"Begin voice recording.
This is Agent Riley Finn, commanding officer, Sunnydale division of Armed Forces, codex Necro-One. For the record, that's a dumb codename, but far be it from me not to follow protocol.
This is a sealed file. If your access doesn't correspond with "Eyes-Only" clearance, get the hell out of the system, stop reading, or potentially face court martial proceedings.
That said, to the subject at hand.
[heavy sigh]
Hannibal Stone. Former senior tactics officer, under command of Maggie Walsh and Dr. John Angleman. Apparently, somehow Hannibal Stone's file was never closed out, and he wasn't properly reported as a casualty after the Initiative incident. It has come, rather forcefully, to my attention that he was, indeed, a casualty. Stone was turned into a vampire. Reference file Alpha-Alpha-One-Niner for all the salient information regarding vampirism, and how one can contract it.
There's a theory in circulation regarding the force of the subject's personality determining how great an influence that the previous memories and persona can influence the demon driving the vampiric form. I'd like to postulate that career military officers can be among the most dangerous opponents to face.
Their grasp of combat tactics notwithstanding, the trained imperative to never surrender until the completion of a goal is not something that one finds in the typical vampire. They are prone to overconfidence, yes. However, when applying military strategy to one, or many, with the ability to simply disregard most wounds, at least those that are not inflicted by sunlight, religious iconography and wooden weapons, you find yourself with a determined, focussed enemy who simply will not be stopped by conventional means.
Hannibal Stone is discorporated, however, he did this to himself, when seeing the total failure of his plan by myself
and several independant operatives.
For the record, those operatives' identities and bonafides will not be disclosed or discussed, referrant to my file, and the necessity for occasional independant action. Court-martial me if you like for it, just remember what happened the last time that we had a commander in office here who slavishly followed protocol.
Several of Stone's operatives escaped when the ritual he was attempting to perform was interrupted. Those beings have, in all liklihood, reverted to type, and will be easily destroyed over the next few evenings. Dedicated officers under my command have been assigned that particular clean-up duty, after scrubbing the site of Stone's death with a fine-tooth wire brush to remove all evidence of supernormal activity.
As ever, I stand ready to answer any inquiries on this matter personally, typical office number forwarded to my personal communications device. You in Washington call 'em cellphones.
Agent Riley Finn, close report."
Now, that's done. I should call Buffy...see if she got any rest at all. After all, Stone and his goons got in the way of my plans for her birthday...if she's up for it, shopping and dinner tonight, on me.