maybe the things that you think that you need are right here, here at home...

Oct 18, 2007 20:35

i am going to tell you all about last night with the aid of PICTURES! yay! so get under the cut and check it out...

my night at lestat's!

so yeah, that show last night was pretty fucking awesome. my dad and i got there at about 8:40pm and sat RIGHT in the front...haha, cos we're nerds. and, well, i brought my camera and i wanted to be able to take good pictures/videos! whatever man, we were cool.

anyways, yeah, apparently we were pretty early. we kept seeing some of the same people walking around though and didn't think much of it...but swear to god, every person we thought was just someone random and early like us ended up getting up on stage and playing...haha.

first up was this girl named jordan reimer. she's fucking fourteen and she is already a million times more talented than i will EVER be. she sucks...haha. she was kind of a dork, but she was pretty neat, and like i said, she totally knew what she was doing and sounded pretty good. ended up buying her cd at the encouragement of my dad...

next up was ruut. mhm. haha, the singer couldn't stop complimenting jordan. uh, they were cool, not entirely my thing i guess, but i wasn't unhappy listening to them or anything. kept hearing them click their pedals and stuff though...haha. that's what we get for being the the very front of a small coffee shop show, i guess.

and then waz played! and i took a lot of pictures! and made two videos! haha, with the other people, i kept myself to maybe five pictures or so, but when waz came up, i took...holy crap, 94 pictures! wow. in my defense, there was a lot of blurring going on (and at some points i just thought there was) and for a while, i was just determined to get a decent picture of him where his eyes WEREN'T closed! you know, like this:

haha... more importantly than all that, he played wonderfully! and of course there was the neat little inbetween conversation ("i didn't realize this place was in normal heights. but i guess you guys all knew that...and there's a huge sign out there..." haha, literally, ginormous sign righttt outside over the street that says NORMAL HEIGHTS. man, don't you love how i pick the dorkiest thing he said to quote over anything else? hmm, maybe it's just cos he was looking right at me when he said the last part...). oh god, when he first got up on the stage though, i swear i did not recognize him. okay, okay, let me show you some pictures and you can tell me if i'm just weird or what.

the first one is him in his pete yorn days (around 2001), the second is when he first went solo, and the last one is the picture of him i've been looking for the past two weeks or so (it's the one on the flyer i was putting up around my school for the show). and then i saw this guy and i was, that has to be him! haha.

okay, moving on. i love this picture:

that is jaime, she played piano and pump organ (i think that's what he said it was called...) with waz. okay, okay, only one more waz picture and then i'll move on.

yup, i rule ^^

alright, last act of the night was sam hart. he actually went around the room before anyone had played and introduced himself and shook hands and such. i don't know, he gave off this weird vibe of being a little full of himself, i'm not entirely sure why. he also sounded a bit like he was trying to be jason mraz and only doing so-so at it. i tried not to like him a bit (haha, i really don't know why) but he wasn't all that bad. i mostly watched the drummer play though because he was neat.

sooooo...after that, we hung around a bit to try to catch waz and say hello and idk take a picture or something, but he was doing some running around and it just didn't happen. i did talk to jordan again (i'd gone up to her and bought her cd and said the general 'you were neat' and stuff) and she said she liked my hair and we got into hair dye a bit and she asked if i had myspace and i told her i'd find her on there for sure (which i of course did, and we threw some comments back and forth today). and then we were offfff...

and my dad and i had and awesome conversation about music on the way home =) i. love. my. dad. more. than. everyone. we talked about the venue and everyone who played (apparently he didn't really care for anyone but jordan) and then got into lyrics and how you have to be in a certain mood for certain music to sound right sometimes and how he doesn't really think of music in terms of genres (like, a country song is just a country version of a story, etc - it's all pretty much the same thing). it was really really neat, and i was very happy that him and i went to the show together. call me a nerd, i don't care, we had fun.

but this sort of made my day today:

(i put my best pictures from last night up on facebook and it tells people when you put pictures of them up, so yeah, that's how he he saw them)


that guy has just been way too awesome. sending me a free cd, actually responding to messages and sending some on his's just neat when people are good with their fans. it makes me like him even more than i already would have, you know?

well! okay! i have overloaded you with quite enough for one night...maybe by tomorrow i'll have gotten my videos uploaded and i'll share those too... but i wouldn't count on it as i'm supposed to be baking with michele and alex and phattha and yaneth and some other people who i don't really know and i'm staying the night and so on.

oh, but if you're interested in seeing the rest of my pictures, they are here:

i love you and good night (and wish me luck on my geology test cos i NEED it)!


concerts, pictures

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