Title: Taste for Leather: Crossing the Line
Fandom: Finder Series
Characters/Pairings: Asami & Aki
Warnings: Mentions of physical and sexual abuse
Rating: R
Summary: It's not all fun and games when Asami crosses the line
Disclaimer: Yamane-sensei owns all VF characters. Any OC are mine as is the story.
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Comments 4
To be honest when I started reading I feared you were going to describe some kind of torture, and I do not dig that. In the end I was really surprised and pleased. Eventhough what happened was awful to Aki, Asami finally had the courage to confess something important from his past.
Aki's joke was great to end the fic, it made me feel better =D. I liked it a lot!!!
Speaks to the resilance to Aki's spirit, very happy that Asami did offer an explaination.
I can't wait for the next installment - you handled a very sensative subject very well.
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