RPG Basics: Things you should know

Nov 24, 2007 17:59

A list of RPG basics you should know before playing here.


Short for "Role-Playing Game"; a game in which the player takes on the persona of a fictional character and has adventures with other characters in a world created by the Game-master, a sort of referee. Can be played with other people, or over the Internet ("Play-by-E-mail" or "Play-by-Post" games; this category also includes games played on IRC or via a chat site)

Not to be confused with computer RPGs, which are a different kettle of fish altogether.

-Definition Taken from Urban Dictionary

All players must role play in third person at ALL TIMES.

Example: 'Draco stood from his chair and walked over to the window." not "I stand from my chair and walk over to the window."

God Modding:

"God Modding" is in essence when someone’s character has the ability to do practically anything without limits or boundaries. And example is when they simply cannot be harmed by any and all means other RP-ers try.

-It can be killing or injuring a character without the player's express permission.
-It can be when they simply can’t be hit and dodge all attacks or anything for this matter aimed at them.
-It can also be using other characters that other people RP with. In other words, if you do not RP as
Legolas, then you cannot have Legolas say anything, or do anything, without the player's express permission.

-Definition Taken from Urban Dictionary

God-modding is NOT allowed.

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