This is my second food-related drabble for
drabbles20in20. It is also my attempt to paint a more in character picture of Sherlock and John's first Christmas dinner than the one I did in "Another Christmas Dinner." (That was my second Sherlock-related fanfic, and I was still feeling out the characters.)
“Roast at 190C, Gas Mark 4 for 100 minutes”
“If I have to have Christmas dinner with you, I want a real one-home cooked! “
“Well, I did-do! Still do. Besides, the mistakes are… part of the charm.”
“For a pair of newlyweds! Not for sensible men who prefer turkey to charcoal!”
“But how could this have happened? I followed the directions exactly.”
“Clearly you didn’t. Which proves my…”
“Yes, Sherlock. Next time we’ll do it your way, and eat out.”
Sherlock smiled inwardly, and added “recalibrate oven gauge” to his list of things to do when John went out with his Blackheath mates on Boxing Day.