Go Badgers!!

Jan 05, 2005 09:20

So last night i made a HUGE decision.  I decided that im gonna go to the University of Wisconsin-Madisonfor the next four years of my life!! After looking at all each school i ( Read more... )

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Comments 17

swissmiss287 January 5 2005, 18:52:30 UTC
send me lots of cheese biiiiiatch :D


golfin_gangsta January 5 2005, 22:04:40 UTC
i dont appreciate being referred to as "biiiiatch"...thank you


stay_true2 January 5 2005, 20:27:55 UTC
i'm glad you have decided, doesn't it feel nice?



golfin_gangsta January 5 2005, 21:58:30 UTC
yes it does :)


Yea!! emmrs419 January 5 2005, 20:45:46 UTC

im really happy for you- this is a huge decision and you seemed really happy about it. You should consider yourself very lucky! you know where you are going and its only January!!!

who knows, maybe I will join you.

O- and I dont just want cheese - I want a cheese HEAD. in fact, i expect one. :P

Congrats again!!!!!


Re: Yea!! emmrs419 January 5 2005, 20:48:19 UTC
o- p.s. next time I am at your house I am going to make you something Wisconsin-y for your livejournal.

get excited.


Re: Yea!! golfin_gangsta January 5 2005, 22:02:13 UTC
Thanks E-Dizzle! does the fact that im going to wisconsin mean that i have to be obsessed with cheese?? uh oh. lol. You better check if you got in soon cause if not...NO CHEESE FOR YOU!
<3, S.


Re: Yea!! emmrs419 January 5 2005, 23:00:44 UTC
no no no- i want a cheese HEAD (i saw one once in Iowa which was a corn head and I have hated myself ever since for not buying it)

this is exactly what I want actually:


hopefully I wont look at stupid as that guy is wearing it


dirrrty_dancer January 5 2005, 21:54:46 UTC
holla! congrats on ur decision :) get sooo excited for the kitchenettes... im excited for you! the closest thing my schools have to a kitchenette is a shitty sink :(


golfin_gangsta January 5 2005, 22:03:17 UTC
lol... thanks. I better tell Harvard im not going there right??


stay_true2 January 6 2005, 01:22:02 UTC
shaaa you have to....man will they be disappointed. i heard they were trying to up the number of blacks they have ;) lol

wurrd up s-dizzle


YESSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!! everydayreal January 5 2005, 23:53:31 UTC
CONGRATS you badger you!


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