First of all, can I just say, this ep wins major points with me just by virtue of giving us shirtless Clark again. So, yeah, excuse me while I just wipe the drool from my face, will you. ;-) The even better part is that I so wasn't expecting it, so what a terrific way to start the ep, heh. And that whole first scene was something, eh? Now that's the heat I thought was missing a little from the 'Cossfire' kiss. Though, admittedly, all the nekkidness could also have something to do with it, heh. Anyway, on to the ep.
Is it just me, or did the Wonder Twins not totally suck---? They were actually not half bad, and though the cheese was out in spades, there were a couple of moments that were actually kinda fun. Who'da thunk, right? I think the actors genuine earnestness in portraying their parts might also have helped the characters come a little bit more alive as opposed to just languishing as bad caricatural cartoons. I particularly loved their 'OMG-We-Just-Totally-Spoke-To-The-Blur' expressions during their scene with Clark.
I felt this ep did a good enough job in interweaving the characters in a Metropolis centric storyline featuring dirty politics and the glorious hammy smarminess of the DA. The actor OTT'd it up and then some and IMO it worked. I honestly feel the show could benefit from doing these sort of storylines every once in a while. Yes, the big mythology stuff is great and that's what we're ultimately here for, but I enjoy seeing our characters faced with, and having to deal with these type of characters and this side of life as well from time to time.
Another thematic undercurrent throughout the ep was the triangle for two. And as much as I am not a fan of it in this incarnation, I did think it was handled rather effectively in this ep. On the whole, in fact, I loved all the Clark/Lois scenes in this one. Some of us, including myself, were a little confused, even a little irritated at Lois' vascilating feelings for the Blur vs. Clark, and I so I was thankful for her thought process being delved in to here. I think what sort of summed it up for me was when she was telling her therapist there at the end how hearing The Blur' voice "stirred something in her" but then she says the clincher - "but my thoughts keep going back to Clark." And I think what made this even more illuninating was the way ED delivered this dialogue - with such love. It was apparent in every movement of her face and inflection of her voice. I also like to think that part of Lois' motivation in standing up there in front of all those people to defend The Blur - had perhaps a little something instinctively to do for her feelings for Clark and the knowledge that he and The Blur were the one and the same. I also tremendously enjoyed their final DP scene together where Lois made good on this realization and planted one on Clark. Forgetting the ensuing catatonia and everything, it was a cute kiss. The whole scene was lovely in fact, whatwith the glasses and the flirting and chemistry. Very nicely done, and very true to what I feel is ultimately their dynamics most appealing strength - the ability to flit in and out of the emotional stuff but still keeping the banter alive. And it's always a joy to see Clark so assertive in his scenes with Lois. Like how at the beginning of the ep, he actively pursued the topic of the kiss and Lois bolting. Also, purely from the POV of his feelings - quite a turnaround from last seasons 'Infamous' where he wanted nothing more than to ignore the topic of what was at hand then - the aborted kiss between him and Lois from 'Bride.'
Clark had a few great moments in this ep - my favorite being his "I am the shield." Goosebumps. I also liked his scene with the Wonder Twins, cheesy as the whole premise and afterschool special vibe was. I admit, I'm a sucker for the whole Supes shebang, the whole thing. Which is why I think I also completey adored the moment where he stopped the twins mid 'powers activate.'
This was a good ep for Lois, on the whole though I'm having a huge disconnect with how easily she just let slip to the therapist about Clark' secret. Also, it didn't take much to dissuade her from her 'Clark-is-really-the-Blur' notion. Thar's a damn shame. But other than this, I can't say there was anything about her this week I didn't enjoy. ED was particularly good in the scenes with the therapist. Oh, and she had a couple of Lol-worthy moments in her "I'll never take you for granted again, I swear" to her computer (how many times have I professed the same to my laptops after theyve crashed and come back, heh) and her OTT disguise in going to see her therapist. I also liked that we got a glimpse of her in reporter!mode in her confrontation scene with the DA. What's with the kiss induced coma though?
Chloe' spying on Clark' cell phone should have me feeling annoyed and angered, but I think my annoyance thresholds with her have maxed out, therefore consequently I am now in a somewhat zen-like state with her. I will say though that there's some serious levels of potentially of crazy brewing in there.
Still didn't feel like enough Clark. And I wouldn't be surprised if he's yet again getting trumped by Lois in the ST totals. I wonder if I should even bother expecting anything different this season? Clearly a pattern has been established. Whether or not it will change in the second half of the season? Is anyones guess. Imagine though how great an ep would be if we got Clark' POV like we did Lois' in her therapist scenes. ::sighs::
Oh, it was nice to see DP!Editor!dude again. I like recurring guest appearances.