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May 03, 2006 18:56

The Character Description for Rai Nah jthat I used in my cartoon animation class. Still working on the drawn character sheet.

Kevin Snow
DM 24
Asg. 6A

1. What is their name?

Rai Nah

Who is this character?

The psychotic pixie paladin.

Is this character based on something mythical, a fable or legend, or something or someone else?


Is there a story or reason behind the character's name?

Not really, I just babbled nonsense until something that sounded like a name came out.

Where did they come from?

It is the manner of pixies to pop into existence when a magical bubble pops, though they usually only do that when viewed, and usually stay far away from view at other times, so as not to be popped prematurely. The particular bubble that Rai Nah was supposed to come from, however, popped nearly two minutes early, failing to draw the attention to the place where she was to appear, so when she did appear, while she still ended up being viewed, it was only in someone's pereffial vision, so she did not get enough attention at the exact moment of her creation, and that might explain her condition, but saddle it doesn't.

2. Where do they live?

She does not truly have a home, though she can maintain a temporary residence in an area that she thinks may take a lot of her time to slay all the evil furniture, or the minions of her arch-nemesis Deg'tavel, the evil dandelion necromancer.

Her choices of places to stay may include unoccupied bird nests, toy boxes, piles of laundry, and somewhat inhabited rat nests.

Who do they live with?

She is likely to live with her current steed, be it fox, cat, hawk, or other small somewhat furryish creature.

When she stays in the somewhat occupied rat nests, it isn't for long, since she tends to be a moocher, and the rats don't like it when they find that she isn't paying the bills or something.

What is their living space like?

Such a place as that, while usually starting in disarray, usually ends up a complete mess before she leaves. Her steed usually pushes things into a nest it's size, and she pulls things into a bed her size. And coincidentally, she knows nothing of cleaning, not even the word.

3. Do they have friends?
Yes, strange as they may seem, though they tend to fade away and be forgotten quite fast once they are out of the room.

What are their friends like?

Included with her friends are her small, somewhat fuzzyish enchanted steeds. These tend to know little of what is going on, as she usually doesn't bother to explain things, thinking everyone else knows just as much as she does, but they do help her out, since the magic of the enchantment doesn't let them know that they are doing it against their will.

The people who think that tiny psychotic magical creatures are cute tend to befriend her for longer than most, since they usually have something to do that Rai Nah can be interested in (such as leaving almost totally unprepared to travel through the wilderness in search of magically guarded places that may or may not contain anything shiny or slayable).

People whom join her on her quest to slay evil furniture and break malevolent flowers (or more likely break furniture and slay flowers) usually go home when their mothers call them in for supper, or witness the tromping and smashing in rooms and gardens.

Do they have enemies?

Yes, though many of them are incapable of knowing this.

What are their enemies like?

Her arch-nemesis, Deg'tavel, the evil dandelion necromancer, is the lonely sort, and all her wants to do with his life is carve out a humble yet evil zombie infested demesnes in a small but popular city with a female evil necromancer of his kind, and have lots (or very few) evil necromancer seedlings. This is however, very hard to achieve, being that there are very few if any female necromancers of his kind, and he has only slight means of doing all this, not to mention the very real possibility that he may just be imagined into reality by Rai Nah (others witness his evil acts while she is around, but oddly enough no one notices unless she is there).

The evil furniture, A massive network of couches, chairs, boxes, and such that silently awaits the day that they will outnumber mankind and strike all at once, rendering the entire population into subservient potatoes, or something. That day is... Last Tuesday! But the communiqué was lost, and most of them do not realize this yet, for the better of us all.

4. Does this character make sounds and/or talk?
Yes, and yes, at the same time sometimes, but not necessarily related.

What kinds of sounds, or what do they sound like?

She makes highly understandable emotional noises, kind of animal like.

She has a high voice like expected of small creatures and pixies, though it is not very, or even annoyingly high.

What is their speech like?

The sounds that Rai Nah makes while talking have little to do with the words people perceive from her, besides being of the same emotion and length of idea.

Most animals, many plants, and some smart rocks can understand Rai Nah's speech, complete with words and grammar of whatever language that they are used to. She can understand the return communications of such things, but she will never do translating, thinking that people are to lazy to listen for themselves whenever they ask her. She might ask about people "talking" to paper (reading/writing) but she probably just thinks them crazy.

5. Does the character think?

Well, as it turns out, she can! Though I wouldn't rely on her to do it consistently, or even often.

What do they think about?

What she thinks, when she bothers to think at all, is usually either to form prejudiced opinions, or on how to further her quest and matters related to such.

Are they expressive?

Yes, even when she has nothing to express, though there is a slight chance of her breaking down while trying to figure out what to express next.

How do they express themselves?

Sometimes by shouting "Die, Die, Die!", but usually with facial and body expressions and sounds and such.

6. Describe the character's physical characteristics.

7 inches tall.
Eyes and hair are a matching shade of rainbow... However that can be figured.
Ears are pointed and twitchable.
Two fingers and a thumb on each hand. Possibly just two toes on a foot, not sure yet.
Tail with a tuft of hair on the end.
Dragonfly-like iridescent wings.

Is there anything unique or different about the way they look?

All the things listed above.
Top right wing is perpetually broken at half way point.
Bottom left wing is missing the point.
Most pixies are capable of glowing brightly, Rai Nah, though, can only glow very dimly.

About the way they move?

In the air she flies very much like a drunken mongoose with a jetpack.
On the ground she walks sort of like a human trying to imitate an animal walk, or strikes various warrior-like poses, though she could start dancing at any moment, it is unlikely.

Are they human-like, animal-like, plant-like, something else?

In appearance, she is mostly human-like.
In action, she is somewhat animal-like, with a hint of rabies.
In intellect, she is kinda plant-like, but still very much like a really really stupid human.
In personality, likely something else-like.

What are their proportions, relative to themselves and to other characters?

Perhaps about the height of just the head of a normal sized character.
Five and a half head heights tall when flatfooted.

7. What kind of personality does the character have?

An unstable one, but usually focused until distracted, then it is anyone's guess. Though it does seem that she acts in a particular manner when given the same situation twice.

Are they intelligent/stupid, gifted/ordinary/special, moody/even tempered, impulsive/restrained, what else?

Stupid, only vaguely capable of learning. Able to contemplate intellectual challenges, but to no effect.
Special, in the bad sort of way.
Moody, incapable of controlling emotions, or at least hasn't thought to try.
Impulsive, almost incapable of thinking about actions before she takes them.

8. What is their purpose in life?

Apparently to smack/smite overlooked evil-looking stuff.

Do they have a skill, job, or profession?

Paladin/adventurer, smash/smite stuff in a knightly manner, and expect people to appreciate it.

Are they proficient as using tools, weapons, vehicles, instruments?

Tools, no, please do not give her a tool, I want to live (apparently she can tailor her own clothes, but that is about the limit)
Weapons, she is very proficient in melee (smashing stuff with denser, sharper stuff), and can adapt many things to weapons her size. Ranged weapons are too big for her, though she may be able to pull a trigger, though only to comical ends.
Vehicles, for variety, yes, she is very proficient with all vehicles, just to small to use them, and not smart enough to recognize them.
Instruments, no, they will get broken.

9. Do they have favorite foods, past-times, hobbies?

Favorite foods... Do hats count? She doesn't need to eat, and rarely does, but she does gnaw stuff to pieces.
As for hobbies, other than her "work", she likes to contemplate the meaning of the greater riddles of her creation, the meaning of life, and why the sun doesn't just pick a place and stay there. So far she has done little more than conceive the questions, but in another hundred years or so (she is ageless after all), she may have some insight to share.

How do they dress?

She dresses in a semi-practical manner. She makes most of her clothes on her own, and it seems that they are made to be warm, though this would be useless as she is mostly immune to the elements. Later on in the story she does wear armor, and while it might make a sword fight with someone of similar stature safer, no one is like that, and it has about the effectiveness of two ply tinfoil (being made of that). She generally wears thigh length soft boots, bracers, skirt, and some sort of shirt.

10. If the character came into the classroom with us, what would they do?

She would, of course, be unpredictable. It could be that she would attack a table leg, kicking, biting, and throwing the most vile insults she can conceive (though sadly these are kinda cute, lacking the effect that even harsh words would have on the inanimate objects [most of the time]). It could be that she will try to fly around, and smash into stuff, try to talk to a computer or light table, or not as unlikely as I have let on, start spouting out poetry for no particular reason.

Anything else that makes your character unique?


My mind blanks.

There was also a picture done by one of my classmates, and I will put that up soon.
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