betenoire_rp Character Relationships

Aug 23, 2010 14:05

character relationships.

Ba'al | omnomgoauld
Has discovered that it was Ba'al who tortured him months ago, and led to his "awakening" with Benjamin. At this point, disgusted with himself, he allowed Ba'al to have another go. Still dealing with fallout from that.

Benjamin/Delta | spinofthewheel
Living with, but not with with. As yet, has met Nolan, Aiden, Benjamin, Zach, and Jack. He's now convinced that the imprint story is true; he's seen too much. Jim is very fond of both Benjamin and Nolan, and hasn't quite teased out yet how much of that is separate but could become very attached. Has slept with Nolan and Benjamin would do again. He's been more open with Benjamin than most. Closest thing he has to a love interest right now, though he's just learned Benjamin instigated the jailbreak

Sirius Black | seriousmarauder
Were working towards some sort of romantic relationship (Remus allowing), until Jim learned Sirius was partially responsible for the famine. Now feels betrayed, because Sirius has demonstrated a lack of trust on more than one occasion.

Lance Blackthorn | punkass_drgnrdr
Lance has been helpful and personable. Jim is concerned about his memory loss, and now about his heroin addiction--addiction has largely been eradicated where he's from, but he understands it as a disease.

Christine Chapel | rightawaydoctor
So far, so good. A lot like his Chapel, but younger, brasher.

Pasha Chekov | mr_chekov
So very young. And he thought his Chekov was! Jim feels protective towards her, but also sees her as something of a child. While being conscious she doesn't want anyone to treat her so.

Boyd Crowder | maybebatman
Level-headed, forthright. Jim is inclined to like him. Now wondering about certain remarks by Jan about a Nazi tattoo, and also doesn't know where they stand after Babylon. Boyd isn't exactly forthcoming.

The Doctor (Nine AU) | youwiththeears
Not sure what to think of him, but likeable enough. Wonders about the continuity with the other Doctors he knows.

The Doctor (Eleven) | fallsoutofbox
Fascinating individual, whom Jim would like to know better.

Laurence Dominic | mr_dominic
Jim has reached a plateau with Dominic, where he does not like him but has more or less forgiven his actions. Or at least, is trying to understand.

Zachary Finch | eternityunseen
Has had a few conversations with. Seems likable enough.

Gaila | imhere4theplot
You have not impressed Jim with your insensitivity, Gaila. Which is weird, considering you should be getting on like houses on fire that fuck.

Raylan Givens | iwasjustified
The brOTP, as was. Raylan and Jim were an effective crime-fighting team, though Jim's actions (and a white lie) have led Raylan to distrust Jim and break off their friendship.

Jack Harkness (future) | fixedpointintime
Likes Jack a lot. Great sex, and a sense of kinship of some kind. Doesn't yet know Jack's immortal situation, just that he's from the future and is awesome.

Jack Harkness (S2) | capj_harkness
Knows him less well than other-Jack, but likes him, too. Knows he's involved with Ianto, and is wary of where that puts him.

Jo Harvelle | huntersdaughter
Shared an intense threesome with her and future!Jack, not soon to be forgotten. They've spoken only briefly since then, and hardly know each other, but there is potential, here. Sam thinks so, anyway.

Winona Hawkins | vitory_laps
Finds her attractive and strong, and knows she cares for Raylan. Has lied to protect her from the same mistrust Raylan feels for Jim.

Greg House | huge_egomd
Jim is mostly amused--House reminds him a little of Bones, and Jim is lonely. House has not yet utterly annoyed him, though Jim is aware that he thinks he's smarter than Jim.

Dr. Daniel Jackson | pieceofourleg
Still working this out; thus far, his introduction has been a rather desperate network message and finding him trussed up in the library. Is interested in what he has to say about the balance of life and death, but a little skeptical. Likes Jack.

Ianto Jones | torchwoodteaboy
Self-effacing young man, Jim thinks he's probably what he seems. And needs a boatload more confidence, which he'll try to provoke. Has taken him in. Possible romantic interest, though right now Jim doesn't know where Ianto and Jack2 stand.

James T. Kirk (Junior) | chairismine
Best alternate-Jim he's ever met. Could come to feel either lust or parental feelings for, depending. Less creepy than that sounds, hopefully. He wants to look out for Jim, but also feels just a tad threatened considering all his new friends had this Jim first.

Needy Lesnicki | shes_a_kicker
As yes, just an attractive, lonely young woman.

Remus Lupin | ydy_blaidd_drwg
Sirius' boyfriend--Jim is aware they screwed up in being too forceful, and has been more or less avoiding Remus. Or rather, keeping out of his way. Would like to know him better, eventually.

Mindy MacReady | teenagekiller
So not impressed with you.

Leonard "Bones" McCoy | doctornota
Rapidly becoming a close friend--Jim both understands he's not "his" Bones, but sees so many similarities he feels a familiarity that is vivid. Could go romantic if it comes up, but for now, intense friendship exacerbated by Jim's missing his own world.

Art Mullen | marshal_art
Likes Art a great deal--and thinks he's great for Raylan. Appreciates his quiet compassion and humor.

Camilla Ostermeyer | takebacktostart
Jim very much regrets that a major part of their interaction was her "help" out of the bondage book. Not that he minded, but he knows she did. Still, he hopes they can be friends. She's very reserved, so difficult for Jim to read. But she's been a steady friend.

Montgomery Scott (mirror) | lt_cmmdr_scott
Is convinced Scott is a good man from a bad home. Determined to prove it. He sees a lot of his Scotty in Scott, but also knows that they're not at all the same man.

Inara Serra | schooledinlies
Gorgeous, sexy, fantastic lady. Jim is impressed by her, but laments her profession. Not because he disapproves, necessarily, but because he doesn't feel he can avail himself of her services, and he'd very much like to. Still, he values her as a conversationalist. She is the only one to whom he's confessed his past.

Some | gruesomething
Became fond of Some after their rain-induced sex. Has defended him from bigotry. Now feels betrayed because Some has been eating people all this time, knowing Jim (and others) would not approve.

Mr. Spock | inferable
So much feelings. Not "his" Spock, and Jim knows that and there's little transferrence. Though of late he's come to realize just how deeply Spock's defection to Gol has cost him, and what his feelings may really be. He's trying not to take that out on this one, however, but has an intense need to be there for him.

Tony Stark | myheartglows
Jim is torn on the vigilante front. Personally, he finds Tony physically attractive but socially sort of a dick. Of course, now that mirror!Jim has absued Tony, and Jim remembers, he's feeling very guilty and conflicted.

Buffy Summers | isaywe_party
Capable young woman, a credit to the force, and mighty attractive at that. Of coruse, confused by his previous brief relationship with another Buffy, and has not pursued.

T'Pol | with_discipline
T'Pol reminds Jim of Spock, of course, but he triest to remember that's only superficial. He feels intense sympathy for her, given her background, and wants to make things better. Sometimes with sex.

Nyota Uhura | talentd_tongue
The most bromancey het relationship ever. Jim adores Uhura, knows she's with Spock, is slightly jealous, and yet has no inclination to hold that against her. They're a lot alike, and Jim can interact with her in a way he couldn't with the Uhura from his world.

Seras Victoria | the_police_girl
Feels very protective towards, though has doubts about her grip on reality. He feels he's screwed up with her, sending her mixed messages in his effort to both bolster her confidence and keep her from self-destructive behaviors. He really wants her to stand up for herself. And feels he might be taking advantage.

Percy Weasley | im_head_boy
Reminds him of some officious Starfleet types, no other opinion.

Sam Winchester | likely_evil
Feels very protective due to what Sam's told him, convinced he's a good man. Of course, this is complicated by evil!Sam's attack, but Jim is trying.


character relationships, ooc: bete noire

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