Written for Week One of
sherlock_ldwsPrompt: Possession
Would I Lie to You?
“Taxidermy classes in the community centre. But you aren’t here to stare at my wall hangings. This is about your tyres?”
“Taxidermy? At the community-”
“The bat is mine as well. The instructor said that I was quite good.”
“But I’ve never heard-”
“It was up North.”
“Ah, of course. Well, I was about to leave for work last Tuesday when I noticed that my tyres…”
“You killed animals for pleasure? You monster!”
“Big game hunting is a family tradition. Certainly no worse than embezzling.”
“I-I don’t know- What are you-”
“You should know that your employer has already been here for help, so- Be sure to shut the front door behind you!”
“It’s meant to bring good luck in East Asia, Dimmock. Obviously faulty since Mrs. Hudson let you in.”
“From a grateful client. More barmy than you are.”
“I stole it on a dare at Uni. They never found out.”
“It’s only a model.”
“You enjoy making up stories about that animal head thing, then?”
"Inventing Toby Tales is better than being bored."
"It has a name?"