I'm just going to put this out because I have a lot of love to spread and couldn't pick one muse to do it justice. Here goes...
angelsandasses chainedtoacomet /
wingedschollsad /
needzmoarpie /
proximityissues -You are my roleplay boo and you've become a friend of mine at the same level as my real-life friends here in Puerto Rico. Your characters are crisp and I can hear them when I read the threads. Our chemistry when we play is electrifying and I almost hijacked friends' smartphones to keep up with our threads. Jimmy is a beautiful and fun character to read, Dean is pitch-perfect and if you keep doubting Wilson, I will beat you with the DVD set until you get confident. And lest we forget, Cassie the Formerly Bitchy Angel, who with Jimmy, started this wonderful verse. Keep on kicking ass and taking names!
slains /
protectwhatigot /
willneverlie - My samwich...another friend made through A&A, your Lucy's fucking disturbing and I've been playing an assload of creepy videogames. Dean's just the right amount of the desperate and the human inside that I just want to keep playing. You and I have unfinished business...[EVIL LAUGH HERE] Vinny and Nolan are characters that just make me happy inside (wolfpack forever, bitches!). And you text me at the funniest times [lesson #258945 learned: DO NOT PUT PORTAL RINGTONE FOR MESSAGES ESPECIALLY DURING TESTS]
howdangerous - Yeah, you're not escaping the love. My OTB (One True Buffy) and the reason I LOL every time we chat. Rock on, mein lovey!
clearlythatsme - ASDFGHJKL-! You got me hooked on the Mentalist! WTF?! And I'm currently without cable! Your Jane is the Jane I use as a standard, period. His chemistry with House, whether it be in Silent Jersey or in the Otherworld (I'll catch up on that thread!) or even normal world, is very in-character and I keep wanting more...I'm a greedy bitch.
losteveryone /
mixedcharges /
nevergotwings - [HUGS TIGHT!] You are an incredibly flexible writer and I wish you the best with your NaNoWriMo project! I'd love to read it when it's done!
a_soul_awake /
brings_to_light -Moose, my dear; it's infallible; I love your characters and the verses/fics you write motivate me to do myself! Hope is witty and Ithuriel has an instant win thanks to your writing and Mike fucking Rowe.
Rest of the cast (Shelley/ Jordan/ Torrid-mun / Xander-mun/ect)- THANK YOU FOR ALL THE SUPPORT AND LOLS AND DON'T STOP! LET'S LIGHT JERSEY UP!
twilightzonerpg manipulatvebtch/
j_salter_olsen - WILSON. Just him in TZ is LOL in of itself. And Jeremy was too good a character to let go, with his chemistry with Alex. I send you kisses to you while at work!
brokenverse cjharknesstw /
tenthdoc - Seriously, you don't deserve half the shit that happens to you. The crack plot, you took it to the next level and WE CONQUERED SWS! FUCK YEAH! Whatever you need, I'm here for you!
lynnagain - Shawn's partner in Torchwood NY, I love how their banter borders on the sarcastic and caring. Plz don't stop.
ashes_ascending /
ashes_ascended -LA FEMME NIKITA! The master demon to my noob Shawn, I love it when they get together. Here's hoping you get better sweetheart!
sixthanimorph - You are a great writer and your help in plotting the Four Horsemen verse is amazing! Ellis and Nick found their surrogate little brother there and as much as they love traumatizing David (breeding partner), I love playing with you!
harvelleiam -JO YOU MAKE ELLIS HAPPY WITHOUT KILLING ZOMBIES ♥ Let's do this again soon!
dial_a_psychic &
det_lassiter - My very first RP partners, I read your threads when I can and I wish you two so much luck~! Hope to see you soon!
judgmentdivine -Your Michael is a wonderful character and one of few who puts House in his place; whether it be Enslaved or not, I never leave a thread disappointed; much love!
theviltwin- I believe Leon owes you a screw XD Much love to you!
didanexperiment- Playing with you is a guaranteed win no matter what the subject Leon and Terrance talk about. [hugs]
And to everyone else I play with but I couldn't mention: THANK YOU SO MUCH!
These people, whether they knew it or not, helped me through some difficult times in life and for that, not only do I write this post but I thank you from the bottom of my heart.