I'm moving this blog. I'm keepin my livejournal account, but I'm moving the actual blog over to wordpress. You can find me here now. Please come visit!
Also, you can find me on facebook (Bernice Guerrero) or myspace (goldeygrad97).
I am without words. It was a historic campaign, a historic election, and now, we are going into the most historic period of American history
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It's taken 28 years. We've been | | THIS CLOSE for so many years. I watched them win in 1980 (Tug McGraw is still one of my heros). I watched the heart break in '82 against the O's. I watched the anger and devistation against the Blue Jays in 1993. But we've finally done it. The Philadelphia Phillies are world champs. I couldn't be prouder
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Copy this sentence into your livejournal if you're in a heterosexual marriage, and you don't want it "protected" by the bigots who think that gay marriage hurts it somehow.
The problem with LJ: we all think we are so close, but really, we know nothing about each other. So I want you to ask me something you think you should know about me. Something that should be obvious, but you have no idea about. Ask away. Then post this in your LJ and find out what people don't know about you!
A meme stolen many - When you see this, post in your own journal with your favorite quote from The Princess Bride. Preferably not "As you wish" or the Inigo Montoya speech.
My favorite is from Billy Crystal's charachter - "Bye Bye kids...have fun storming the castle!"
That, and...
"Mawwage...mawwage is what bwings us togeder today..."