Sherlock Fic: Cougar

Apr 14, 2011 02:07

Second Author's Choice drabble for drabbles20in20.  Darkish, but the weird song-prompt was... well... you'll see.  And I'll append a youtube vid.  Thanks to labourslamp  for the song-prompt and for advice on this tricky drabble.  Set during the "Deleting" section of Operating System.


Sherlock’s hand trembled almost imperceptibly as he accepted a glass from yet another of the women admiring his carefully calculated charm, and his deductive prowess-his eighth free drink of the evening.

“So, what can you deduce about me, Mr. Holmes?”

He blinked at her.

“32… divorced...  but not before he bought those Ds.”

“He didn’t regret his investment,” she purred.

He sneered and started for the exit.

“Call me.”


“Then I’ll call you. I’m lonely, Sherlock.”


“Where can I call you?”

“You know my name… Look up the number.”

He stumbled as the door closed behind him.


You Know My Name (Look Up the Number)

sherlock (bbc), fan fiction, drabbles 20 in 20

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