Now, that is how you do a muthereffin finale! I am so pleased and so glad to see that TPTB actually learnt from their 'Doomsday' debacle last year - that you don't want fans going in to hiatus upset and wary, you want them going in to it excited. This ep hit so many right notes and fired on so many cylinders, I can definitely say I look forward to S10. And that should be the whole point, right?
Amongst the many awesome stuff this ep pulled off, some of which like Lois discovering the secret I had only wished for, but never dared to dream for, the most amazing aspect, for me, was Clark' characterization. In so many ways, this ep was like a love letter to Clark, and you know the best part about it? Still, all the rest of the characters had their moments to shine too. Which just goes to show that if the writers realize that if you do right by Clark, by placing him as the central focal point, and showing him the respect he deserves, then chances are that effect will trickle down to the rest of the characters as well. It's not that difficult an equation.
There is just no two ways about it - Clark was Supes in this ep. And was TW on his A-game, or what?! There are so many things I absolutely loved about Clark, but the emotion of actual pride that I was able to derive from his scenes? That, as a Clark fan was the most rewarding aspect of this finale. Rewarding because it finally validated, and validated so gloriously, moreover, Clark' POV. Not only by way of the Kandorians, but also his team. And yes, they were, quite literally, his team here. My utmost favorite scene of the entire ep was actually that League scene at the WT, and I'll gush about it later, but for now, as far as it relates to Clark, it was beyond gratifying to see him finally be allowed to assume a leadership role - not just indicated by Chloe' stance, "we're not going to take any sort of decision until he's with us", but also in his own stance and words. Again, Clark had so many great lines throughout the ep, but a couple of the ones I loved most from this scene were "I don't want to see them die any more than I want to lose any of you" and "you have to work together to be the team I know you can be." While the former yet again reinforces Clark' self-assured POV, the latter is almost poignant, in that who better than Clark to know the disastrous consequences of lack of team work, or worse, team work gone wrong. Clark' ultimate victory though, of course was exposing Zod' reality to the Kandorians and having them willingly accept their next plane of being. Some might call the ripping off the arm bands and "take us home" to be heavy handed imagery and dialogue, but I would argue that so what? Perhaps it was, but damn, if we didn't positively need it. This is a character whose actions are routinely called in to quetions by others, who rarely gets any POV, and is often sacrificed at the alter of others or 'ships. I say it was about time we had something like this for Clark, where wholeheartedly his affirmations and convictions were seen through. I loved it. That Clark chose to make the ultimate sacrifice there at the end wasn't surprising to me at all. I was expecting it the moment I saw Zod take out the blue!k dagger. "You already destroyed one home, I won't let you destroy another" - doesn't that say it all.
There was a certain beauty to that final Clark / Zod fight, inspite all the excessive blood and slo-mo. Chalk it up to the rain, maybe? Heh. But whatever it was, I felt TW and CB were marvelous in their scenes together, and the final fight was no exception. Though a part of me is still disappointed that we couldn't have Zod too, turn to Clark' side, I still thoroughly enjoyed him in the ep. I think a lot of that has to do with the fact that I've actually really liked CB' portryal, pretty much all through. The whole thing has felt a little OTT, but I've kinda liked that. Here too, there are just certain things CB did in his expressions for the character, that worked - like his voice when he asks "do you really think there's redemption for what I've done" and the quick flicker of doubt when he says "this planet will be ours." All in all, for a one season villain, for me, Zod was always more palatable than last seasons Davis, and this finale just further proved why.
Clois was written almost exactly as how I would have liked in this ep, and I cannot tell you how relieved I am that the writers chose this path, rather than the one I was dreading. Again, TW and ED brought their absolute finest to the table in their scenes together. In their loft scene, we actually got a ton of POV from Clark, and this, in particular stood out to me, "When I went away, I felt so lost. When I came back, you were waiting for me. You jumped off your seat and threw your arms around me---the way your eyes sparkled and you smiled---" I love that this moment from 'Metallo' which is personally one of my favorite Clois moments, made such an impression on Clark. I love that one of the reasons Clark apparently loves the relationship is one of the same reasons a Clark fan like mysel appreciates it too - the unbridled joyous aspect of it. That Lois is the one person Clark has often been able to completely be at peace with, and free with, while still retaining that sense of spark - and that she reciprocates that. I also loved that we had Lois tell Clark just how much importance he has in her life. It was due.
But of course, the big thing that happened was Lois discovering the Blur' identity, and I hapened to really like how it came on almost as clues of confirmation, one after the other, for her. Firstly, she's suspicious straight off the bat when meeting the "blur", as she should be. She defends Clark, and moreover, the scene wasn't played as Lois swoony or romantic over the blur at all. The pictures on Clark' computer were the second hint, and then the journal, which probably seemed as an all-but confirmation there for a minute - and you could tell, in the way Lois asked Clark to tell her if he was hiding anything, there was a real need in her "c'mon." And just when it seems like the tide is turning again, Clark says, "I'll be watching over you" and Lois' expression is one of confusion again. For this piece of dialogue is a direct call back to what Clark as the Blur has already said to Lois before, not just once but twice in both 'Doomsday' and 'Charade.' Just when Lois' confusion is at its peak, it's her very intimacy with Clark itself, and none other than Clark himself, actually, that gives her that absolute final confirmation. First, it's the touch on the shoulder, and then the kiss. That this was Clark' way of coming clean with her and Lois' joyous, 'Clark' thereafter, were my favorite parts about the whole thing. The kiss was a bit too dark, as it had to be I suppose, but there was such need, want, and moreover love in it that I can forgive that.
One of the great things about this ep was its use of the guest characters. They were cameos, relevant to the story, respectful of the main character and all the while doing themselves justce too. This is why I loved that WT scene so very much. It was actually great to see these characters have differing POV' on the matter - that felt natural to me, and it was nice touch to add in there. Of course they wouldn't all agree, these are individuals not just bringing their own unique powers to the table but also their own unique perspectives. It's how they come to resolve those differences and formulate a plan to act together is what makes them great. I loved that they realized the importance of working together and being strong as a team, and again, perhaps to some it may come off as OTT that they reciprocated Clark' "it was my honor" moment, but I loved it, unabashadly so.
Truth be told, and this is in such striking contrast to how I felt about Oliver last season finale, but lo and behold - I atually felt for him in his final scene. Did they just kill of GA? Because that's what it looked like. I can't say I'd be broken up if Oliver isn't around next season but I certainly do not want the character to die. Coming back to this ep, I liked the honest conversation he had with Clark about Lois. And moreover I liked his no-nonsense approach throughout the ep actually - he had his plans, and he went aboit executing them, as best he could with the resources at hand. But still retaining his sense of humor - I'll admit, I LOL'd at his "no, that's how you win a bowling tournament, tweety."
Chloe started of annoying me with her whole "ultimate sacrifice" spiel to Clark once again, but she did better as the ep went on. In fact, I actually found her shock at Clark having accepted her suggestion, realistc. Putting an idea out there and having the person actually realize it are two separate things. No matter the anticipation, expectaion, one is never really prepared for the worst, are they. Chlollie, unfortunately still feels tacked on to me, and the ILY' were a tad ridiculois, but it's only a minor quibble, in the larger scheme of things.
Tess, crazycakes Tess. How I loved her beatdown on Zod. Her fearlessness, while of course coming with its set of repurcussions, is nevertheless, so entertaining to watch. And she is so not dead, what with the little glimpse of Granny Goodness we saw, and the mention by Oliver of "these aren't Kandorians." I think we're looking at a 'rehabilitated' Tess next season, and Apokolips, Darkseid? Here we come.
How can I not mention that wonderfully chessy, yet ridiculously satisfying teaser! The kind of stuff, as a long time Superman fan, you thrive on. It was terrific. Right from Perry as E-in-C, Lois as hotshot reporter, Clark with his glasses, the mention of Olsen, Lex back - front and center in their lives, the hammy acting by the dude who said "it's headed straight for the DP"and of course the blink-and-you-miss-it glimpse of Supes flying in his suit - Epic. And that Martha gave him the suit? Cherry, I tell ya, cherry.
I'll be honest, I think this was the best finale they've done since 'Commencement', for me. And what a surprise, that its come at the end of a season, that aside from some incredible highs, I've mostly been 'meh' on.