Jeannev's Picspam Challenge

Dec 08, 2009 22:31

So, I've gone overlimit - surprise surprise, heh. I edited and I edited but I still had 8-10 extra pics. Except I couldn't quite figure out what was 'extra' and what wasn't, so basically yeah. Here's the final tally. SV, and all that it encpompasses for me:

Clark Kent saves lives - in sometimes, more than just the obvious way.

As many liberties as SV has often taken with the mythos, I admit I still geek out when I see stuff like this

The show doesn't always do action well, ironically, considering its genre, but there are certain sequences that stick in ones mind.

And in fact, to give credit where credit is due, SV sometimes gets things just right.

SV also excels in some pretty amazing closing montages

When I think SV, I also think of its penchant for special guest stars / characters - and though they aren't always on song, there have been several memorable ones over the years too from Ironside, Hauer, BAG, to my favorite McKean as Perry.

Going back to the thread of things not always on song, just like SV can sometimes get certain things exactly right, so too can it make things go horribly wrong sometimes.

Angst is a staple on this show. And yet there are certain moments where this show does a scene and its context perfect justice and lo and behold - we have angst done well and compellingly.

And it can always be counted on to bring to display some sizzling, sometimes even surprising chemistry.

SV is a show of paradoxes. While I think angst when I think certain sequences, I also immediately think of those moments of hilarity - those genuinely side splitting, perhaps cheesy, but always funny scenes that just instantly put a smile to ones face.

Ofcourse, then there are those elements that will forever remain associated with SV, for me - the Clex, for one. Whether the chill inducing, goosebump-y scenes, the us-against-the-world Clex, or final stages Clex.

And Family. Sometimes screwed up, sometimes in turmoil, sometimes at peace, sometimes disturbing, sometimes fiercely protective - but almost always the element that shows our characters at their most vulnerable.

Above all though, I think SV is the land of missed opportunities.

P.S. If the pics don't show up or show up wonky---I dunno. I got nothin. :-( I am rather lj challenged, so I suppose chalk it down to that---

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