✢ The Player
Player Name: Lauren
Age: 26
AIM / MSN / Y!M: AIM: theangel_cas
E-mail: commievampire -at- yahoo.com
Other Characters: Phil Coulson, Castiel
✢ The Character
Character Name: Kobra Kid (Mikey Way)
Fandom: Danger Days: The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys
Canon Point: Post-"Sing"
Age: 27
Kobra is tall and incredibly lean. He has overgrown dark roots under his bleached blond hair. He keeps his hair messy and wears bright colors. He won't clean up for anything or anyone. A policy that often extends to hygiene, because he's used to living in the desert. He doesn't always smell his freshest. Abilities / Powers: Mikey can shoot a laser gun and he can adapt that to a real gun, though he has much less practice with real guns. He knows Aikido and can hold his own in a bar brawl, as well. He's great with computers. He can hack certain machines and computers with minimal security. (This would include non-encrypted private things on the network.) He also posses the ability to drive motorcycles and manual transmissions in a stunt-like fashion and basic maintenance skills for both. He can play bass guitar, but hasn't had one in a while.
Inventory: Yellow shirt, red jacket, black jeans, belt, boots, holster, laser gun, a hacking device that looks suspiciously like a Nintendo power glove, fingerless biker gloves, spare batteries, and a drawing his brother did of him.
Personality: Mikey's a nice guy. He's generally always been popular in any circle he's hung around. Everyone wants to be his friend, not through some strange popularity game, but because he's fun to be around and he's a good friend. He's quiet, but funny and insightful when he bothers to speak. He's a little bit weird and nerdy and he embraces that. It's a part of him that he's entirely proud of.
He's always followed his brother, Gerard, not staying in his shadow, but walking right beside him. He and Gerard have always been friends in addition to being brothers. They grew up having common friends, despite the three year age difference. Whether they are close because they are so similar or similar because they are so close is up for debate.
Out in the Zones, Ghoul is his best friend. He trusts all of the Killjoys to have his back without fail, but Ghoul is the one he feels closest to other than his brother. Outside of their group, he trusts very little, though there are other runners who he likes and has respect for. His loyalty, however, is 100% to the Killjoys without fail. He would take a laser blast for any of them.
Kobra has a bit of a short fuse. Though he's good natured, some things set him off. Any threat to his friends, all of whom he considers family, instantly sets him off. Any threat to the freedom of others angers him greatly, as well. Personal freedom is something he fights for. It's the reason he's running and he won't stop as long as his freedom is threatened or the freedom of others.
As a result of his issues with personal freedom, he also has a serious issue with authority or anything resembling it. His brother is the only person who can tell him what to do. He doesn't take orders or follow instructions.
He also has issues with doctors and medication. They're a no-go for him. He's had bad experiences with BL/ind's medications and techniques for keeping people down. He doesn't trust any medications or drugs as a result, not even alcohol, though he smokes cigarettes when he can get his hands on them.
History: Mikey grew up with his brother Gerard in New Jersey. Their childhood was filled with colorful comicbooks and trashy B movies. The bright primary colors of his old comics still influence the way he dresses and the colors he likes to see most. Growing up, Mikey and Gerard were very close. They both had their own friends (Mikey moreso), but they often shared friends in the same manner to which their shared comics and VHS tapes. They were a package deal.
As they grew up, Better Living Industries began to grow. By the time Mikey was twelve, vision problems were becoming a thing of the past. BLi promised that Mikey would never have to wear glasses again. They promised so many things more impossible than that. Mikey hasn't needed glasses since he agreed to the procedure.
Once Gerard was out of high school, they moved out together. With the promise of lucrative work and a better school for Mikey to finish out his education at, they moved to Battery City on the west coast. Battery City was devoid of color and personality. It was sterile, like a city-sized hospital where everyone was just waiting to die. That was when the country started to fall apart. Bombings, riots, neighbor shooting neighbow. By the end, they were told that only a few cities remained intact. The rest of the country was nothing but craters and debris. BLi had complete control of their lives, but it was okay, because they had pills for everything and everyone was on at least a few of them.
For a little while, everything was livable. It seemed like they had lucked out. That was until Mikey started to fall in with the wrong crowd. The wrong crowd, however, turned out to be the very right crowd. Mikey stopped taking his BLi pills and suddenly everything started to make sense again. He could feel things far more vibrantly than he had in years, even if the detox sucked. With barely any plan, he managed to get Gerard off of his pills. As soon as they could move, they hightailed it out of Battery City and into the desert Zones around it.
Life in the Zones wasn't easy. They were constantly running, hiding, starving. Then they met Dr. Deathdefying. For a time, he took them in and taught them the skills they needed to survive out in the Zones. This was their chance to start over. They took on new names--Kobra Kid and Party Poison--and started to form the Killjoys along with Jet Star. Their group was never really complete without the addition of Fun Ghoul, who they'd met through Dr. Deathdefying.
Through hope and shear will, the four of them (and their adoptive young girl, Motorbaby) became a force to be reckoned with. They stole and looted what they could from BLi and spread color in the desert, trying to keep the lives of other Zone runners a little brighter and fighting off the tyranical grasp of BLi as it tried to take the runners down or take them back.
When one of BLi's hounds, Korse, caught up with them and took Motorbaby, they drove straight into the heart of the city to save her. In the process, they were all killed. The last thing Mikey remembers is watching his brother get shot in the head at point blank range by Korse's laser gun. He watched his brother's body slide down the wall before getting gunned down himself. It's inevitable. He'll be back. He only hopes Jet and Ghoul got Motobaby to safety after this death. It's not the first and it won't be the last.
First Person Sample:
[Mikey's face is serious, but then he cracks a smile, bright and wide.]
So... I'm not sure who thought leaving soap in my room was subtle. I took a shower. Happy now? I'm gonna find you and fill your room with dirt.
[He knows exactly who did this and he's going to make them squirm. He probably won't really do the dirt thing. Probably.]
Third Person Sample:
Mikey sat in the corner, quietly watching the party. He was enjoying himself. The party was loud and dark and he was just letting it wash over him. It was stark contrast to the bright, quiet desert he was used to and he loved it.
He sat back and laughed at the jokes going around, shaking his head politely at the offers of beer and weed. He wasn't talking much tonight. He was content to listen to stories, never letting his eyes wander from Jet or Poison in the crowd. This many runners together could easily attract company and he was always ready.