my advice for newly pregnant mamas? SLEEP. sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep. anytime you can? sleep. b/c baby is born..and there is no more sleep. also, YOU AND ERIC SHOULD GO ON LITTLE TRIPS TOGETHER. just you two. b/c also..that's another thing that's v. hard to do once little bb gets here.
and also...DON'T SAY YOU WILL OR WON'T DO ______ when you're a mom/in labor/pregnant. b/c you most certainly will. like when ppl are like I'LL NEVER LET ME KID WATCH THAT. OR EAT THAT. or..I'LL NEVER BE ONE OF THOSE MOMS WHO ___. b/c dude..before you know'll be beating yr kid w/a shoe in walmart.
i promise i'm sleeping. ive been in bed most nights by 9 and taking naps at lunch at school and when i come home.
i LOVE the idea of taking trips. we'll have to do that.
don't worry, i'm pretty forgiving of myself in all avenues; so, i'm sure i wont beat myself up if i don't do x, y, or z, but i'm gonna TRYYYYYY!!!!!!!!
& ilu, too leesa. thanks for being my one of my mama heroes! xoxo
i love that you want to give homebirth a shot! my mom did it w/all four of us so i'm a big supporter of it. also! my lovely cousin hannah is pregnant w/her second baby and is due in may, and she's having a homebirth, too. i know she's had to jump through all kinds of hoops to be able to do it b/c of the illegality of homebirth in illinois, so if you ever have any questions i can hook y'all up!
but more importantly, congratulations!! i'm so excited for you. and praying for you! love love love.
illegality?PLEASE FILL ME IN. I've seriously just started reading up/ researching this; so, I don't know anything about it. I have a friend who has gone through it and she has a midwife that she recommended, but she hasn't said anything about it being ILLEGAL!!!!!!!
it IS completely ridiculous, but it is illegal! i think this website is probably pretty informative but if you just google search "homebirth in illinois" you'll find a ton of stuff.
it'll take a bit of searching but there are midwives out there who are willing to break the law! my cousin hannah found a midwife in champaign who does most of the amish births in the area. go for it, k.
Hey congratulations!! I loved being a pregnant lady but love being a mom a thousand times more. If you ever want to talk endlessly about all thing pregnancy and baby feel free to email me! I love talking about this stuff.
congratulations kelly! i have been away from the computer for the weekend and just read this -- i am THRILLED for you and hope that you document your pregnancy for all of us to read. :) YAY
One word of advice: breastfeed. I know that this info is a little premature, but thats the only word of advice I can give you. Anything you want to know about breastmilk I can tell you....thats what I am studying!!! ;)
Comments 12
also, YOU AND ERIC SHOULD GO ON LITTLE TRIPS TOGETHER. just you two. b/c also..that's another thing that's v. hard to do once little bb gets here.
and also...DON'T SAY YOU WILL OR WON'T DO ______ when you're a mom/in labor/pregnant. b/c you most certainly will. like when ppl are like I'LL NEVER LET ME KID WATCH THAT. OR EAT THAT. or..I'LL NEVER BE ONE OF THOSE MOMS WHO ___. b/c dude..before you know'll be beating yr kid w/a shoe in walmart.
little mama.
i LOVE the idea of taking trips. we'll have to do that.
don't worry, i'm pretty forgiving of myself in all avenues; so, i'm sure i wont beat myself up if i don't do x, y, or z, but i'm gonna TRYYYYYY!!!!!!!!
& ilu, too leesa. thanks for being my one of my mama heroes!
but more importantly, congratulations!! i'm so excited for you. and praying for you!
love love love.
thank you for all the prayers. xoxo
it'll take a bit of searching but there are midwives out there who are willing to break the law! my cousin hannah found a midwife in champaign who does most of the amish births in the area. go for it, k.
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