Jul 12, 2019 20:59

For my How's My Driving Post, go HERE.

Your Name: Akai
Age: 24
Username: fontech
Email: akaikitsunedono@gmail.com
IM: guynophobic on AIM

Character Name: Samuel James Witwicky (Sam)
Series: Transformers (movie-verse)
Timeline: Early on in the second movie, after getting zapped by the Allspark shard
Background: http://transformers.wikia.com/wiki/Samuel_Witwicky
Quarters: Room 7201 (Deck 06)

Spoken/written languages: English for both; he writes a bit of the Cybertronian language, but it's uncontrolled and random so that's only worth mentioning in passing.

Abilities: He doesn't really have any, since he's a normal human being in every meaning of the phrase. Even less so, really - when in danger he tends to scream and flail more than fight. He's kind of a pussy boy who can totally play up the damsel in distress. |D Not to say that he'd give up, he just panics easily when he believes he's outmatched. ...And pretty much everything outmatches him so he runs away a lot. Overall, he's just your average teenager, not some superbrave action hero from the movies. He does have one bizarre... quasi-ability... where, when triggered, he'll start up with these uncontrolled urges; science-related, often jibberish in the way of indecipherable alien symbols and drawings- it can really be anything, but it's not exactly a useful ability since he can't control it at all.

Items: Just a little container containing a shard of the Allspark, no bigger than his finger. The Allspark shard itself can do quite a bit (mostly make tiny, bitchy robots out of household objects), but I wouldn't do anything without permission.

Personality for the hell of it:

Sam is slick, sarcastic, but socially clumsy all at once. He rambles, he fumbles, he bullshits, he says whatever comes to mind and amazingly, it's usually relevant to whatever's going on. He's a fast-talker with a bit of an attitude, but at the heart of him he's a really good-natured kid. He's not one to hesitate about taking a risk with his mouth, such as when he insulted an older, stronger student, and later was sarcastic with a police officer. He's a master of on-the-spot bullshit and talking. A lot. He cares a lot about those important to him, humans and robots alike, and will fight for them when it's necessary regardless of whether he's outpowered or outnumbered, whatever. He's kind of batshit in a lot of ways, but that's just part of his charm.

Speaking of charm, during the two-year lag between the movies, Sam managed to rack up a whole lot of it. Probably thanks to Mikaela; his dynamic with her developed to the point where they can tease and play back and forth with ease, not even missing a beat. Being together that long is explanation enough for that, however (it's never indicated that they had any major fights during that time, so it's assumed that they didn't have any breakups). He has these occasional moments of insight, nothing genius, but enough to show that he's not an idiot. He got accepted to college, that has to count for something :|b Princeton at that, though he likely struggled a little in school. He's not really the naturally scholarly type, but he does well enough to get by. Let's just say he's average.

He also has a low capacity for stress. Something's going on that's liable to make him upset and he talks faster and more frequently, claiming he'll "freak out". However, despite his claims about it, he doesn't, usually. Unless they're danger involved he keeps a relatively deadpan emotional level. Not emotionless by any means (his expressions change a mile a minute) but he gets nowhere near any sort of emotional breakdown.

NO LONGER A VIRGIN, AWESOME. No wonder he's such a smooth bastard with Mikaela in the start of movie 2. THIS IS A MAN WITH AN EGO. He's also devoted to Mikaela but has a horrible lack of self-control - he caves fairly easily to peer pressure (due to a desire to fit in, most likely, considering his troubles with being unpopular in high school) and has trouble with just telling people "no". He's probably lucky that he has Mikaela for a girlfriend because someone needs to wear the pants in that relationship. She does the driving, the asskicking, the rescuing. And all the while Sam screams like a girl and tells people what to do. ...Actually he'd be really, really annoying in a fight and will probably make people want to go "SHUT UP AND STOP SCREAMING IN MY EAR, SAM". No wonder Bumblebee thinks he needs protection.

This isn't to say he likes to just stand back and watch while other people fight, get hurt, even die for his sake. He's very attached to his friends and allies, so it hurts him a lot emotionally to witness what they go through to save his ass and protect the planet. Especially Bumblebee and Optimus; he has special bonds with both of them and they're a lot like family to him. And when it comes right down to it, if someone gives him an important job to do, he will do it regardless of danger, and he will not give up. He has some crazy-amazing tenacity and his bravery is one of those called-to-action types.

....Yeah I might expand on this one later orz

Third Person Sample:

There are far too many decisions to make when becoming an adult, Sam decided, perusing through yet another college pamphlet, weighing his options and trying (for what was probably the hundredth time in the last few days) to figure out what the hell he wanted to do with himself. There were classes he wanted, prices he'd considered, applications to fill out - the list was endless, really. But no matter how much he tried to focus on the direction of his life, his mind kept wandering back to two very important people in the life he already led: Mikaela, and Bumblebee.

They'd expressed curiosity and support, in their own ways, when he'd mentioned college in the first place; if accepted, he'd be the first in his family to go, it would be the opportunity of a lifetime, as many reasons to go as there were thoughts crossing his mind each day. Dozens, hundreds of reasons to look ahead instead of behind him, of the things he'd accomplished in the past with the Autobots. With Mikaela, with Bumblebee. With the people he loved.

They wouldn't be with him if he left. He hadn't asked, hadn't assumed, but at the same time he knew they'd have to separate. Was it his fate to constantly feel torn about his own place in the world?

Mikaela'd be cool with it, right? She's cool with a lot of stuff that happens. Weird stuff, sure, usually, but this is kind of weird, too. ...Not weird like alien robots, but a normal sort of weird. Me going off to college, that's okay, we can deal with that. Not like we can't still talk. There's ways to get around that, right? I'll figure it out.

...Can't get around the physical stuff. No, no, that's not an argument, end of discussion, focus, Sam, focus-

...College, right. Picking a college, one thing at a time, one thing at a time...

Haven't talked to Bee yet, don't even know what to say to him. I'll think of something later, haven't even been accepted ye-hey, hey!-focus, you're just researching, geez...

Yes, life would be so much easier if Princeton were local.

First Person Sample:

So what's with this place? Not gonna protest Bee being here, but what's the point of taking a car on some endless boat ride, anyway? Someone wanna explain this to me? Just doesn't make much sense.

...Kinna nice to have Mikaela here, but I'd be a lot happier with her safe. Should be used to not getting my way, though. Guess I'll just consider me a lucky guy.

Dammit, can't life ever be normal? I mean, come on. So much for that college education.


Random shit:

-"Only recently had his cherry popped! He didn't know I was in the house!" -Sam's mom (lol wtf mom)
-was taking Astronomy 101
-Mojo doggy :c
-Bumblebee is a Camaro, don't forget D|
-eBay ladiesman217

OOC stuff, ignore this >_>

application, !ooc

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