Hehe, again you say..

Apr 20, 2006 20:20


(001) Your gender: Male.
(002) Straight/gay/bi?: Straight.
(003) Single?: Yep.
(004) Want to be?: A biotechnologist. AKA: Genetic engineerer or a researcher if you must. Doesn't matter i suppose. I just want to have a good time, a good life.
(005) Age?: 19.
(006) Age you wish you were: 19 is fine by me.
(009) The color of your eyes: Brown.
(010) Piercing: None.
(012) Tattoos: None.


(013) Smoke: Never. Not once in my life.
(015) Read the newspaper: Seldomly.
(017) Talk to strangers who IM you: For a little bit. I generally don't block them, just never talk to them again. Unless they talk to me again that is.
(018) Take walks in the rain: I wouldn't mind taking a walk in the rain every now and then. But i don't go "wow, it's raining... let's be a hippy and walk in the rain, peace man.."
(019) Drive: Nope.
(020) Like to drive fast? Not really.
(021) Hurt yourself: I'm emo.


(022) Been out of the country: Nah.
(023) Been in love: Nah.
(024) Done drugs: Nothing illegal.
(025) Gone skinny dipping: Yeah.
(026) Had a surgery: Yeah. Dolphinplasty.
(027) Ran away from home: Nope.
(028) Played strip poker: Nope.
(029) Gotten beat up: Nah.
(031) Gotten on stage: Yeah, who hasn't? Losers.
(032) Slept outdoors: Haha. Yeah.
(034) Pulled an all-nighter: All the time.
(036) Talked on the phone all night: I have, once or twice i think...
(038) Slept all day: Yep.
(039) Killed someone: Nah.
(040) Made out with a stranger: Yeah.
(041) Had sex with a stranger?: Haha.
(042) Kissed the same sex: Nah.
(043) Done anything sexual with the same sex: Nah.
(044) Been betrayed: Not really. In little ways, yes. But nothing that has hurt me in the long run.
(045) Broken the law: Yeah, quite abit.
(047) Been on radio/tv: Nah.
(048) Been in a mosh-pit: Yeah, it is cool. Except when the whole section your in starts to fall over and you almost die. Heheh.
(049) Had a nervous breakdown: Haha, you loser.
(050) Been criticized about your sexual performance: Nope.
(051) Had a dream that kept coming back: Once or twice.
(052) Favorite shoe brand?: YOU'RE a metrosexual!
(053) Favorite music: Most stuff...
(054) Wear hats: Sometimes. I own two caps, so i guess you can say i wear hats. But i prefer not to.
(055) Judged other people by their clothing: Everyone does, unless your a lying hippy. But i don't hold it against anyone, except if i don't like them.
(057) Are you trendy: Nah, not really.


(058) Life on other planets: Not really.
(059) Miracles: No. What people call miracles are just the unexcpected or the unlikely.
(060) Astrology: Fuck no, i am not a retard.
(061) Magic: No.
(062) God: No.
(063) Love: Yeah. I suppose i do. But not in the over-hyped, romantic, loser'ish sort of way. *shrugs*
(064) Ghosts: No.
(065) Rebirth: No.
(066) Love at first sight: Not really.
(067) Yin and Yang: No. It is over simple to be universal.
(068) Witches: If they're as hot as the charmed gals, hell yeah.
(069) Easter bunny: No.


(070) Do you remember your first love: I had a first love?
(071) Do you consider love a mistake: Sometimes it is.
(072) What do you find romantic: Leather.
(073) Oh nu uh!: I ain't black, okay?!
(074) Turn-off: Sluttiness and being annoying

(075) Do you base your judgement on looks alone: Fuck no. Come on, only good looking people do that.
(076) Have you ever been romantically attracted to someone and physically unattracted?: Yeah, i have.
(077) What is best about the opposite sex?: Their smile and breasts, to be frank.
(078) Whats the last present someone got you?: To be honest i can't remember.
(079) Do you like someone?: I don't like anyone at the moment. But i find a few people attractive but am not in any hot pursuit at this point in time. Sorry to all you gossip whores.


(080) That you laughed at: Theo.
(081) That laughed at you: Dan.
(082) That turned you on: Hmmmm... This really, really hot chick at toss today. OMG she was hawt!
(083) You went shopping with: Dan for KFC. Unless you count buying alcohol at the pub shopping. LOLz.
(090) You talked to on text message: I can't remember. I have been using my free chat minutes on my mobile for the past few weeks as i have only 21 cents credit left. LOLs.
(091) Your best friend: Trevor. Best friend in Wollongong is Dan though. Theo close second though. I have a point system going you see?


(092) Smiled: Playing cards, just five minutes ago.
(093) Laughed: Cards.
(095) Bought something: Beer at toss this arvo.
(096) Danced: Last saturday. But i do little dances on the spot when i am drinking, once in awhile.
(097) Sleepover: Easter. Stayed at Theo's.
(098) Listened to music: Listening to music now. Idiot.
(099) Who is your crush: Hmmmm... I suppose i might, but i wouldn't say a crush. Just i think their attractive. Heh.

-- Gomer
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