I know i have good friends around me and to me that is all i need. My man, my friends, my rabbits, my cat, and my TRUCK!!! If my family dont like it well tough
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hey i am having guy problems!!! Anthoer guy i know who is a good friend of mine wants to date me!! he is 22 and lives in tawas. i dont know what to do!! I know follow ur heart!! But doug and i never talk anymore and we never see each other curtisy of my mom and dad!! all i want is a normal boyfriend who will call me and hang out wit me on weekends
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I have been working hard. my brother came up friday and his family was with him. Saturday i babysat my niece and nephew. today they all left. i am relaxing. monday we hope to have the mustang done. so i will wirte more later!!!!!
Hey i thought i would write and talk quickly about my day. we finaly got het mustang into paint and it has the 3 layers of base on it and tommarrow we plan to clear coat it. I am confused about everything. I don't know weither or not doug and i are in love and i think i still have a thing for kinger. i am not good in this deptment at all.
It feels like one even sees me! I feel invisible to the world. I have never in my life felt so upset with Mr. Matchett!! He e-mailed me a mean letter and now i feel like i have noone to talk to!! It is like i have never even been an officer or in FFA with him. We worked on cars today in Auto Body class and we are in groups of 4. I am with 3 other
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Well i am now in college and it feels great. I have a wonderful Boyfriend and 5 lovley rabbits. I have nothing more i could ask for except maybe a car and a Liceanse!! Gas prices are really high up here and well I know i am sick of them!! I mean almost $4.00 for gas come on I could ride the bus for that and not have to pay for gas!! I have spent
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