Hey folks,
The next page is coming, hold tight. We're thinking about having some new merch ready for MOCCA in April, including maybe
T-shirts (mockup subject to refinement). If you're perhaps interested in this shirt, please answer the following questions below:
1. What size are you? (please note if you are answering in guy's or girl's sizing)
2. If you're a girl, would you buy a shirt in guy sizes?
3. Would you be willing to preorder?
4. What is the most you'd be willing to spend on a GC shirt?
5. We may be able to do some neat things with special packaging--would you be willing to throw down a few dollars extra for that?
6. All things being equal: gold or yellow ink?
You don't need to have a LJ account to reply, I'm just trying to gauge interest to see if this is feasible. Thanks!
Edit: The gold ink would be gold metallic/foil, and the packaging would be a cool kind of custom GC cigar box that you could keep thingies in.