I would like to tell you about one of the strongest people that I know. Someone I love, greatly admire, and feel so blessed to have in my life.
I've heard it said that you meet the most important people in your life when you least expect it. This is certainly true in my case. I was just playing online, looking to connect with other House fans to talk about HL and the show. One of these online "buddies" stood out from the rest. I felt comfortable chatting with her from the start. We started talking in a chatroom with other fans, but soon I found we were chatting on MSN, just the two of us. And talk to turned to other things besides House. Our families, our past, our daily struggles in life. We connected in a way that was much deeper than a mere online aquaintance. Soon we "met" via webcam and then the phone calls started. Finally, in September, 2006 we met face to face while on a trip to Los Angeles with some of our other online friends. When I first saw her in that Houston airport, it was as if I was seeing an old friend. You'd never know this was our first face to face meeting.After this trip to LA with other online aquaintances, we were even closer. MSN, texting, phone calls, and two more face to face meetings at her home in Texas. We are truly BFFs, best friends, colleagues, sisters by choice.
I'm sure you've all seen the ads on TV. Oh yes, you know the ones The old phone company ads or the greeting card ads where they show two dear old friends reconnecting or going out to lunch, laughing, hugging. I used to look at them and think how lucky they were. I have had close friends in the past, but we have always seemed to drift apart. And never as close as the lifelong friends you hear tell about in these ads. I always assumed that was just something I would never get to experience. .I never expected to find someone that I could connect with so closely.But without realizing it, I had found just that. We like alot of the same things, laugh at the same jokes, enjoy the same movies. Our diffences complement each other. We are truly "comfortable" together. We can discuss anything, and give each other support and critiques when nessessary. This is that "lifelong" friendship those ads were so long eluding to. I am indeed grateful , and feel extremely blessed to have this friend in my life.
I mentioned earlier that my BFF was one of the strongest people that I know. She has been through alot in her life, both good and bad, and has always percivered. At present she is facing something that is more difficult than anything she has went through in her life so far. She was just recently diagnosed with bipolar disorder. She is dealing with new meds, new feelings, confusion at not knowing what will happen next. Telling family and friends of the diagnosis. I can't even begin to imagine what that feels like. I do my best to support her and we talk daily. She has shown me what true strength is. It is not loud or mighty or preachy or powerful. It is quiet and steadfast and stumbles on occasion, but always perceveres.
Since my BFF has been diagnosed, I have learned alot about bipolar disorder. Sure, I'd heard of it and even watched Stephen Fry's excellent U.K. documentary on it. (The Secret Life of the Manic Depressive And yes, I have just rewatched it..) But didn't really know that much about it. So I've been reading up on it. The symptoms, the treatments, the message boards for those with bp and their family and close friends. As House fans we both knew about the shows support of NAMI, National Alliance on Mental Illness. Now it has our support as well. It has resourses for those suffering from mental illness and for those supporting them. And for those who want to support others in the community with mental illness. In others words, it needs ALL our support. Below, you will find a link to the NAMI website. If you feel so moved I urge you to click your mouse and show your support, by either a donation, or better still by joining me and becoming a member of this worthy organization.
www.nami.org/ While I'm on the subject of non-profits, let me share something else near and dear to my heart. My BFF and I have started our own non-profit called Ladies Of the House LLC. We are incorporated in the state of Florida and support the efforts of Save the Children.. It would mean alot to both of us if you would visit our web pages and also the STC site as well. Join us in helping children around the globe live safe, healthy lives.
Ladies Of the House Sites:
twitter.com/LadiesOfHousewww.facebook.com/home.php Save the Children Site
www.savethechildren.org/ I was trying to come up with a way to end this post , when an email arrived for me to read. It was a post my BFF has been writing about what she is going through with bp. I am sitting here in tears at the beauty of what she has composed. She is so well versed and amazes me with her writing talents. She inspires me to keep writing and gives me the confidence to do things I might never have even thought to try. I never had a sister and often wondered what that would be like. Now I know.
They say friends are the window to your soul. If that be true then my window must overlook a flower filled meadow with a cool constant breeze .My wish for all who read this is to someday find that window as well. (Thank you Jacky.)