(This started as a reply to a post ->>>
http://twisted-toy.livejournal.com/118490.html <<<- but turned into a full length rant!)
It's an utter crock of S#!T. I'm a current victim of the Job Shops every greatness of crapness and unhelpful, bunggling of claims!
Why does it seem to punish the people who want to improve themselves, Students! Uni students have to spread what little cash they get through, rent, bills, food, living costs, clothes, Uni materials, etc, etc. and get NO OUNCE of support from "The Government and their Joke Shop!" yet, these stupid rules you speak of, slave labour or ELSE! Why is it these don't seem to apply to the endless leechers, Chavs who waste their cash on Lambert n Bulter and shitty plastic panels for a shed of a "street racer" car! Not to mention the single mum Chavettes!!! Cheap rent/house, tax benefits, single mum benefits, child care benefits, christ even free f'king milk!!! (I personally know of one who's combined benefits we're around £1,000 a month! - I've only EVER had ONE job top that kind of wages and it was a heavy/industrial labour job in a dangerous factory!!!)
Meanwhile, the student populous have to scrape by on pennies, having the occasional luxury to splash out for beans on toast at sunday lunch! YET, get no help for trying to better themselves with a FULL education, which in the long run will "Hopefully" provide job opportunities so we would never have to claim money from the system.
Even though, after all our efforts in studying, learning and expanding our knowledge, we finally fight our way through to a job which we've planned on and worked for over 4 years or more ONLY to have the TAX MAN remove a large chunk of OUR hard earned and well deserved wages.
Yup, that's right, to filter down through the system, not paying for our next generation of students and willing learners... NO!... it sinks deeper than that and ends up at the bottom of the genepool with the bottom feeders as previously mentioned! The Dole spongers and Chav populous!!!!
Is it me, or is there something wrong with this picture????