I got my "Hotels at Half-Price" guide from Gun Owners of America, a service they're glad to provide to me in return for my membership dues. On the inside of the booklet there are two tear-out "International Travel Cards" With my ITC, I can "save 50% on each night of my stay at thousands of Hotels and Motels across America and abroad
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This entry by boffo has me thinking that a checklist is needed on things to think about when deciding who you want to win the Super Bowl, Philly or New England.
1. personal safety - you don't want to live in a city where the team wins the championship, because riots will ensue. I remember in high school seeing the Montreal riots from when the hockey
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Arnett had appealed the 51-year sentence because Hamilton County Judge Melba Marsh indicated at his sentencing that she searched for a
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steinwebdesign is starting to face the dilemma that all college students who consider law school as an option and are intelligent end up facing sooner or later
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I need to buy a pair of glasses by the end of the year with money from our MSA, otherwise the money is lost. The opticians who set up shop at our optometrists are lazy salespeople who don't feel like giving me what I want
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In my last batch of Netflix flix, I saw Spider Man 2 and Hulk. Very much enjoyed Spidey, but had a lot of problems with Ang Lee's Hulk. Undoubtedly part of this is because I have no exposure to comic books and I really liked the TV show with Bill Bixby as the tortured soul who hitchhikes in between episodes. But I should not need to know the comic
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