I love looking at vintage photos and ads and have compiled some of the oddest ads I've seen to post here. It is an amazing look into what was seen as acceptable in years past. So without further delay, take a step back into the past.
I don't think I'm going to try this. They call it a 'food drink'. Oh yes, give kids a sugar rush with their milk!!
This must be the sister ad to the 7Up one. But instead of kids, why not start them on soda as babies. "Why won't Junior sleep at night? My he has alot of pent up energy! I know, give him some Coke to help calm him."
I've always loved this old poster. It's from WW1. Gee, I wish I were a man... But she does look good in the uniform. :)
As if soda wasn't bad enough, now we have beer! Just what a nursing mother needs, a few beers to help her and baby sleep. I like how it says they are 'picked up' . Yeah, I guess so. LOL
Asthma cigarettes? Okay, I have asthma,pass me one of those right away!! I like how it says 'For Your Health'. And of course you know they are safe, they are from Dr. Batty!! :)
Now we have babies pushing cigarettes. Trivia: Marlboros were originally geared toward women! I wonder if that tyke grew up to be a cowboy? Hmmm....
The next three are the best of the strange ads I found. See if you agree.
This isn't really an ad, but an actual product from the 1800's. Bayer Heroin. I also saw an ad for cough drops aimed at kids that contained heroin from that era. You could buy it anywhere. Guess they didn't have HMOs back then....
Listen up ladies! Make sure you have some extra Lysol on hand for douching! I cannot believe they actually advocated using Lysol for that. There is actually another ad out there I saw for this as well,but this is the better of the two. But wait there is still one more ad even stranger than this one.
The sanitized tapeworm diet! What were they thinking?! I do love that they are sanitized though. I could not use them if they weren't. LOL And what do you do, just swallow them? All I keep seeing in my mind is that damn tapeworm that House pulled out of that girl's stomach a few seasons ago. Eww!!
I wonder what those in the future will think of some of our ads now? Will they find them as odd as we find these? Just a thought... Hope you enjoyed this little look into the past. :)
(Please click on the ads for bigger versions so you can see them in all their glory.)