Sherlock Fic: Of Mice and Consulting Detectives drabble cycle (5 of 10)

Aug 05, 2011 08:03


Of Mice and Consulting Detectives

Ben jumped off the railway platform, and began scrambling through the scattered trash. He heard Sean panting behind him.

Behind Sean, the hissing drew closer.

Ben squeaked loudly, and a shadow swooped past him. He turned just in time to see a raptor snatch the writhing snake.

Sean leaned against a half-eaten sandwich, and tried to catch his breath.

“Lucky for us that bird was there.”

“Not lucky. I called him.”


“But who did it? Who would have imported a snake from South America? And why?”

Neither mouse saw the flash of white from behind a plastic milk jug.


sherlock (bbc), fan fiction

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