrow at that. "If you say so." Which meant that Lena was most likely aiming to get married someday. That was her choice; only Lucia hoped it wouldn't be with someone like Diya.
She crinkled her nose, the gesture oddly delicate. Those methods weren't foolproof. She could only hope they continued to serve Lucia well. "At least, if anyone, it's him." Lena trusted him more than most. They'd been sharing data for so long it was only natural. Sex might have been the gravest ignominy to Lena, but since to Lucia it was marriage, Lena had no qualms with allowing them their trysts.
"I'm getting on in age, marriage-wise," she said wryly. "So don't hold your breath. But if the opportunity presents itself, I will do what I must to secure security for the two of us." And for Dee. Though Dee might be happy now, Lena did not want Diya thinking he had any superiority over Dee. If she could provide Dee a connection to another noble house, Lena was more than happy to do so.
"I didn't know you approved of him like that!" Her eyebrows rose again. "Sure you aren't interested in him yourself?" Now, wouldn't that make things awkward.
"We both are," she said. "But if Dea can marry at 24, you have some time yet, but don't force yourself." Security? Wasn't that what their older sister had said about wanting to marry Diya? That was practical, but if Lena could marry for happier reasons, Lucia'd prefer that instead. "Working at the Hour will be enough for me in the long run." Unless the Magus dragged the Hour's name through mud by the time she made Adept.
Lena snorted. "Very interested. The way we talk herbs to each other? Infinitely arousing. Hemlock is the best way to get me to take my clothes off."
She shrugged. "It's not like I'm actively looking. I'd prefer to be a noblewoman or wealthy, but I'm fine on my own." She nudged her sister with her shoulder. "I've got you, haven't I? We can stay here together."
"Hey, hey, hey, if I had someone that I could talk alchemy with and he was remotely attractive, I would consider it!" Lucia wasn't shameless and she didn't sleep with just anyone, but... someone like that would tempt her, for sure.
She grinned and nudged Lena back. "Yes, of course! We can strike it rich together, no problem. We can do it!" They just needed to make it to Adept first.
Lena huffed. "I see your point, but that's difficult to find given my type." She tended toward muscular men as tall as Elia, except... A man's man - strong, capable, steadfast, and loyal. But when push came to shove... "Not like I'd ever actually stay with anyone for love."
"How far do you think we are from Adept?" They'd been in the Hour for more than 5 years. Lena was aware she was fairly close - she just needed to finish up a few more experiments. She cringed at the thought - it was a lot of work she found tedious and frustrating.
"Why not?" Why wouldn't she stay with anyone for love? That was a concerning statement. Lucia didn't mean that Lena had to go out and search for the love of her life, but... why wouldn't she stay with someone because she loved them?
"Oh, I don't know." If it were up to her, they would've already been promoted. "Who can say? I can't read the minds of the Magus or Timekeeper." She was sure they had enough on their hands changing lives with Belief. What even made them think that was a good idea anyway? Why couldn't Mari see it was one of the stupidest decisions ever? Ugh. She scrunched up her nose in distaste. "Hopefully, it'll be soon.
She sighed, having no idea how to explain her thoughts to Lucia. It just wasn't going to happen for her. In place of a response, she shook her head dismissively. Not really a topic that interested her.
With a small smile, she reached over for her sister's hands, easily lacing their fingers together. "Soon."
Lucia opened her mouth to protest Lena's lack of an answer before shutting it. It was an important question with an important answer; however, she had already pressed enough people tonight, and she was getting tired of it. Delving into another possible fight so soon after her last explosive one wasn't something she wanted tonight. She would have to remember to follow up on it at a later date.
Grinning and squeezing her sister's fingers in return, she agreed, "Soon."