Дамы-охотницы из Тэймутского часослова XIV века
Тэймутский часослов. Англия. Вторая четверть XIV века. Британская библиотека / Yates Thompson 13, f. 68v. Lady shooting. Detail of a bas-de-page scene of a lady shooting an arrow at a rabbit. Book of Hours, Use of Sarum ('The Taymouth Hours'). England, S. E.? (London?). 2nd quarter of the 14th century. Language Latin and French. Script Gothic. Dimensions in mm 170 x 115 (100 x 70). Parchment codex. The British Library.
Source Из серии "
расскажи историю по картинкам" - дамская охота из из Тэймутского часослова (Книги часов), изготвленного во второй четверти XIV века в Англии, возможно в Лондоне.
Yates Thompson 13, f. 68. Lady and hare. Bas-de-page scene of a lady with a bow and arrow, and a hare, with a caption beneath reading, 'Cy comence jeu de dames'. Book of Hours, Use of Sarum ('The Taymouth Hours'). England, S. E.? (London?). 2nd quarter of the 14th century. The British Library.
Source. По клику - целый лист
Yates Thompson 13, f. 69v. Lady hunting. Detail of a bas-de-page scene of a lady beating bushes for rabbits.
Yates Thompson 13, f. 70. Lady setting a trap. Bas-de-page scene of a lady setting a trap for catching a hare. По клику, здесь и далее - целый лист
Yates Thompson 13, f. 70v. Lady hunting. Bas-de-page scene of a lady sending a hound into a rabbit warren in order to flush out rabbits.
Yates Thompson 13, f. 71. Lady with a hound and hare. Bas-de-page scene of a lady feeding the entrails of a slaughtered rabbit to her hound.
Yates Thompson 13, f. 71. The Visitation and Lady with a hound and hare. Description:Miniature of the Visitation, with a bas-de-page scene of a lady feeding the entrails of a slaughtered rabbit to her hound. Origin: England, S. E.? (London?).
Source 8.
Yates Thompson 13, f. 71v. Lady with two hares. Bas-de-page scene with a lady hog-tying two hares.
Yates Thompson 13, f. 72. Lady with slaughtered hares, and with hounds. Bas-de-page scene of a lady walking towards a structure, with slaughtered hares on a stick in one hand, and leading two hounds from a leash in the other.
Yates Thompson 13, f. 72v. Lady hawking. Bas-de-page scene of a lady hawking by a golden fountain, beating a gong to frighten two ducks.
Yates Thompson 13, f. 73. Lady hawking. Bas-de-page scene of a lady hawking by a stream, releasing her hawk to fly at a duck.
Yates Thompson 13, f. 73v. Lady hawking. Bas-de-page scene of a lady hawking observing her hawk bringing down a duck.
Yates Thompson 13, f. 74. Lady hawking. Bas-de-page scene of a lady hawking, bringing in her hawk with a feathered lure, while a rabbit flees to the left.
Yates Thompson 13, f. 74v. Lady hawking. Bas-de-page scene of a lady hawking, carrying a dead duck in one hand and her hawk in the other.
Yates Thompson 13, f. 75. Lady hawking. Bas-de-page scene of a lady hawking, perching her hawk.
Yates Thompson 13, f. 75v. Lady hawking. Bas-de-page scene of a lady hawking, bringing her hawk to another lady.
Yates Thompson 13, f. 76. Hunting. Bas-de-page scene of a huntsman kneeling before the entrance to a castle to inform the nobles within that game has been sighted.
Коленопреклоненный егерь перед входом в замок сообщает его вельможным обитателям важную информацию.
Yates Thompson 13, f. 76v. Ladies hunting. Bas-de-page scene of two ladies riding out of a castle gate, followed by another horse.
Yates Thompson 13, f. 77. Ladies hunting. Bas-de-page scene of two hunting ladies dismounted ; one holds her horse whilst the other carries a boar spear.
Yates Thompson 13, f. 77v. Ladies hunting. Bas-de-page scene of a hunting lady, piercing a boar in the throat with her spear. Book of Hours, Use of Sarum ('The Taymouth Hours'). England, S. E.? (London?). 2nd quarter of the 14th century. The British Library.
Для сравнения: аналогичная сцена из другой рукописи - юридической - плюс-минус того же времени, только созданной в Южной Франции:
Фрагмент листа. Около 1300-1340 годов. "Смитфилдские декреталии". Декреталии Григория IX. Составитель Раймунд Пеньяфортский. Рукопись включает
общепринятые глоссы Бернарда Пармского (Бернардо ди Ботоне), созданные в 1241-1266 гг. Британская библиотека. Фрагмент одной страницы из 628 (314 листов) из "
Смитфилдских декреталий", из одной рукописи из около 675 сохранившихся списков Декреталий Григория IX / Royal 10 E IV, f. 45v. Woman repelling a boar. C 1300-c 1340. Origin: Southern France (probably Toulouse). The "Smithfield Decretals". The Decretals of Gregory IX, edited by Raymund of Penyafort (or Peñafort); with the glossa ordinaria of Bernard of Parma in the margin. The British Library.
Source Далее опять Тэймутский часослов.
Тэймутский часослов. Англия. Вторая четверть XIV века. Британская библиотека / Yates Thompson 13, f. 78. Ladies hunting. Bas-de-page scene of a hunting lady blowing the mort, carrying a boar’s head on her spear. Book of Hours, Use of Sarum ('The Taymouth Hours'). England, S. E.? (London?). 2nd quarter of the 14th century. Language Latin and French. Script Gothic. Dimensions in mm 170 x 115 (100 x 70). Parchment codex. The British Library.
Source Эпизод охоты, в котором дама одной рукой несет на копье голову кабана, а второй рукой "blowing the mort", что, видимо, значит: трубит опущенным вниз рогом специальный сигнал, извещающий, что животное убито.
Yates Thompson 13, f. 78v. Ladies hunting. Bas-de-page scene of a hunting lady whipping her horse, urging it onwards.
Yates Thompson 13, f. 79. Ladies hunting. Bas-de-page scene of a hunting lady mounted, stringing her bow as she rides.
Yates Thompson 13, f. 79v. Ladies hunting. Bas-de-page scene of a hunting lady shooting an arrow from horseback.
Yates Thompson 13, f. 80. Ladies hunting. Bas-de-page scene of a stag rearing on its hind legs, having been just shot through the throat by a hunting lady.
Yates Thompson 13, f. 80v. Ladies hunting. Bas-de-page scene of a kneeling lady in the middle of a hunt, with two hounds on a leash and a bow in her hand.
Yates Thompson 13, f. 81. Ladies hunting. Bas-de-page scene of a grazing stag (the prey of a hunting lady).
Yates Thompson 13, f. 81v. Ladies hunting. Bas-de-page scene of a kneeling lady in the middle of a hunt, having just shot an arrow towards her quarry, a stag.
Yates Thompson 13, f. 82. Ladies hunting. Bas-de-page scene of a fleeing stag (the prey of a hunting lady).
Yates Thompson 13, f. 82v. Ladies hunting. Bas-de-page scene of a hunting lady holding back one of her hounds.
Yates Thompson 13, f. 83. Ladies hunting. Bas-de-page scene of a hound leaping on a downed stag (during a lady’s hunt).
Yates Thompson 13, f. 83v. Ladies hunting. Detail of a bas-de-page scene of three ladies cutting up a stag they have hunted, whilst another lady blows the mort.
Три дамы разделывают оленя. Четвертая леди трубит об удачной охоте. На этом история про женскую охоту заканчивается. А под картинкой - рожицы.
The British Library: Detailed record for Yates Thompson 13 Тэймутский часослов ранее:
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