Oh, Life

Jul 01, 2008 20:35

Well. Lots of things going on since I am now back from teh cruise.


Firstly, my damn camera broke on the cruise. It's now spazzing whenever I try to turn it on, and then it tells me to turn it off and turn it on again, and I do and it just does it again. I looked online, and it said that if turning it off for 30 seconds doesnt work, then i have to take it into the sony shop land place to fix it =_=... boo.

Secondly, I left my scetchbook on the plane. not that there was anything REALLY valuable in there, like when I left my friggin journal on the plane back from friggin Japan... but I had some drawings in there that I really liked that were good for me and took a lot of time... one of Luffy and Chopper, one of Luffy and Sanji, and one of Luffy and Nami (note how I like drawing Luffy. Iguess it's cuz you never have to work too hard on his expression XD). They were all really cute too! especially the Luffy/Sanji one... Sanji's trying to walk with two trays and Luffy is hanging on him (literally -- both of his feet are off the ground) and he's reaching into the food and is all like ooo Sanji whats that? and Sanji's like ERK! D8

so I'm kinda bummed about that.

WE HAVE ROCK BAND AND A PS3 FINALLY. I've been rocking non-stop for like, the past 24 hours (not really, I've just played a lot). I can do any song on guitar on medium and one on hard. I think. < _< I might've actually failed it though... I can't remember *shrugs* oh well. I cannot wait to get all the games I've always wanted to play but never got the chance to, like the FF games and... uh... well, mainly the FF games XD. and any other cool looking games I happen across XD. My sister is actually pretty good on drums, she can do like, 4 songs on medium and she had never played before a week ago, and she's 11. I can barely play drums on easy...

I LOVE MY CAT. she is back from the boarders.

Hiyori mask is going well. it's really hard to make the damn thing smooth and symmetrical... = 3=...

I need to go buy some plaster and shit to make the molds.

Once I finish the mask and my kunai for Larxene, I'm going to post a tutorial and also start selling them. I'm thinking 8 per kunai and like, 30 for the mask both sound appropriate. and once I've done that I'll also make some Ichigo masks, just cuz those will sell better, along with some Arrancar masks like Grimmjows and maybe even Ulquiorra's, but his would be harder cuz it's so big... < _<

Need to go buy some vinyl/pleather for my Orgy cosplays (Larxene AND Zexion... what was I thinking? oh yeah. I wanna do one no one ever does well and I also wanna participate in yaoi poses/not be the only girl all the time)

I would just double up and only make one coat, but they fit differently for the two characters... < _< differently ENOUGH, anyways... (why must I be such a cosplay perfectionist in theory and then in execution take stupid shortcuts that always seem to screw me over??)

No idea when I'm even going to do all this. I'm leaving for camp in a week and a half and won't be back for 5 weeks and then I'm off to college 5 days after getting back from camp.

I've decided that my roommate is going to hate me because of my weird tendencies, inconsistent hours, messiness, general disregard for other people's pet peevs, and insistence on rules that I'm going to make when I first meet them, such as NO BOYFRIENDS SLEEPING OVER. EVER. NO SEX IN THE ROOM. EVER. and stuff like that. hopefully my roommate will be nice and quiet and non-promiscuous. even better, she will like anime. but I'm not getting my hopes up, as they will inevitably be crushed.

Finally got my work schedule for my 2 week long job lifeguarding XD

here's to the next week and a half turning out nicely!

cosplay, busy, orgy xiii, life

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