Weepy meme

Sep 17, 2007 17:07

Name five films that have you in tears almost every time you view them, and the scene that causes those tears in each one.

NOTE: Try to refrain from listing animal-related films. We ALL know those make us cry. :)


1. Fellowship of the Ring

Bori's death scene, of course. I just can't ever get used to it. So brave. His last thoughts were
on nothing but saving the hobbits and the city that he loves so much.

2. Return of the King

There's many tear-inducing moments in this one, but the one that hits me most is Frodo's
departure at the end. Total snuggly hobbit weep-fest. Then when Frodo steps onto the boat
and sheds all of his pain and sorrow and becomes almost "reborn" again. *squeak*

3. Terms of Endearment

The last two scenes with Debra Winger. The one where she's having the talk with her boys
and then the final, very quiet scene where she and her mom share that last silent moment.
Total over-the-top film angst at its finest.

4. The Lion King

Yes, I am a sad person who cries over cartoons. So sue me. :) But the opening scene where
they play "Circle of Life" and show all of the animals going to see the new king...there's just
so much emotion in that scene. (I suppose technically this could be seen as an "animal movie",
but since it's animated I didn't think it counted 100%. You be the judge.)

5. Titanic

Yes, I can hear the groans now. :) It's just that scene where Rose is being lowered in the lifeboat
and is torn between staying with Jack or being practical and playing it safe. Then when she jumps
from the lifeboat and runs through the ship to meet back up with Jack again...oh, every romantic
bone in my body just says "awwwww" all at the same time! :)
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