Figgy's answers are
here You know the drill...copy, paste into a note, change your answers then tag
all your friends. Oh, and make sure you send your answers to your sig other
so that they can check!
1. He/She's sitting in front of the TV, what is on the screen?
Some cooking show. Or Mad Men. Or America's Next Top Model. Or Dancing With the Stars. Really, she has so many shows, it's difficult to know...
2. You're out to eat/what kind of dressing on his/her salad?
Tasty dressing!
3. What's one food he/she doesn't like?
4. You go out to eat and have a drink. What does he/she order?
Something fruity and frozen with tequila. Either that or a rum and coke.
5. Where did he/she go to high school?
Private "American" school in Tegucigalpa, Honduras.
7. What is his/her favorite type of sandwich?
Whatever I'm having...
8. What would this person eat every day if he/she could?
Cookies! Or cake.
9. What is his/her favorite cereal?
Some kind of Quaker Oats oatmeal and raisin thing. Without the raisins.
10. What would he/she never wear?
A pink lace dress.
11. What is his/her favorite sports team?
Uuh... Honduran futbol team? (if she had to pick one)
12. Who did he/she vote for? 13. Who is his/her best friend?
Uh... Cynthia?
14. What is something you do that he/she wishes you wouldn't do?
Know anything at all about Star Trek?
15. What is his/her heritage?
Honduran? Mestizo, I guess, if you want to get "racial".
16. You bake him/her a cake for his/her birthday; what kind of cake?
Chocolate cake!
17. Did he/she play sports in high school?
18. What could he/she spend hours doing?
Watching TV.
19. What is one talent he/she has?
Good cook.
20 What's his/her favorite color?