So far, the biggest, most appreciable change between XX and #R is GGX mode, which inserts Fatal Duel, No Mercy, and Still in the Dark in instead of Nothing out of the Ordinary, Noontide, and Existence (when applicable
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THE RULES: List ten songs that you are currently loving. It doesn't matter what genre they are from, whether they have words, or even if they're any good, but they must be songs you're really enjoying right now
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Would anyone have the faintest as to why, no matter how many different CD plugins I download and try, ePSXe will only load .iso images and not actual CDs?
Flipping through channels tonight, I came across the Showbiz Show. They were taking a look at auditions for a new reality show by Stan Lee - Who wants to be a Superhero?
As they showed clips of the crowd of costumed characters milling around for the audition, one in particular caught my eye. One that I recognized. Man-Faye.