200. My middle name is: Clair [ :( bah. no me gusta ]
199. I was born on: the twenty-fifth of November, 1988
198. I am a: dirty lil bitch
197. My cell phone company: T-mobile. blah
196. My eye color is: blue-ish
195. My shoe size is: hmm. 9-ish
194. My ring size is: pi r squared
193. My height is: 5'6" ?
192. I am allergic to: kissing, lol. and pennecilin
191. I was born in: Buffalo
190. I live in: Winsted
189. The last book I read: ew. reading Hamlet, but thats not a book really
188. My bed is: Is amazing for sleeping. It's hard and I hate crack
187. One thing I know for sure about the opposite sex: some of them have really good taste in women.
186. I am glad I'm my sex because: hehehe :)
179. My favorite Holiday is: ugh. I don't know :( labor day?
178. The perfect kiss is: not while I'm drunk.
177. The last three cd's I bought are: god, I don't remember the last 3 I 'bought' I got some for presents though.
176. Last song that made me cry was: hmm. maybe the camel toe song, but that because Jessica sang it really funnily
172. My most treasured possession(s) is(are): My computer, because it has a lot of neat crap on it. Everything in my file cabinet. My sanity (or lack there of)
170. What did you do last night: Giggled at dirty texts
167. My skin's reaction to the sun is (tan/burn): burn. or no reaction at all.
:::::I Do (YES)/Do Not (NO) Believe In:::::
143. Santa? no
142. Love at first sight? that's only if you look back on it when your 80 and things worked out. but.. no.
141. Luck? chance
140. Fate? meh, your gonna get screwed either way
139. God? I dunno, I'm pretty resentful
138. Aliens? its possible
137. Heaven? I hope its as good of a sight while looking at it from a few miles below
136. Hell? too hot
135. Ghosts? syre
134. Horoscopes? not really.
135. Soulmates? I guess.
:::::Which is Better?:::::
129. Hugs or Kisses? a healthy combination
128. Drunk or High: neither
127. Phone or Online: online, lol.
126. Red heads or Black hair: LOL. no thanx
125. Blondes or Brunettes: hmm. brunettes. most blondes have greasy hair
124. Hot or cold: bah
123. Summer or winter: now, summer
122. Coffee or tea: neither
121. Chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate
120. Night or Day: Night
119. Oranges or Apples: well. I'm pretty picky about apples. and... only Clementines, not oranges
118. Curly or Straight hair: straight
:::::Here's What I Think About:::::
116. Abortion: if that's what you want
115. Backstabbers: ouch
114. Parents: that's gotta suck
110. School: ugh. don't even get me started
::::Last time I:::
103. Kissed someone: Friday :|
102. Last time I hugged someone: Friday
101. Seen someone I haven't seen in a while: 2 Fridays ago
99. Grew: LOL. um..no se
90. Who's the ditziest person I know: umm. BARB BORELL!
89. Who makes you laugh the most: Erica, Annie, Jessica, my family. the TV
88. Sport: moto-something
87. One thing I'm mad about right now is: I just don't like thinking about the future.
83. The last movie I saw in the theater was: Big Momma's House 2 :| go die.
82. The thing I don't understand is: ...some people just don't think at all! or they have no... personality or.. bah. i understand nothing
80. The most unsatisfactory answer I've ever received: 'I like you more than a friend too'
79. The one thing I love about the opposite sex is: They do all the dirty work
76. This summer I am: gonna fucking live it up. OR ELSE.
75. Something I will really miss when I leave home is: security
74. The thing that I'm looking forward to the most: SATURDAY
73. Tomorrow: ugh. the same evil routine.
72. Today: I have to go get my hair cut, I fkn hate that.
71. Next Summer: as in the summer of 07' ? fuck. I dunno. thats gross to think about
70. Next Week: damn. too far ahead. shut up.
67. People call me: Forrest, Forrest Gump
62. The person who knows the most about me is: Erica
61. The person that can read me the best is: Erica
60. The most difficult thing to do is: keep quiet
59. I have gotten a speeding ticket: lol. no
58. Something I hate that ppl do: eat really sloppily or constantly whine
57. Thing you love the most: LOVE.
53. The one person who can't hide things from me: everyone can hide things from me
51. Right now I am talking to: Erica
47. I have these pets: half-dead dog
45. The worst sound in the world: when you accidentaly grind your teeth together and then the sound keeps replaying in your head
44. The person that makes me cry the most is: hmm. myself
35. Florida or hawaii: I don't honestly know. prolly Hawaii since its farther from Meghann
33. My favorite piece of clothing is: socks
32. My favorite sport is: meh
30. Last time I cried: I don't really know?
28. The school I go to is: HLWW
27. Last person I got mad at: my mom
26. My worst drinking experience was: LOL. mostly all of them.
22. The all-time best movie is: fuuuck. I dunno
21. The all-time best thing in the world is: candy. and spooning
19. The most annoying thing ever is: boringness
18. The most annoying person you know is: ooo. Tiffany Drusch or Beth Karels
16. The movies I have cried at are: damn. I really couldnt tell you, Ive cried at a lot
15. Closest friends Name: Erica
14. TV show you watching: none
13. Favorite web site: um. no se. LJ myspace. noo.. i hate myspace
12. I want to be: worry-less
11. The worst pain I was ever in was: god. uh. physical? probably when I cut open my knee or broke my ankle.
10. My favorite phrase: fuckin' a.
9. My room has: really ugly carpet, and spider webs
8. My favorite celebrity is: tina,conan
5. My weakness is: cuteness
4. What turns me on is: KD lang. Senora. puss filled wounds
3. Who broke your heart: no one really
2. I filled out 200 questions because: I like to kill time.
1. What do you regret most: ew. drinking.