Jul 20, 2004 21:24
i could drink a case of you
& still be on my feet.
Jul 12, 2004 23:45
sunlight poured through our hidden tent
& as the sweat dripped down your back,
i watched your eyes close.
your eyes were like beautiful demons
& when i asked what you were doing,
you said, "just memorizing some things."
Jul 05, 2004 23:06
we became lost in now
& watched tomorrow slip away.
maria met a boy.
his name is loren.
May 23, 2004 16:54
I. suede blacktop and blizzards
of dandelions line our mornings;
our only option lies beneath
or forgotten evening
II. tornadoes of melodies sing us
to sleep. the remainder of what
we had is given away. rejection
follows your every movement
> > > the beauty of a hurricane
> > > on each tip of your
> > > finger.
Feb 16, 2004 14:12
all in all the clock is slow
six color pictures all in a row
of a marigold.
Jan 16, 2004 15:22
we had school off YESTERDAY & TODAY.
FUCK, i love the snow.
Jan 06, 2004 23:08
i broke my muffler.
my parents hate me for having friends
who live on country roads.
fuck it.
Jan 01, 2004 22:04
the other night; sarah, brian, me, dom, eric & theresa sat at the greenfield baseball field at looked at the stars. i forgot how amazing that was. we were in the country & the sky was so clear. then; dom, sarah, brian & i walked to an old abandoned nursing home & explored. it was such a beautiful night.
i hate watching things come to an end.