good old JK

Feb 02, 2014 11:41

This is such magnificent trolling.I am trying to remain cool and ~above it all because a) the books are still the books nothing will ever make OBHWF not exist*; b) probably most of these comments were taken out of context ( Read more... )

gossip girl: fuck this show, gossip girl, lol harry potter, party like it's 2005, harry potter, harry/hermione, dan/blair

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Comments 29

jupisan February 2 2014, 16:56:56 UTC
I was like this XD. until I see that Article. Im slightly cautious but still.


goldy_dollar February 2 2014, 19:50:31 UTC
Right. I am pretty convinced that What She Actually Said is quite different from what has been reported.


madderbrad February 4 2014, 03:04:06 UTC
I am pretty convinced that What She Actually Said is quite different from what has been reported.

Yes. I'd be nervous about drawing any grand conclusions directly based on what we currently believe Rowling actually said.

But, indirectly, it's open season on the Pro-Jo crowd who used to follow Rowling's every word as gospel, and who are now apparently flailing like headless chickens. *Right now* they believe their author-god has betrayed them, and right now their reactions are ripe for gloating.

Even if, next week, things aren't as bad as they thought, they have been embarrassed and exposed by their earlier response.


asweetdownfall February 2 2014, 16:58:26 UTC

And I approve of reading H/Hr fic ;)


sherrilina February 2 2014, 16:58:51 UTC
Lolll you know where you can stick your "delusional" now, Emerson Spartz! :p

Idk I don't care that it doesn't change canon, the fact that JKR is admitting it was flawed and shoe-horned in at the end is enough cause for celebration for me--because R/Hr fans have always been smug and condescending about this and too ready to accept her ridiculous interviews as gospel, and now it's like karma! ;)

And yeah lol at anyone pretending R/Hr was not a common trope either.

Oh and yeah someone on ONTD was trying to argue R/Hr was like Dan/Blair...*roll eyes*


goldy_dollar February 2 2014, 21:08:37 UTC
lmao it doesn't matter how old we all get or how distant we get on this ship war, I still feel validated that the delusional word cannot hurt me anymore.

Oh and yeah someone on ONTD was trying to argue R/Hr was like Dan/Blair...


Like I don't know whether to be offended on Dair's behalf or on behalf of the entire HP series for being compared to Gossip Girl in the first place.


sherrilina February 3 2014, 01:33:42 UTC
Lol idk HBP was about on par with the 6th season of GG tbh. ;) I would be offended on Dair's behalf.

And yeah so many strong feelings always...those ship wars were so scarring.


a_white_rain February 3 2014, 01:38:03 UTC
Being delusional is still a grate LJ interest tbh


turtle_goose February 2 2014, 17:14:23 UTC
I thought of you when I read that article.


jedi_of_urth February 2 2014, 17:15:53 UTC
BWAHAHAHAHA. Maybe it won't change the books, but it makes it even easier to go "screw the epilog" and view it as a *possible* future instead of what would really happen.

I especially love that she said R/Hr would need relationship counseling, since we've long said that''s a match made inn divorce court.

I always thought JKR wrote a love story so secret not even she knew about it, and now there is validation of that fact.

That's kind of how I saw it. Like H/Hr was there but the author refused to acknowledge it so they went right on being there and just not telling her.

(Now if only the TVD writers would get over themselves and admit Elena shouldn't be with either of the Salvatores.)


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