Name: Toris Lorinaitis
Age: 17
Birthdate: February 16th
Languages spoken: English, some Russian
Bloodtype: AB
Height: 5"7
Weight: 144 lbs
Dominant Hand: Right-handed
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Deep green
Skin: Slightly tan
Other features: Brutal looking scars on his back
Occupation: Student
Residence: With his uncle in Belford, Northumberland, England
Childhood: See profile
Educational background: He attended Muggle schools before being accepted into Hogwarts.
Religious background: Catholic, but he's rather private about it.
Political background: He doesn't really keep up with politics. Too many other things on his mind.
Financial background: Once he turns eighteen, he'll have access to his parent's money. Right now? Pretty much broke.
Proud of: Um. His grades and accomplishments at school?
Regrets: Leaving his brothers alone to go to Hogwarts, not fighting to stay with Feliks, letting his uncle get away with so much
Greatest lessons: Life is cruel and unpredictable. Friends can make it seem slightly less so.
Driving force(s): His desire to protect his friends and remaining family
Ambitions: Get lawful custody of his brothers when he turns 18, and proceed to give his uncle a big old 'fuck you'.
Currently wants: To survive the next half a year without anyone finding out about what's going on at home, to get Feliks to behave more seriously, to date Natalia
Currently needs: Someone to pry into his life and convince him to accept help.
Life philosophy: Revealing his problems will only gain the pity and disgust of others. It's better to smile and try to forget about them when with people who care.
Self image: A struggling and desperate person, but stronger for not asking help.
Dominant character traits: Loyal, introverted, hard-working
Myers-Briggs group: ISFJ - The "Defender"
Alignment: Lawful Good
Learning style: Visual
Intuitive/reasoning: Reasoning
Optimist/pessimist: It varies
Tense/relaxed: Tense
Serious/carefree: Serious
Leader/follower: Follower for the most part, but he has his moments.
Organized/messy: Organized
Fight/flight: Fight
Methods of coping: Trying to ignore the problem
Amused by: ...Not really sure, actually.
Saddened by: Thoughts of the past
Angered by: When others try to pry into his life, being pitied
Shocked by: Feliks's various antics and eccentricities, even now.
Offended by: Being underestimated
Annoyed by/pet peeves: When people try to tell him Natalia's crazy, carelessness, when people don't take things seriously
Frightened by: The thought of anyone seeing his scars, anyone he cares about getting hurt or dying
Physical strengths: He's surprisingly fit, given his somewhat scrawny appearence, and can take a hit really well
Physical weaknesses: His back is rather sensitive and gets sore easy
Mental strengths: Well-rounded intelligence (practical and book smart)
Mental weaknesses: Second guesses himself often and manages to work himself into a panic over things that are really minor
Emotional strengths: Fiercely loyal, great at supporting others, very selfless, has the ability to 'bend but not break'
Emotional weaknesses: Often makes himself literally sick with worry, has a martyr complex, dangerously introverted
How strong are their opinions? When he forms a decisive opinion, it's almost impossible to change.
How forceful are they about them? He tries to keep them to himself, but will at least mention them if the subject is brought up.
Prejudices/biases: When he starts thinking about someone a certain way, it'll take hell and high water to get him to change that image.
Controversial opinions:
Thoughts on romance/sex: Sex is awful and painful and seriously why would anyone ever want to do it? As far as he's concerned, sex is only good for making babies. It and romance are totally exclusive. This, of course, makes him honestly wonder why two people of the same gender would even try it.
Thoughts on drinking/drugs: They're dangerous things that should be completely avoided.
The best thing they or another person could possibly do: Treat him with respect and acknowledge him as an independent person
The worst thing that they or another person could possibly do: Force him to reveal his secrets, hurt his friends
Hobbies: Cooking, cleaning, gardening
Food/drink: Koldūnai (meat-filled dumplings) and coffee
Colour: Yellow
Books: He doesn't have one.
Music: Lately he's become a fan of the band Inculto
Things to watch (TV, theatre, etc.): He doesn't watch TV or plays very often.
Weather: Sunny with a few thick clouds
Time: Sunset
Holiday: Christmas
Place: Rye fields
Animal: Wolves and dogs
Plant: Rue
Academic subject: Herbology and Potions
Sport/game: Basketball
Least favorite...
Food/drink: Borsch
Colour: White
Books: He doesn't have one.
Music: Rap (it all seems to be about sex)
Things to watch (TV, theatre, etc.): Again, he doesn't get to watch very much.
Weather: Snow
Time: Doesn't have one
Holiday: Lent
Place: His home
Animal: Bears
Plant: Doesn't have one
Academic subject: Divination
Sport/game: Doesn't ahve one
Spends money on: Necessities
Daily rituals: *shrug* He doesn't really have any. He just gets up, gets dressed, drinks coffee or black tea, and goes about his day while trying to stay out of trouble as much as possible.
Dress (style, colors): He dresses pretty simply and wears earthy colors like browns and greens.
Scents (shampoo/cologne/lotion/etc.): ...Idek. Whatever he uses would be really subdued.
Eating habits: He never seems to eat quite enough, and sometimes skips meals when he has a stomach ache.
Speech patterns:
Cute quirks: Doesn't really have any.
Bad habits: Ties in with nervous tendencies, but other then that...
Nervous tendencies: He stutters a bit, and sometimes tries to laugh to make himself relax.
Etc.: He tries to speak as politely as possible to strangers and adults, but loosens up a bit around friends.
Most important people: Feliks and his brothers
Love interest(s): He likes to think Natalia is.
Lust interest(s): Natalia again. But he tries to convince himself this isn't so and that his feelings for her are 100% pure love.
Close friends: Feliks
Other friends: Katya, Alfred, Jonquil... probably more, but I can't think of them just now. (He needs more non-country friends.)
Acquaintances: Again, can't remember off the top of my head. Most of his roommates and Ivan probably.
Disliked people: No one really just yet.
Enemies: His uncle.
Family members: His uncle and two brothers; he has distant relatives in the Baltics, but they never speak
Family history: Parents died in a fire, was taken in by his psycho uncle.
Relationship with family: With his brothers; super close, if awkward and differing in personalities. With his uncle; HATEHATEHATE. With everyone else; pretty much ignored.
Future family (kids etc.): None. (...Unless you count Kaliningrad.)
Kinsey rating: 3 (no really), but tries to convince himself he's 0 or X.
Marital Status: Single
Romantic/sexual history: Romantic: He fell in crush with Natalia at first sight, and has never looked back.
Sexual: ...Life at home is rough. He'd rather leave it at that.
Turn-ons: Blonde hair, petite build, self-assured
Turn-offs: Anything actually resembling a sexual advance.
Treats people: With respect and courteousy (especially girls), until they show they don't deserve it.
Likes in a person: Confidence, reliability, honesty, loyalty
Dislikes in a person: Nosiness, carlessness, annoyance
Wants to be seen as: His own person
Advice that you, the mun, would give them: It's okay to ask for help
Would they get along with you? I want to say yes, but probably not, no. XD;
The most awesome thing they've done: IRL: Leaving the Soviet Union! Hetalia-canon: The fight with Poland against the Teutonic Knights.
The time you wanted to slap them the most: When it was discovered Belarus breaks his fingers and he remains oblivious. But I also lawled, so it evens out.
What would be the most awesome AU ever for them? I'd say a Soul Eater AU.
Boxers or briefs? Boxers
If they were in a 70s shoujo manga, how much would they sparkle? Only when he smiles. But it would be glourious.
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