Chillin at Kevins and probally going to shit insome more bags and burn them on some doorsteps. And Tasha if you read this i'm soo sorry I havent called you i was grounded and got my phone taken away. Dont be mad, please.
This has been the best night I have had in a long time. I've been just sitting here talking to Tasha and chiefing with Kevin and Tasha has made me so happy. Man o man she is the best person alive. I honestly love her. Enough of that, umm man that's all I got so later
Just got back from church. Man o man it was exciting. You shouldve seen it. Yea right, you beleive that bullshit, man your dumber than I thought. Fuck Church. Actually I just got done writing some new songs on my good ol' bass. Pretty fuckin sweet if you ask me. Man I need to find some people to jam with so if you know any one lemme know please.
Today has'nt been half bad. The FAG neighbor came through with some magical mushrooms and lemme tell ya, man there good. I guess there are some cool gay people. Nevermind I take that back he is pretty stupid. Well I'd say thats enough of him and time to put on The Wall, man you gotta love Pink Floyd. Later.
Well today just took a good change. The gay guy came through and because of him I am going to be loving life. My day will become rich and full light and images. I know what you sick motherfuckers are thinking, and I am.
Well since I have got this cute little thing called the internet I have now regained touch with many lost commpanions and some friends. This makes me wonder?
Well you see the only reason im making this journal is some person told me they were going to make me one but I decided to take that action into my own hands.