Apr 21, 2011 03:09
- 07:05:38: good morning!
- 08:26:29: anyone feel like relieving my boredom at work by buying a #tvd bookmark? all proceeds go to ISF! http://tvdcraftcharity.wordpress.com/
- 08:30:14: this is gonna be the longest day ever..
- 08:36:50: i've only been here for 35 minutes and i'm already lonely and bored. lol. how's everyone doing today?
- 09:21:29: shit! i missed the 9am cue to call for nkotbsb contest! :(
- 09:38:28: mmm, strawberry cheese croissant.. these things are so good
- 10:39:10: @ biirdy77 oh no, bought it at a little country store/cafe place on the way to work
- 11:37:02: phew, found stuff to keep occupied this morning
- 12:00:25: lunchtime! what's everyone up to?
- 12:12:58: the chef boyardee pasta cup i brought 4 lunch expired 2 yrs ago.. so now all i have is peas, an apple and milano cookies :(
- 12:31:22: @ DamonKlausLove hi twinnie! kinda lonely so far.. alone in the office and nobody is talkative on twitter.. yours?
- 12:34:08: @ DamonKlausLove :O why??
- 12:36:24: @ DamonKlausLove aww, that stinks :(
- 14:43:09: http://tvdcraftcharity.wordpress.com/ - get a cute, handmade #tvd bookmark or magnet! ALL proceeds go to @ xPaws4aCausex and/or ISF!
- 14:56:10: considering stopping #tvd crafts in the next couple weeks.. i love making, but the interest is so low, not sure its worth continuing :/
- 14:59:00: if i can get a couple orders this week, i will continue it. it's just frustrating promoting and getting ZERO response :(
- 15:00:36: @ ChristenefromLa how about some fix dat magnets?
- 15:05:21: @ ChristenefromLa ok, i'll get started on a few fix dat magnets & bookmarks. showed vaughn the magnet via email awhile back & he approved :)
- 15:13:14: @ ChristenefromLa awesome! i wonder if there's any way to be updated on if they sell, so i'll be able to update it on the site
- 15:20:30: @ TVDTRIVIA children of the damned :)
- 16:02:30: @ edwardanddamon only 2 days til we meet! i actually get out of work at 4:30 on fri!
- 16:06:55: @ edwardanddamon ahh. i was gonna ask hubby if he wants to come too if that's okay. he'll be back in town by 5:40ish
- 16:15:27: @ amunet012 i think i'm free, i'll have to double check. are hubbys invited?
- 16:27:45: holy heck! phone's been quiet all afternoon.. i go out back to do dishes for 5 minutes and come back to all 3 lines ringing! geez
- 16:29:12: k, i'm outta here!!
- 17:22:30: enjoying a strawberry milkshake! i always chew on my drink straws and just now, i wasn't and the straw cracked, wtf?
- 17:24:11: @ I_love_ZachR ugh, i hate going to the dentist. i go tomorrow and i'm afraid.. at least i can't get x-rays done
- 17:39:03: yay, i have the day off tomorrow and my dentist appt isn't til the afternoon which means i can be lazy in the morning! woo hoo!
- 22:57:36: got my body pillow today, it's pretty nice! slept all evening, then got up and had bad bout of evening sickness, ugh!
- 23:06:01: goodnight, sweet dreams!
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