[Filtered to Strawhats// 8% now 95% unhackable thanks to Nami |Dd]
[He makes sure kid!Sanji isn't gonna hear this before he starts.]
... I've decided. We're not gonna tell Sanji about what happened to him. He wouldn't believe us anyway. The only thing you should tell him about is the Malnosso. Make sure his friends don't tell him either.
[If anyone wants to discuss it, Luffy will be in the kitchen. COOKING no less. Sanji is a kid and someone has to prepare dinner. Nami is too stressed out so it's not fair to ask her. Robin just got here, so not really fair to her either. Usopp would like stab himself in the eye. Zoro is always sleeping. Chopper is a DOCTOR. And Brook is a SKELETON dude come on! You know skeletons can't cook. Not to mention he'd have to wear like 10 hairnets. SO IT'S UP TO LUFFY TO SAVE THE DAY.
The journal will open, a public entry this time, and shows Luffy in the kitchen preparing dinner. He has on a nice big chef hat and an apron. He figured it should be fine, he's seen Sanji do it a ton of times. And kid!Sanji could always help him if he needs it. But he doesn't think he need it soooo yeah. You're free to come by if you want some dinner! Aka if you want to DIE.]
[ooc: Probably backdated to in the evening when they actually was having dinner. Or futuredated to the evening if it'd be easier for castmates]