i really. do not. have a. life. at all. but that's okay i so don't need one! take that! yeah i'll just sit here and sip on my hot chocolate. oh yeah what now what now
i'm getting really frusterated because i'm having a really hard time coming up with a good 'me' page layout/graphic for /hey. but there's a new layout here so hip hip.
so yesterday when i woke up i stepped on an earring and had to pluck the post out of my foot. that was pleasant. and then i went to driver's ed! 3 hours of NOTHING. so all in all, i had an excellent day! excellent!
last night was fun. i went shopping and bought earings for my mom to get me for christmas haha. i was hyper and was trying to get lindsey and emily's boyfriend to go into fredericks of hollywood and lindsey got pissed and ran away
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ok i'm going back to bed now because i'd rather drown in mucus while i'm asleep than be annoyed by my constant hacking because of it now. g'night/morning! jk!
hey yeah so i have the strangest sleeping habits ever. i came home and i played with my dog and then i fell asleep around 5. and so i just woke up and i flossed my teeth
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