Fandom : Final Fantasy VII
Title : A Warm Day
Characters/pairing : Vincent and Sephiroth
Rating : G!
Disclaimer : Final Fantasy VII belongs to Square Enix
Warning : err... cuteness? XD
A fanart after months, OMG. Also my first FF VII fanart. Was busy with work, doing some art commissions, artblocking because of depressing Bleach chapters regarding Byakuya a while ago. Hmm..yeah so meanwhile I explore other fandoms ;D
This pic actually half done like...four month ago (lol..) but only have chance to finish today. Fail to finish on Valentine's Day. XD (sorry, Vincent! ^^)
While drawing, I realized that Vincent and Seph have colors that's nice to draw together. Red and black, gold and silver.
After I draw Sephy's wing, I want to give demon wings to Vincent,, due to the chibi body, haha~ wings seems too much for him and won't be seen well. So yeah, only Seph with his wing ^^;;
Anyone know any community where I can share this? :D
Hope you like, I'd love to know your thoughts. ^^ Thanks ♥