I get to registration and YAY! all my tickets are there. For those of you that don’t know, my tickets hadn’t arrived yet so my mom called creation. We found out that I wasn’t even in the computer. But obviously it all got fixed, we got them the info they needed and everything was held at the door. Now considering that this was my first convention ever, it’s expected to get a little lost on some things, I missed the meet-n-greet with Gabriel Tigerman. I swear they need to post something at registration for us VIP people lol. No worries though, I didn’t miss anyone else’s. I did however, almost not get my photo op with Gabriel and Charles Malik Whitfield. I honestly don’t know how that happened, but what I can tell you is that the photographer (Chris) whipped out his cell, started texting while walking out the door. Chris came back and told me to come back at a specific time and I could get it (thanks Chris, Malik, and Gabe) taken. During the photo op Charles told me he liked my Got Salt? it does a body good shirt *insert giddy grin here* I thanked and hugged both guys (including Chris) for doing so, considering they didn’t have to. During Gabe’s panel he talked about how he came across a slash fic of Andy and Ash while at his mom’s house, how Andy and Ash should have had a spin off, his dancing skills (or lack there of), what he would do if he had Andy’s powers and more. At one point I even walked past Genevieve Cortese, almost brushing shoulders. I did do the meet-n-greet with Malik, however I don’t remember much other than he’s extremely kind and funny. Oh, and he kept chewing a cinnamon smelling gum that you could smell a mile away (it was driving one fan nuts and she even let him know during his panel. He offered to get her some too) lol. During Malik’s panel he talked about his thoughts on Henriksen’s death, handed out t-shirts, answered a phone call and had us yell hello, and more. During the autographs I somehow got 1st (for all but 1 the whole weekend) in line. The first person was Gabriel. He had a hell of a time getting any of the sharpies to write. He was all “Figures it would happen to the first person!” I told him to try the back of the poster. I now have a couple of silver squiggles on it lol. He even asked me how his auto looked, if I could read it. I told him that I didn’t know and he told me that he’d go over it one last time just to make sure. It’s now Malik’s turn. I tell him that because of it being my first con and that everything is sinking in I couldn’t remember if I had thanked him for the compliment on my shirt (and then thanked him). He just told me that it’s all good, we’re all here or a good time and asked if I would be at the Karaoke night. I of course answered yes. The karaoke night, OH MY GOD! You had to have been there. It was awesome, 2 ½ hrs of awesome! Richard Speight Jr. made his first arrival for the weekend. Malik and Gabe were there as well. If you think that you’ll be sitting in a seat the whole time, WRONG! Richard had everyone come and stand by the stage. He even told us we could bring drinks up (and to feel free to buy any of guys one too). But I wasn’t going to leave, no way was I going to miss a single second ha-ha (I stood the whole 2 ½ hrs). A few times during the night Richard and Malik walked the stage, putting the mic through the crowd (Malik brought it up to me). Gabe even sang his own song, don’t know if it had anything to do with the few drinks he already had in him or not but it was funny. The last song was Eye Of The Tiger, which a bunch of us (including myself) got on stage to sing with Richard and Gabe (Malik had to go). It was a great ending to a great day.