The weirdest IM exchange I've had yet.

Jun 01, 2011 18:12

5-31 4:33:50 PM IsThisGuyForReal: hi
5-31 4:33:55 PM Blake: Hi
5-31 4:34:12 PM IsThisGuyForReal: i am ben from Uk aged 19
5-31 4:34:30 PM Blake: Ok.
5-31 4:35:01 PM IsThisGuyForReal: u/
5-31 4:35:04 PM IsThisGuyForReal: ?*
5-31 4:35:21 PM Blake: Me?
5-31 4:36:14 PM IsThisGuyForReal: yes u
5-31 4:36:40 PM Blake: What about me?
5-31 4:36:58 PM IsThisGuyForReal: introduce urself
5-31 4:38:03 PM Blake: On the internet I'm a yellow fox.
5-31 4:40:32 PM IsThisGuyForReal: i know
5-31 4:40:50 PM IsThisGuyForReal: but i want tha name, age and locatiom
5-31 4:41:37 PM Blake: And that's important why exactly?
5-31 4:43:39 PM IsThisGuyForReal: cause i belive it is important
5-31 4:47:24 PM IsThisGuyForReal: =3
5-31 4:53:30 PM IsThisGuyForReal: hello:
5-31 4:56:55 PM IsThisGuyForReal: tsk hello?
5-31 5:11:55 PM IsThisGuyForReal: why ain't he speaking?
6-1 3:28:23 PM IsThisGuyForReal: hi
6-1 3:28:34 PM Blake: Hi
6-1 3:28:41 PM IsThisGuyForReal: hows u?
6-1 3:29:12 PM Blake: Not bad
6-1 3:29:32 PM IsThisGuyForReal: so whats tha name, age and location?
6-1 3:29:53 PM Blake: Where did you find my MSN?
6-1 3:30:00 PM IsThisGuyForReal: DA
6-1 3:30:23 PM Blake: That information is listed on my DA, isn't it?
6-1 3:31:13 PM IsThisGuyForReal: no?
6-1 3:31:24 PM IsThisGuyForReal: can u tell me it? =3
6-1 3:32:26 PM Blake: I hardly see why it's important. I'm in the US on the West Coast, 31 and my name is Blake.
6-1 3:32:49 PM IsThisGuyForReal: cool name for a guy like u
6-1 3:33:04 PM IsThisGuyForReal: and 31 is a good age
6-1 3:33:48 PM IsThisGuyForReal: as u know i'm just a young man
6-1 3:33:52 PM IsThisGuyForReal: aged 19
6-1 3:35:00 PM IsThisGuyForReal: hello?
6-1 3:36:08 PM IsThisGuyForReal: hello? where do u keep running of too?
6-1 3:36:50 PM Blake: I'm sorry
6-1 3:37:07 PM Blake: So, you found me on DA
6-1 3:37:19 PM IsThisGuyForReal: yes i have =3
6-1 3:37:59 PM IsThisGuyForReal: what do u do for fun as in hobbies?
6-1 3:40:50 PM IsThisGuyForReal: ?
6-1 3:42:03 PM IsThisGuyForReal: ur ignoring me cause u hate me?
6-1 3:43:39 PM IsThisGuyForReal: =(
6-1 3:46:35 PM IsThisGuyForReal: hello?
6-1 3:52:05 PM IsThisGuyForReal: where are u?
6-1 4:07:33 PM IsThisGuyForReal:
6-1 4:54:12 PM IsThisGuyForReal: hey!!!!
6-1 5:19:38 PM Blake: Hi
6-1 5:20:16 PM IsThisGuyForReal: hello
6-1 5:20:31 PM IsThisGuyForReal: why do u keep goimg away?
6-1 5:20:56 PM Blake: Im a busy guy
6-1 5:21:11 PM IsThisGuyForReal: with what
6-1 5:21:21 PM IsThisGuyForReal: ?*
6-1 5:21:23 PM Blake: life.
6-1 5:21:30 PM Blake: I work 9 hours a day
6-1 5:21:42 PM Blake: so when I get home from work, I have business to take care of.
6-1 5:21:49 PM IsThisGuyForReal: so?
6-1 5:21:57 PM Blake: So?
6-1 5:22:47 PM Blake: My point is, I don't see how a/s/l and talking about hobbies is relevant to why you are contacting me here.
6-1 5:23:00 PM Blake: Are you an artist? Did you need some art tips?
6-1 5:23:10 PM IsThisGuyForReal: no i just browsed
6-1 5:23:29 PM Blake: I'm sorry if I'm coming off as a total jerk here.
6-1 5:23:38 PM IsThisGuyForReal: its ok
6-1 5:23:59 PM IsThisGuyForReal: and why don't u give up work?
6-1 5:24:09 PM Blake: Give it up?
6-1 5:24:16 PM Blake: Because I have bills to pay
6-1 5:24:25 PM IsThisGuyForReal: you have to
6-1 5:24:53 PM Blake: Sadly, yes that's how life is.
6-1 5:25:05 PM Blake: you gotta have a roof over your head and you gotta eat
6-1 5:25:27 PM IsThisGuyForReal: no i meant u HAVE to give up work
6-1 5:25:42 PM IsThisGuyForReal: i will not have any person just going somewhere
6-1 5:25:51 PM Blake: Huh?
6-1 5:26:03 PM Blake: You've lost me
6-1 5:26:04 PM IsThisGuyForReal: i need people to be with me alll the time
6-1 5:26:16 PM IsThisGuyForReal: no i meant u HAVE to give up work i will not have any person just going somewhere
6-1 5:27:21 PM Blake: I'm not sure I catch you... I'm sorry to tell you that an internet babysitter 4000 miles away really isn't with you to begin with.
6-1 5:28:07 PM IsThisGuyForReal: i am saying is u must give up tha work for eternity
6-1 5:28:51 PM Blake: Yeah, you've lost me.
6-1 5:29:00 PM IsThisGuyForReal: i have not
6-1 5:29:27 PM IsThisGuyForReal: ur just trying to wind me up
6-1 5:30:15 PM Blake: I'm still not quite sure why we are having this conversation, or what it is you wanted to talk about.
6-1 5:30:37 PM Blake: I had hoped it would be something a little deeper than "a/s/l because I demand it!"
6-1 5:30:55 PM IsThisGuyForReal: can u give up tha job please?
6-1 5:31:49 PM Blake: Sure, I'll quit my job because some 19-year-old in the UK needs me to be here all day and tell him what the weather is like.
6-1 5:32:01 PM Blake: Yeah, sounds like the best plan ever.
6-1 5:32:42 PM IsThisGuyForReal: what is the weather like?
6-1 5:33:29 PM Blake: It's a nice day... at least it _was_ a nice day until I had the burden put on my shoulders to quit my job forever.
6-1 5:34:08 PM IsThisGuyForReal: wow it feels like if ur sounds to be an easy person to handle
6-1 5:34:49 PM Blake: I can't even parse that sentence.
6-1 5:35:57 PM IsThisGuyForReal: ur an easy person to handle since other people were tougher to deal with
6-1 5:36:55 PM Blake: You mean other people you randomly messaged with an a/s/l? Those that actually responded? I'm easier to deal with. Imagine that.
6-1 5:37:26 PM IsThisGuyForReal: no i meant teling them to give up there jobs#]
6-1 5:38:11 PM Blake: You know, I'm far from a professional hater, and that's not at all how I'm trying to come off here. But this whole correspondence between the two of us- it's just not quite working out.
6-1 5:38:26 PM IsThisGuyForReal: oh why not?
6-1 5:40:09 PM IsThisGuyForReal: ?
6-1 5:40:34 PM Blake: I figure you probably messaged me hoping to get a free art request or something. That's not a unique situation when I get a message out of the blue. But, I hate to tell you that your netiquette is all wrong.
6-1 5:40:56 PM IsThisGuyForReal: ?
6-1 5:41:01 PM IsThisGuyForReal: pardon?
6-1 5:41:12 PM Blake: I don't even know where to start.
6-1 5:42:46 PM IsThisGuyForReal: how tall are u?
6-1 5:43:26 PM Blake: I really can't figure if you are just dense, or an elaborate troll.
6-1 5:43:37 PM Blake: Trolling me is kinda silly, tho.
6-1 5:43:37 PM IsThisGuyForReal: me troll?
6-1 5:43:46 PM IsThisGuyForReal: i am no trol
6-1 5:43:59 PM IsThisGuyForReal: i hate when people calls me that =(
6-1 5:44:35 PM IsThisGuyForReal: i know what trolls are i know cause i keep getting em
6-1 5:44:46 PM Blake: Right...
6-1 5:45:18 PM IsThisGuyForReal: i feel miserble each time i get one
6-1 5:45:59 PM Blake: I'll bet you do. I have an idea... maybe ask the trolls if they'd like to quit their jobs and be your internet buddy?
6-1 5:46:17 PM IsThisGuyForReal: i tried that
6-1 5:46:20 PM IsThisGuyForReal: wait
6-1 5:46:40 PM IsThisGuyForReal: are u trying to maske more miserable?
6-1 5:47:22 PM Blake: Wow, really?
6-1 5:47:38 PM Blake: You're asking me that question?
6-1 5:48:19 PM IsThisGuyForReal: what question?
6-1 5:48:45 PM Blake: If I'm trying to make you misrable
6-1 5:48:50 PM IsThisGuyForReal: no
6-1 5:49:04 PM IsThisGuyForReal: i don't wish to say to rtghem trolls
6-1 5:49:23 PM IsThisGuyForReal: they just ingore like they always do
6-1 5:50:20 PM Blake: Some smart trolls if you ask me.
6-1 5:51:14 PM IsThisGuyForReal: =(
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